Space Hulk: Tactics - Reviews


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
Some reviews for Space Hulk: Tactics.

Star News Inc.


Fortunately, there’s a small relief valve for the stress – a card system. These cards, one of which can be used or converted each turn, provide either a specific buff to a character – turning their next melee attack into a guaranteed hit, for example – or can be converted into action points. This really ups the tactical depth, allowing for things like having a unit do a double move in a turn to reach safety, or to fire six shots at a horde of oncoming enemies and then enter Overwatch. Cleverly played, cards can turn the tide of battle in a single turn.
old man mordaith

This early in a release, for a niche title, I’ll be honest: I wasn’t surprised at the optimization issues. Sadly that’s the sort of thing that gets slated to be fixed post-launch these days. I assume if I am not the only one with the problem it will get fixed pretty quick and typically I’m able to slog through in the meantime. It happened with Battletech, and I love that game to bitty battle bits. So I soldiered on. It was most notably bad on the enemy turn, I assume because the AI was desperately trying to figure out over a hundred creative ways to murder me and settling on the most efficient one.

Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Battletech, OMG, I looked it up now on Steam and it has MIXED recent reviews. MIXED??! :D :D For a junk game as I predicted.
Mar 21, 2013
The name rang a bell as he is a streamer who streamed the product.

As usual, players cherish the causes and reject the consequences.

On one hand, the ascent to power is praised, it removes uncertainty. On the other hand, repetition is blamed when it is not repetition but the decreasing uncertainty that makes playing a map less and less valuable.

Does not seem to have a large pool of players to support the MU side.
Mar 29, 2011
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