The ever-popular "Currently Listening" thread

Once again listening to my-favorite-artist-who-never-managed-to-get-a-contract, a lad named LX: les Enfants Du Paradis. It's German synthie pop (in case you wondered).
Aug 31, 2006
Nope, totally different song and style, although I do enjoy DM's older (Construction Time Again thru Violator, give or take) output regularly.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
May 26, 2007
standing under everyone
Love ALW's Cats!! Going to my second live production of it this year in August.
Aug 31, 2006
German band Accept (singing in English). I think they boxed this about 20 years ago, happened to find a copy of their album 'Russian Roulette' cheap lately. The critics were right, the cd a) brings back memories and b) doesn't contain a single bad song (which is seriously rare nowadays, only Iron Maiden & Metallica have achieved this for me before this one). Hard n' heavy!
Oct 18, 2006
I've been listening to the soundtrack to Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" ... wonderful stuff ... great film if you haven't seen it.
Oct 18, 2006
Slayer - Necrophiliac

Mortuary, dead of night
my body starts to rise.
In my mind the horror lives,
to feel death deep inside.
Relentless lust for rotting flesh,
to thrash the tomb she lies
heathen whore of satan's wrath
I spit at your demise.

I remember reading those words (and the rest that follow) for the first time back in the 80's, and just reeling. This is after the terrifying (to a christian-raised child) opening track "Hell Awaits", the shocking onslaught of murder in "Kill Again", and the freakin totally creepy "At Dawn they Sleep". I didnt even know what necrophilia was, it had never crossed my mind really. I was a horror kid, but it was something that I was always an observer of, never so much a participant of. I definitely had never messed with the sacred icons of judeo-christian religion, not directly anyway.

Slayer had kicked my ass, and hard. Harder than any band had ever before, and probably harder than any since.

There was Iron Maiden, and Metallica, and what have you, and while they were not a cheery bunch, they werent outright demonic. They didnt make me feel like my very soul was condemned for all eternity by virtue of finding myself merely hearing them. Slayer, these mofos were playing for keeps.

I remember when my Mom found my Hell Awaits record, and read the lyrics. Actually, I think that she herself was posessed by Satan for a very short time as she began screaming in tounges and chasing me around!

Ah yes, good ol' Slayer ='.'=
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I've seen Slayer live 3 times and Metallica 4 times. Slayer's "Reign in Blood" album is one of the greatest ever made in that genre.

I'll never forget a Slayer show I went to in Tampa, Florida. I think it was 1994-95. When they played "Angel of Death", it was the most intense mosh pit I've ever been in, and I've been in a lot.
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
you have to get this video, got it this week myself-

Slayer - Reign in Blood: Still Reigning

It's them playing Reign in Blood in it's entirety, live, with Dave Lombardo back on drums. In fact, that Angel of Death video is from it. They dont cheese out either, you know how some bands tend to shorten songs or toss out the solos or whatever, they play it fully. Not saying it's flawless tho, I noticed a few messed up lines, but overall it's done well. The slowdown between Altar of Sacrifice and Jesus Saves comes off pretty fat and groovy, sounds cool, and he screams out the last verse of Criminally Insane like a madman. Then, the coup de grace, the grand finale, they have a shower of blood raining down on them during Raining Blood. The place goes berzerk. I went berzerk. My neighbors hate me now!

The "bonus tracks" (necrophiliac, war ensemble, hallowed point, like 4 songs from South of Heaven) appear to be the first part of the show. Then, they launched into "Reign.." . There's a pretty cool interview on there with all of them too.

Here's another interview/concert footage with Tom Araya for some BBC special on thrash metal. Napalm Death is on there too, but they suck imho.

Ive never seen them live actually, weve just never crossed paths. Theyre playing here in San Diego next month, suprisingly with Marilyn Manson. I dont know how the hell that happened. All I can say is this - Marilyn better hope (s)he's playing second!

Thinking of going with my friend Erik (50 bucks a ticket??), but were sitting up top tho if we go. I dont mosh, I'm there to see the band, you know. Especially if I pay 50 bones.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
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