
One warning, a lot of people with AMD GPUs have been experiencing issues ranging from very minor stuff to serious artifacting or crashes.

This is not a DirectX game, but an OpenGL game. The engine is somewhat groundbreaking in the way it is coded with OpenGL to stream the megatexture file instead of using tiled textures like practically every other 3D game.

However, this has been something of a learning experience for both NVIDIA and AMD as the engine makes use of the OpenGL instructions in ways they haven't been used previously.

In particular AMD drivers seem to not be unlocking GPU transcoding as easily as NVIDIA drivers.

I believe there will be a new AMD driver released today. If you are considering buying this game and use an AMD graphics card, you might want to wait until the new driver is released.
Jan 15, 2011
Played if for a couple of hours, and having a really good time with it. It runs very smoothly on my I7 920, GTX 570 (1280 MB VRAM) setup. Some graphics tearing when I started, but not after updating graphics drivers. (it still complains that my drivers are old, even if I downloaded - and installed - the latest ones from NVidia). Occasional texture popins, but not much and it doesn't affect the experience, I hardly notice (perhaps I'm not very observant).

All in all, a great game so far.

says pibbur who can't decide whether GPU transcoding is useful or not
Aug 31, 2011
There you have it they put all there effort on the console versions instead of optimizing the pc. Cant really say I'm surprised as this seems to be the trend with most ports nowadays.

What do you expect them to do? The Xbox version outsells all others by a factor of 4+ most of the time. Anyone with an ounce of business sense would base the game on that version, then modify it to fit on the other platforms. PC only gamers like myself might not like it, but there's nothing at all wrong or illogical about it. You would do the same exact thing.

That said you can certainly try to make the port as good as possible. For having a 5 year development cycle Rage certainly could have used a few more months in the port department for BOTH the PC and PS3, and that's kind of baffling. They were in the polish phase for like two years but they couldn't get some basic video options into the PC version or stop the PS3 version from delayed pop-in right in front of you? Ridiculous.
Jan 28, 2011
What do you expect them to do? The Xbox version outsells all others by a factor of 4+ most of the time. Anyone with an ounce of business sense would base the game on that version, then modify it to fit on the other platforms. PC only gamers like myself might not like it, but there's nothing at all wrong or illogical about it. You would do the same exact thing.

That said you can certainly try to make the port as good as possible. For having a 5 year development cycle Rage certainly could have used a few more months in the port department for BOTH the PC and PS3, and that's kind of baffling. They were in the polish phase for like two years but they couldn't get some basic video options into the PC version or stop the PS3 version from delayed pop-in right in front of you? Ridiculous.

I except them to release a working port. If they dont deserve to called developers. You do know there is a thing call Q&A. They claim they had no problem in house but the pc and console versions have texture tears and texture pop-in problems. I find and smell bullshit.

I dont want to hear excuses on how the pc isn't the lead platform as I dont care. The game is a technical mess that should of been fixed. Before anyone says its just a AMD card problem nvidia also has problems.

For a Triple AAA studio this isn't excusable with just saying oh it will be fixed in a week or two. I understand its a port but it looks like they said just fuck it. That's what I can't tolerate in a port.

You can accept it and rollover but there is a thing called quality standards. Now let me cool my rage for this game.
Oct 1, 2010
I think that we should stop our high expectation from 'used to be' good developers like ID. They have had their time in the past and their greed has clouded their eyes and dedication, and so they are no better than any typical current developer who wants to jump on the current bandwagon to make quick money. In fact their arrogance makes their products even worse.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
I except them to release a working port. If they dont deserve to called developers. You do know there is a thing call Q&A. They claim they had no problem in house but the pc and console versions have texture tears and texture pop-in problems. I find and smell bullshit.

FWIW, the tearing disappeared for me after upgrading the NVidia drivers. And texture popins is hardly noticable.
Aug 31, 2011
FWIW, the tearing disappeared for me after upgrading the NVidia drivers. And texture popins is hardly noticable.

Really I'm using a 460gtx and every time I go left or right the textures blur and popin. They are noticeable. This is with the new beta driver. It gets annoying after watching this happen after playing 30 mins or so.
Oct 1, 2010
Really I'm using a 460gtx and every time I go left or right the textures blur and popin. They are noticeable. This is with the new beta driver. It gets annoying after watching this happen after playing 30 mins or so.

I wouldn't be surprised because of the large texture files that are compressed and probably need to be streamed from the (relatively slow) hard disk drive (unless you have 20GB of RAM). This game is seem to be made for the future where all our mass storage devices are solid state with femto-second access times!!
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
it's a nice distraction. it's very prettily designed and the eye candy is great.
however it's extremely linear and I do mean extremely.
every level has just one way through it (and no mini map/or any map so I guess linearity can be seen as a good thing).
and there's almost no lore in it every detail on the world has to be gleaned out from conversations and let me tell you, you don't get a lot of details, seriously half the time I didn't understand why I was fighting like what's the motive? lol
now side quests - I dunno maybe there's more than I found but it seemed to me that there were about 5 side quest for each town (there's 2 towns total).
all in all, worth a rent not a buy IMO.
Nov 6, 2006
You can accept it and rollover but there is a thing called quality standards. Now let me cool my rage for this game.

I have no issue with complaining about the Rage port. I did it myself in the post you quoted.

I just don't like people acting like they should treat the PC as the lead platform when it sells 10% of the copies.
Jan 28, 2011
Really I'm using a 460gtx and every time I go left or right the textures blur and popin. They are noticeable. This is with the new beta driver. It gets annoying after watching this happen after playing 30 mins or so.

Do you have GPU transcoding on? That stopped all my pop-in issues. Its meant to do that.

My only issue with the Rage port is the lack of options. Having to change xsynch, texture size, FOV and mouse smoothing in a config file is ridiculous.
Jan 28, 2011
Do you have GPU transcoding on? That stopped all my pop-in issues. Its meant to do that.

My only issue with the Rage port is the lack of options. Having to change xsynch, texture size, FOV and mouse smoothing in a config file is ridiculous.

I tried the option but with that enabled it gave me white bars or black textures so I quickly turned it off. I created and tweaked my in. file to solve most of my problems but I still get some small texture blurring.
Oct 1, 2010
funny its now released as i just finished the game a bit earlier. decent enjoyable game. has a lot of flaws one being its value as i did all the quests, races, side quests, etc. though didn't quite get everything and it still took me just under 20 hours. i suppose that's not bad for a shooter but i've never played an id game before though i do own doom 3 which i played a few hours of. also another thing against the game is if you were annoyed by dragon age 2 and its reuse of levels/etc than you might be offended that nearly all side quest involve revisiting earlier levels through slightly different paths and different enemies. still the game is fun and a good shooter, with the setting, environment and characters really drawing you in. i recommend the game but i would recommend it at an under $30 buy, which i payed $51.

rockpapershotgun had a good review, and i myself would probably give the game somewhere between a 7 to 7.5
Oct 26, 2006
The patch basically just adds some of the tweaks the community found into the menu system. Why they weren't there to begin with is anyone's guess. Somehow id, founders of PC FPS gaming, didn't realize PC gamers want graphics options.
Jan 28, 2011
Really I'm using a 460gtx and every time I go left or right the textures blur and popin. They are noticeable. This is with the new beta driver. It gets annoying after watching this happen after playing 30 mins or so.

Too bad. Out of curiosity: How much VRAM has your 460 got?

Aug 31, 2011
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