Piranha Bytes - Hot or Not

Aw man, English title but all in German! What did they say??

I'll take ELEX 2 over HD'ed Gothic.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Elex 2 is probably most my anticipated game after Cyberpunk. I wish PB would hurry up and release some information about it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Elex impressed me. I felt Risen despite a different setting felt like Gothic in the Caribbean. Elex manages to capture most of the great features of earlier PB games, but the setting feels fresh. And Jax doesn't feel like a carbon copy of the Gothic protagonist.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
The next big thing is autochess. Might not be as huge as some aticipate, but will draw in a decent portion of the audience (not me, I'm kinda thinking about it as mushrooms autoaim simulator).

PB pushed designs forward in the past but due to the story about G3, most of openworlds today aren't save anywhere nor without any loadscreens.
Can PB redefine designs again, but this time without a broken release? I'm sure they can. The question is only do they dare to. :)
Apr 12, 2009
I'm another that will be onboard for another foray into the Elex universe. Action-y games aren't the tops for me, but Elex more than proved itself worthy from the moment I started to the very end.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I'm another that will be onboard for another foray into the Elex universe. Action-y games aren't the tops for me, but Elex more than proved itself worthy from the moment I started to the very end.

Agreed. I've got a soft spot for any RPG that actually starts you off as a weakling. I know Chien is fond of saying that players want to feel mighty and empowered, and there's probably some truth to that, but I hate it when you're like that from the start of an RPG. Power should be earned. PB has always nailed this much better than most other developers, but they also take a lot of flak for it because many players don't really get the notion of running away from danger.
Dec 20, 2010
Elex was the best game of PB since Gothic 2 IMHO. I'm eagerly waiting for the announcement of the second game. But I wouldn't say no to remasters. :D
Oct 30, 2006
Agreed. I've got a soft spot for any RPG that actually starts you off as a weakling. I know Chien is fond of saying that players want to feel mighty and empowered, and there's probably some truth to that, but I hate it when you're like that from the start of an RPG. Power should be earned. PB has always nailed this much better than most other developers, but they also take a lot of flak for it because many players don't really get the notion of running away from danger.

Chien is a bot so what it has gathered from various sites and forums is not always very representative.

The most fun part of any RPG is when you are a weakling and you're desperate for higher end gear and to level up to feel a little more safe.. The later parts, when being powerful, is usually nowhere near as fun.

ELEX was decent but i didn't think it lived up to the first Risen or Gothic 2/3, their worlds are just so much more alive and with way better attention to detail, but if you don't care too much about that its probably up there with G2.. the reviews ELEX got from most sites were extremely unfair i thought.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
The most fun part of any RPG is when you are a weakling and you're desperate for higher end gear and to level up to feel a little more safe.. The later parts, when being powerful, is usually nowhere near as fun.

Exactly. Or almost anyway. I do find it extremely fun to go back and crush the enemies that killed me 27 times in the early game. But once that fun is over I tend to rush to the finish line, being powerful is a novelty that quickly wears off. That's one reason Skyrim was never a favourite of mine. What's left when you kill a dragon at level 2?
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Dec 20, 2010
PB pushed designs forward in the past […]

I agree insofar in that they were forerunners of the current trend/fashion of grim+dark RPGs.
"Gothic" reads to me very much like "an heavy metal RPG".

I bet they wouldn't be able to do something cute, colourful and with humour. ;) But … it wouldn't sell anyway these days.

If that's true, then they are stuck in their own self-created niche. A currently lucrative one, though.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I agree insofar in that they were forerunners of the current trend/fashion of grim+dark RPGs.
"Gothic" reads to me very much like "an heavy metal RPG".

I bet they wouldn't be able to do something cute, colourful and with humour. ;) But … it wouldn't sell anyway these days.

If that's true, then they are stuck in their own self-created niche. A currently lucrative one, though.

Have you played the Risen games? They're nowhere near dark and gritty, but rather bright and with quite a lot of (cringe worthy) humor. I'm in the same boat as you usually, and think dark&gritty is a terrible idea for a setting. Elex is also a pretty colourful game.

Off topic, I'm currently playing Star Control Origins which people bash because of the cartoonish graphics. I actually really like it, I can watch the news if I want dark.
Dec 20, 2010
ELEX was decent but i didn't think it lived up to the first Risen or Gothic 2/3, their worlds are just so much more alive and with way better attention to detail, but if you don't care too much about that its probably up there with G2.. the reviews ELEX got from most sites were extremely unfair i thought.

I assume you meant Gothic 1/2 there. Gothic 3 was mediocre from a worldbuilding standpoint. I disagree about any lack of detail in Elex. Almost every location had something to find or a story to tell. i.e. Old notes from former inhabitants, etc.

I agree about the reviews. Elex is criminally underrated imo. Despite a bit of jankiness, it was one of the best open-world games I've played in recent years.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I assume you meant Gothic 1/2 there. Gothic 3 was mediocre from a worldbuilding standpoint.

No, i really liked the world design in G3, for example it's probably the game that still has the most varied flora (of any game in existence), their other games pales in comparison. It was dangerous and fun to explore, exploring never felt like a drag or like it wasn't too exciting. I think one of the reasons it failed was that they just put so much effort into the little details, getting the world building right, that they missed the mark almost completely on the other stuff.

ELEX felt like i was exploring an MMO at times, the bare minimum of effort into details. Some places were also just utterly annoying. But it has some good parts too, i liked the beginning area, it felt like there was more effort put into that than the later parts. With a better world design i would have enjoyed it a lot more i think.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
No, i really liked the world design in G3, for example it's probably the game that still has the most varied flora (of any game in existence), their other games pales in comparison. It was dangerous and fun to explore, exploring never felt like a drag or like it wasn't too exciting. I think one of the reasons it failed was that they just put so much effort into the little details, getting the world building right, that they missed the mark almost completely on the other stuff.

We have very different views when it comes to world building. It's not just about the visuals and the environment. For me, there's a lot more involved than just those things.

The environments look great in G3, but, when you dug deeper, the world was pretty shallow, at least compared to their other games. After a while, it became very obvious that the game was rushed and that they didn't have time to make the world as detailed as the typical PB game.

For example, at least half of the caves\dungeons were completely empty except for a few enemies. You'd fight your way through a cave to find…nothing! I have a hard time believing that PB intended it to be that way. I think it's simply an indication of what we already knew.. that they were rushed, and the game suffered because of it.

To make matters worse, they chose to do partially randomized loot rather than the fully hand-placed approach in their other titles. That, along with the many empty areas, is why I think the exploration wasn't as satisfying compared to most of their other games. Out of all their titles, only Risen 2 possibly had worse exploration imo.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Fwiw, I still think G3 is a good game, especially with the community patch. I just have to use a little extra suspension of disbelief to enjoy certain aspects of it.

And it's still a hundred times better than Arcania, but that goes without saying. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
They created some of the best games in the industry: Gothic I., Gothic 3 = best landscapes and forests, animals running in the distance. Risen 1 or 3, I think both? Very sexy female NPCs in Risen 3, (IIRC).
Mar 21, 2013
Just realized that Piranha Bytes RED (and Spacetime) is no more and the former members (except for Mike) are working on some FPS. Such a waste...
Sep 6, 2009
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