The ever-popular "Currently Listening" thread

"River" and upbeat was a harder challenge than I expected, but it was fun trying. Perhaps we could have a bit of a game along those lines? Even if we go strictly with a key word, it could be interesting as long as the key isn't overly common.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Ok, so I FINALLY and after a year and a half mind you, get an internet connection that doesn't suck. I see that dteowner has posted a reply TODAY in the whatcha listening to thread! WooHoo! I say to myself. I can respond and chatty a bit and see what everyones listening to ATM. Err, but the response is on "River" which must be new since I have NO idea what band/song/album that is. (And NO, I didn't bacvk up and look at the previous posts. That would be too easy.)

In any case I'm currently listening to Family Guy in the background and thinking about you guys. *HUGS* Miss ya! Hope all is well.

Loves ~T
Nov 9, 2006
Good to see you around again, Temptress.

We were talking about posting songs with a River theme earlier because I made the mistake of listening to a depressing tape I made in the 80's with the theme of "River'" and needed help to recover. I think dte is suggesting a new "find a song to fit a theme" contest. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Sorry, I can't help with "river" tunes.

Currently, I am working my way through my Klaus Schulze collection, listening to the CD's in the order he released them.
Jun 7, 2008
Or wait! "Take Me To The River"

Now, I thought that was Tina Turner but looked it up and I guess it's The Talking Heads. OOPS!

Ok, that's all I got. :)
Nov 9, 2006
Just got the new Dido album. I not impressed. The songs are mellowdrone, the lyrics uninspired and extremely repetitive. Doesn't hold a candle to her first two.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Jellyfish . . . .Well, putting aside that the band personally disturbs me, I do enjoy the chorus and Thank You Kindly! :)

On the Jellyfish side, I guess they sound ok but I can't get past the hair and duds. I don't feel as old as that statement makes me sound. *grumbles* I guess I think they're a bit odd in a scary clown sort of way and NOT a freaky Sexy (young) Jeff Goldblum way.

HA! And again I'm listening to Family Guy. How odd. :)

Loves ~T
Nov 9, 2006
I got permission to share a "secret" portion of the Orchards & Vines site, which is very cool because that means I can finally share my second favorite song of theirs. All you musical flower children (looking at you, magerette) should give it a spin. These folks could be a very good Jefferson Airplane cover band if they wanted.

"Breathing" by Orchards and Vines

@T- Jellyfish is pretty seriously weird, aren't they? Even musically, they are very hard to pigeonhole. Works for me, though.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Good stuff courtesy of Vertigo. I couldn't find the song I wanted outside of a misleading Amazon clip ("Mrs. Actually"), but one of their videos was pretty good and the tone is pretty close:

"June Gloom" by The Like
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Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Well, I have ended up enjoying the Ahmad Jamal, but what it also did was make me crave my old 'Live at the Pershing' (from '58). I haven't had it in my iTunes collection for a while and assume it got deletec at some point, so I went ahead and re-ripped it from vinyl. Interestingly, that was a record my parents had from when they first got married. Must have thought it was one of those 'this makes you look cool' things ... since neither of them really knew it.
Oct 18, 2006
*Find a song to fit a theme*...

Time to introduce a new theme?

I consider a low deep voice - a bass - to be highly sexy.
Can't help it, dear high-pitched counterparts: according to different studies women prefer men with deep voices. :)

Back to finding songs.
Two men with sexy voices, their songs being appropriate to the time of year:

Crash Test Dummies
Tom Waits
Better version:

Yes, *bass about Christmas* would be a nice theme - at least that's what I thought. But then I stumbled at Barry White, Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Tom Jones. Oof, that's too sugary for my taste!

Maybe, unusual, weird Chrismas songs/videos would be a better theme...

Anyone? Who has a link that might surprise us?

Oh, heck, prolly not about Christmas, but just one, just for the ladies out there:
Russian Basso Profondo: The Lowest Voices
That's a pretty tough topic for me, Omega. I listen to a lot more female-fronted music than male-fronted. Most of what I can think of would technically be considered baritone, me thinks. Let's see here...
"The Weight of Love" by Tears Run Rings (not a typical tune for them)
"Sweet Harmony" by The Beloved
"Love Action" by Human League

For me today, Elika came up with a video for one of their tunes. The vid is fairly good and the song is excellent. The finish is what does it for me. This song came from their debut cd, with a different title. They remixed it a bit and added the second vocal track at the end. The mix pushed the tune a little more toward electronica, which didn't do much for me, but that extra vocal added a ton in my book. Enjoy!

"Let Down" by Elika
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Ok going to take this off topic I am sure, but with the 2year old singing this all the time, I had to do it.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Hey dteowner, hi!

A joiner! :) Thanks! I started to worry, started to think the quest was perhaps too difficult, I had visions that nobody would come up with something that would make any (non)sense...

But no! You came along! :)

I've listened and watched and felt (very important when it comes to bass) to all three songs, and here is their effect:

The weight of love - Tears run rings.
Hmmm. Nothing, no, I feel nothing in my belly. Sorry.
Sweet harmony - The Beloved.
Oof! Sssteamer. Yes, it's hot, hot, hot. :) Sensual voice, sensual video. Laidback. The sax a definite bonus, ah, such a warm instrument (one of my favourites). The lyrics: the seasonal spirit!
Love Action - The Human League. I was familiar with 'Don't you want me, baby?', but this one's better, the voice of the lead singer being stronger and deeper, warm - quite masculine. :)

That means...
leading with 3 bellies is The Beloved with Sweet Harmony, second-best: The Human League with 1 belly, so that makes the winner of the booby prize: Tears Run Rings, they got - sniff sniffle - zero bellies.


And for you today Elika...
Thanks for mentioning it. New to my ears. The video is very enjoyable indeed, it's simple black and white, yet commanding your attention. The electric guitar is a bit irritating to me. Still, it is a catchy song, and yes, I agree, the second voice makes it more interesting.
Ok going to take this off topic I am sure, but with the 2year old singing this all the time, I had to do it.

No, no, not off-topic at all! The *subtitle* of my quest was:
"unusual, weird Chrismas songs/videos... Who has a link that might surprise us"
So you're acting well within parameters :)
My Christmas song will certainly not surprise anybody, but it's still a favorite of mine:
Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry.

As for great bass voices... last year a Russian formation with a great basso profundo sang at the local church. I even bought their CD... you can find some samples of their music here:
Aug 31, 2006
Forgive me my late reply, I had a busy weekend.

As for great bass voices... last year a Russian formation with a great basso profundo sang at the local church. I even bought their CD... you can find some samples of their music here: (...)

Thanks, Jaz! I listened to all the samples that were provided over there, 'Come to me' was the one I liked best but I really enjoyed them all.
Since mundane bellies do not mix with unworldly sacredness (unless your name's Mary), I'll refrain from compiling the new charts. :)

My Christmas song will certainly not surprise anybody, but it's still a favorite of mine: Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry

Ah, then I'm sure you'll think this is a cute animal Christmas Song...
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