
Too bad. Out of curiosity: How much VRAM has your 460 got?


1gb but dont worry I heavily edited my in. file with the new patch so it plays better with just a little blur now.

I actually finished the game today and have to say I'm not impressed. There's no replay value either.
Oct 1, 2010
the sequel or dlc better be damn cheap (or free) as i agree the replay value is crap.

on a different note though womb music did the voice direction (see many great games including bloodlines and mask of the betrayer and even gothic 3 though i still hate the "friends" voices where they did the music as well) for the game. the john goodman voice over was tops and i hope he does more games as his character in this game was totally the main character from neuro hunter.

checked the site and they did gun too, so another game i'll now look a bit more foreward to when i get to it as i picked it up for $5 on a steam sale a bit ago. still have to get to the new alice as well. still quite a bit before skyrim and even not sure if i'll be cape crusading before that with the new batman.
Oct 26, 2006
Well. I like it.

Except for one thing: racing. I'm not good at it. In fact I'm VERY not good at it, so at the moment I'm stuck at the beginning of Wellspring. :(

Says pibbur who knows that for many of you this is piece-of-cake.
Aug 31, 2011
Why has pibbur ben hexcoded?

The answer is that he sort of deleted himself, and ultimately decided to resurrect.

(I do things like that occasionally - the deletion part. It's stupid and I always regret).

says the current instance of pibbur
Aug 31, 2011
The answer is that he sort of deleted himself, and ultimately decided to resurrect.

(I do things like that occasionally - the deletion part. It's stupid and I always regret).

says the current instance of pibbur

May I ask why you delete?
May I ask why you delete?

Yes. No problem

I tend to be a bit self-destructive when I'm depressed. It doesn't help, but that's how it is, it's a quite common "feature" of depression. Aggression (rage!) directed inwards.
Aug 31, 2011
Yes. No problem

I tend to be a bit self-destructive when I'm depressed. It doesn't help, but that's how it is, it's a quite common "feature" of depression. Aggression (rage!) directed inwards.

I understand that.

I was just wondering if it was because you found your time spent here somewhat destructive in itself, and you deleted for that reason.

I know that for me, personally, the whole "forum" thing can seem like a huge waste of effort. Then again, I probably have a strange approach to the concept of exchanging opinions :)

But most of the time, I end up enjoying it anyway :)

Anyway, just curious - and thank you for the candid answer.
I understand that.

I was just wondering if it was because you found your time spent here somewhat destructive in itself, and you deleted for that reason.
Not at all, I like it here. It's purely inside my head.
I know that for me, personally, the whole "forum" thing can seem like a huge waste of effort. Then again, I probably have a strange approach to the concept of exchanging opinions :)

But most of the time, I end up enjoying it anyway :)

Anyway, just curious - and thank you for the candid answer.
No problem. In general I find it's much easier to be open about this than trying to hide it.

says pibbur who is feeling better now
Aug 31, 2011
Not at all, I like it here. It's purely inside my head.

It's been my experience that what arrives in the mind and won't leave as you might want it to, is based on the emotional state of being. Meaning, if you want it to leave - you don't want to control your mind, but your emotional state of being.

Very hard in a depressed state, but doable.

Well, in my experience.

No problem. In general I find it's much easier to be open about this than trying to hide it.

says pibbur who is feeling better now

Agreed and good :)
I didn't like the racing at first either but eventually got better at it. Something that is weird is that the things you buy for your car(s) outside the track are used on the track. So you can hunt bandits and get rewards from the bartender to improve your racing. Just pick one of the two cars and improve it, though. No need for both.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
Well, I got Rage yesterday (for PC). I thought, now that it has gotten the first patch (the patch that many say really helped to make the game playeable), it would be at least somewhat playable. How wrong I was. At first it didn't go beyond the intro cinematic (which cannot be skipped, thankyouverymuch!), it would just hang and I'd need to close it via the program manager. Then, after getting the newest beta drivers for my ATI card (first time I have needed beta drivers, BTW), I got it to go beyond the intro cinematic, only to have it crash as soon as I try to save the game or the game tries to auto-save. Yay! Haven't experienced this broken game at launch since Gothic 3. Way to go Beth/id!!
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
I wouldn't be so quick to place all the blame solely on the game when the majority of people seem to be playing it just fine now.

I won a copy on Ebay yesterday... should have it by this weekend.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I wonder what JDR bases this "majority" on. We know it can't be the nonrepresentative forum posters ;)

AFAIK, lots of people still have issues based on several boards - and the right-after-intro crash is one of the common ones mentioned.

That said, it's only a matter of time before ATI owners can get to enjoy this seemingly super-average shooter.
Maybe the people who have been posting since the patch?

I know... tough concept to grasp. :)

As far as ATI owners though, well...what's new?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
JDR13 said:
I wouldn't be so quick to place all the blame solely on the game when the majority of people seem to be playing it just fine now.
Are you implying it's my fault the game doesn't work? Maybe, but I'd say, if I meet all the system requirements plus have the latest non-beta drivers installed and the game doesn't even get beyond the intro cinematic, then there's something wrong with the game. If PC gaming is to survive in this console era, then this is exactly what should not happen (start hunting for work-arounds, mess around with the config file, install beta drivers, etc.).

JDR13 said:
As far as ATI owners though, well…what's new?
Sorry, but what's that supposed to mean?
Jan 4, 2008
I come from the land of ice and snow
says pibbur who is feeling better now

Glad you're feeling better.

When I saw the new pibbur I had to do a search to see if someone was trying to imitate you and took your name. When I found that all of your posts are no longer associated with pibbur it made me wonder what happened. Thanks for clearing that up.

Good to see it's really you :)

BTW, do you really speak to cats? If so please tell my spoiled princess kitty to stop biting me feet when she wants attention. It's annoying and tickles a little. :D
Feb 3, 2007
Are you implying it's my fault the game doesn't work? Maybe, but I'd say, if I meet all the system requirements plus have the latest non-beta drivers installed and the game doesn't even get beyond the intro cinematic, then there's something wrong with the game...

Not necessarily. I've had games crash on me caused by other applications running on my computer. Windowblinds from Stardock has been the culprit at least twice, don't remember what games. Could of course be that the game was for some reason especially vulnerable, but in these cases stopping the conflicting program (or in the Windowblinds case modify settings) made the game playable.

If the same game runs well on some machines but not on mine, I would at the very least take a detailed look at my set-up.

Regarding numbers, we can't know how many have had problems with the game, and how many (like me) had no/very few, even from day 1. But several people reporting problems also report that problems were significantly reduced or eliminated after upgrading drivers and downloadiing the patch(?).

BTW: I don't use the beta drivers, but the regular 280 drivers NVidia.
Aug 31, 2011
I have an ATI card and Rage ran fine (albeit with some graphical glitches) with whatever drivers I was using. Then Steam told me there were new ones so I installed those but they really hosed up Rage. I tried the beta ones and they worked better than the original ones I had.

I'd say that about half the major new games I've purchased in the past few years have required me to fiddle with the graphics drivers or settings. It's almost the modern equivalent of messing with config.sys.
Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
Maybe the people who have been posting since the patch?

I know… tough concept to grasp. :)

Let's just say you have what I call "convenient" logic ;)

As far as ATI owners though, well…what's new?

Sadly, ATI owners often get shafted. Rage is quite the clusterfuck overall - but I think Nvidia cards/drivers are mostly ok with the game at this stage.

I don't remember a non-MMO in recent times with that level of issues. Maybe New Vegas? Nah, I don't think it can compare.
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