The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

If Corwin gets wings I will end up falling off the cliffs and tripping over ever rock. :cm:

How is that different from what happened to you last week??!! :p
Aug 31, 2006
Well, Mirys has broken the streak.

VoD Hard: I won a roll for a Full Plate of the Defender. +5 Mithril FP of Protection +4 and Heavy Fortification and a +2 bonus to-hit.

HoX Elite: I was given (by virtue of being a healer) Lorrik's Necklace. +6 WIS, Wizardry VI (+150sp, 300sp for FvS and Sorcs) and Efficient Metamagic Empower Healing II: -2 to the cost of using Empower Healing.

I also pulled a Breastplate of Destruction, which is a +5 Mithril Breastplate with Protection +4 and giving the wearer the Destruction effect to their attacks. I gave it to a Paladin with a Rogue splash, as it's light armor, and thus doesn't affect his Evasion, while giving good AC bonus and a nice effect.

The to-hit bonus stacks with Wrath of Sora Kell, so guess what is getting swapped in once I have the toughness bracers from the new pack coming out this month? I'll need a deathblock item, but I guess I can swap in a ring or even find a DB of HF robe to swap in when needed. Mirys also has a standing 2003sp.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I sell DB robes all the time; they are my second most common drop after shields!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I have got to get in and start running those with you. Nice stuff and I want some of it. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I'm recruiting. ;)

Wouldii's somewhat stuck right now. I need some aid and assistance since he can't solo the quests he needs to knock out. He's close to level 16, so I'd prefer to run with toons that won't completely pooch his XP.

Need to run:
Necro 3 Tormented (the rat maze)
Necro 3 Forbidden (party splitter, don't think hirelings will suffice)
GH, 3 flagging quests (Madstone, Crucible, Prison)

Resumes not required. Apply in person. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Will my cleric mess you up if I get her to 13? She is sooo close. Won't be too hard to get her there.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I'm already over-level for the quests, so my primary concern was not going with anyone higher than me. Lowers would be fine as long as you don't get hit with a powerlevel penalty.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Ok lets see what we can do at some point today then. I am guessing you will be available at the usual time.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Gotta mow grass tonight before doing the homework dance, but should be good to go around 9pm (8 your time) if that works for you. Mercy buckets.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
NP should be on then barring issues unknown here.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
If you're within 3 levels of each other then you won't get the XP hit from power levelling. If you're over the level of the quest you might get an XP hit, but then you can do the quest on hard or elite to reduce the hit.

The quests you want to do are typical PUG quests so you and CM should setup a pug group and get the classes you really need to solve the quest. E. g. in crucible you need most character classes present. At least one should be good at swimming and also fighting (monk?). Tormented is not so hard, but frustrating. Having a rogue would help because you can disable traps there.

My toons are level 19 (3x) and level 20 (1x). Two of them will be TR'ed when I have all to level 20.

Since my first cleric got level 20 earlier this week I was thinking of playing a paladin tonight so he gets to level 20 too. Maybe Mirys is high enough level now to be our healer? She has got some awesome raid loot so I think she is the most powerful character we have, despite being a level below us.

I agree with Don that getting raid loot is the difference between succeeding certain quests and failing them. When I got my cleric to level 20 I did Hound of Xoriat on elite and actually it was easier on elite with the strategy they chose than normal with the strategy we used before. Strategy was very clever, but took longer. No trash mobs spawned so it was really simple. I spam healed the puppies and that was my job. Key is to NOT moving around in the area so trash mobs are alerted. You need to just stay at the entrance and get very close to the outer wall. Then just a few people with hide skills move along the outer circle to kill the mindflayers for the stones. It takes awhile because the rest of us can't help. Once the group has 8 stones it's possible to send a person with hide to kite the hound to the area the main group is staying. Then the pups are charmed and clerics mass heal them after first casting mass bull and mass bear. The others don't even have to fight until the hound is down to 25%.

It was typical for me to pull junk again from the quest. I did GH reaver's fate and pulled junk, even from shroud I pulled junk again. So my characters are experts pulling junk from the raids and rolling low. So far I haven't got a single useful raid item. So I think I would need to craft greensteel items to get useful stuff.

I will probably build a FvS myself since they're great casters and good in melee as well. I guess I will get some hints from Don about how to build such a character.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I notice that many TR'ed characters ar warforged, probably because of immunities and better con. Since I would consider a new paladin and favored soul I wonder if warforged is the way to go. -2 wis and -2 cha from being warforged is not fun for both classes. Are there any other classes besides humans that are good as paladins and favored souls? A drow can maybe be interesting, but -2 con means you need to start with 16 con (-2) and that's quite expensive. You get +2 to dex and cha, but that's similar to having 32pt build and you can only do a 28pt build. Or will you get a 34pt build as TR'ed even if you choose a drow? Magic resistance is maybe good at lower levels, but spells can give you protection later.

Any suggestions to which race to choose for my new paladin and FvS? I know Don is played a half-elf for his FvS. I might go for TWF with my paladin and then the extra feat being a human could come in handy. But maybe selecting a THF paladin and another race is possible. Is a WF paladin playable? You bump your wis from 6 to 8 at start and get 17 or so cha (-2). Con will be 16 at start and str about 16. I guess THF is better for the WF due to having hits on stats you need to boost so you can't get much to int and dex.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I notice that many TR'ed characters ar warforged, probably because of immunities and better con. Since I would consider a new paladin and favored soul I wonder if warforged is the way to go. -2 wis and -2 cha from being warforged is not fun for both classes. Are there any other classes besides humans that are good as paladins and favored souls? A drow can maybe be interesting, but -2 con means you need to start with 16 con (-2) and that's quite expensive. You get +2 to dex and cha, but that's similar to having 32pt build and you can only do a 28pt build. Or will you get a 34pt build as TR'ed even if you choose a drow? Magic resistance is maybe good at lower levels, but spells can give you protection later.

Warforged are actually the best race for a melee Favored Soul. However, they need gear and enhancements to boost their healing amp, otherwise you're fighting an uphill battle with healing. This was the primary reason for choosing Half-Elf, I wasn't restricted to weapon choice, and I wasn't behind in healing amp.

The thing to remember is that in DDO, you only need a total stat of 10+spell level to cast spells. Mirys started at 10, + 2 tome, +6 item, +2 enhancements = 20. Capstone will give me +2 CHA so I can swap enhancements around. It is easy to start with an 8 base CHA and get the 19 CHA you need for spells, though 10 base makes it easier. Same thing for WIS and Paladin spells; though WF take a more serious hit by having a low CHA there, as CHA fuels many of their specials like smites and LOH, as well as being required for Divine Might. DM IV needs an 18 base CHA.

Warforged Favored Soul of the Lord of Blades gets free Greatsword proficiency, +1 to-hit and +2 damage with Greatswords, and can tack on another +2 damage in enhancements. At level 20 they get DR10/Adamantine, which stacks with the Improved DR enhancements. Meaning that they can have up to DR13/Adamantine, and with the Adamantine Body feat, this goes up to DR15/Adamantine. This is essentially unbreakable, as only one raid boss uses adamantine weapons, and is higher than capped Barbarian or Monk DR. Leveling, they'll have up to DR5/Adamantine, which isn't bad considering higher numbers are generally very specific, and mostly raid loot.

Warforged also have two CON enhancements and 4 Toughness enhancements, for 40 more hp than most races. This is in addition to disease and poison and energy drain immunity. And exhaustion, and fatigue, and a host of other things.

My original plan was a WF Favored Soul, and in fact I have one, not in guild, which I haven't leveled past 4. Mirys will likely spend her second life as one, if I don't TR Rachail into one.

[code][u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.7.3 (Pre-Release)[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male
(20 Favored Soul) 
Hit Points: 402
Spell Points: 1842 
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 18
Reflex: 11
Will: 10

[B]                  Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats         Base Stats         Modified Stats
[U](34 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]          [U](Level 20)[/U]           [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Strength             18                 25                   25
Dexterity             8                  8                    8
Constitution         18                 20                   22
Intelligence         12                 14                   14
Wisdom                6                  6                    6
Charisma             10                 12                   16[/COLOR]

[B][U]Tomes Used[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=navy]Balance               1                     5
Bluff                 0                     3
Concentration         8                    29
Diplomacy             0                     3
Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
Haggle                0                     3
Heal                 -2                    -2
Hide                 -1                    -6
Intimidate            0                     5
Jump                  4                    17
Listen               -2                    -2
Move Silently        -1                    -6
Open Lock            n/a                   n/a
Perform               n/a                   n/a
Repair                1                     4
Search                1                     2
Spot                 -2                    -2
Swim                  4                    -3
Tumble               n/a                   n/a
Use Magic Device      2                    14
[B][U]Level 1 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Adamantine Body[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Diety) Favored by the Lord of Blades[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Past Life) Past Life: Paladin[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (1): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Divine Favor[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Life Magic I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Damage Reduction I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (1): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Nightshield[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Charisma I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Healer's Friend I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Constitution I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (2): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Resist Energy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Life Magic II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Toughness II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 5 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Acid[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (2): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Eagle's Spendor[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Healer's Friend II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Power Attack[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (3): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Remove Curse[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (3): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Aid[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Damage Reduction II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 8 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (4): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Divine Power[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Toughness III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Quicken Spell[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (3): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Remove Blindness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (4): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Freedom of Movement[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Constitution II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Electricity[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (5): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Cure Light Wounds[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Toughness IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 11 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (4): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Recitation[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (5): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]True Seeing[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Charisma II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (6): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Heal[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Racial Toughness IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (4): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Restoration[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (6): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Blade Barrier[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (7): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Resurrection[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Damage Reduction III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 15 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Fire[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Maximize Spell[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (6): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Cure Moderate Wounds[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (7): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Greater Restoration[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Life Magic III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (8): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Death Ward[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Greatsword Specialization I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Life Magic IV[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 17 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (8): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Summon Monster VIII[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (7): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Protection From Elements[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Power Attack I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Power Attack II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Power Attack III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=dodgerblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy](Selected) Empower Healing Spell[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (9): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Mass Heal[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Greatsword Specialization II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (8): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Holy Aura[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (9): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]True Resurrection[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Brute Fighting I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Brute Fighting II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Warforged Brute Fighting III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 20 (Favored Soul)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=orchid]Ability Raise: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]STR[/COLOR]
[COLOR=limegreen]Spell (9): [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Summon Monster IX[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Ascendency: Lord of Blades[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Prayer of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dimgray]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=navy]Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery I[/COLOR]

As you can see, completely nude this build has 402hp, 1842sp, DR15/Adamantine, and the capability to heal through raids, and soak some serious damage. With GFL, Toughness item, and a +6 CON item, you're looking at 512hp. The Quorforged Docent of Battle, once upgraded, adds 10hp to that and covers all three of these slots. A Wizardry VI item will bring the sp up to 2142, or an Archmagi up to 2242sp. The main weakness is a lack of healing amp, and the Quorforged Docent means you're not taking a Dragontouched and putting 10 and 20% amp runes on it.

Note that U9 brings a PrE to the table, and the next one, Divine Avenger, will alter the APs spent considerably as it seems to be much more powerful for the WF using the faith weapons than it is for a Half-Elf using non-racial weapons. Both are cheap to get into, as they require feats that 99% of FvS already take (the rest being gimps).

Casting builds are actually much harder to do; APs are exceptionally tight and spell selection is tighter. Levels 6 and 7 especially are hard, as you only get 3 spells each. Level 4 spells are another tight spot, due to having only 4 slots. For the melee, it will be buffs and healing; for the caster, you need offensive spells. Level 5 is getting tighter as there's a new divine single target dot coming in as well. Even level 9 is tight somewhat on the casting FvS. AP-wise, it's getting far worse with the new PrE.

Humans and Half-Elves are actually best as casters; they can hit 1 more DC due to WIS than other races (2 more than WF). Humans get an extra feat, making it easier to fit in two spell focus feats and perhaps even a spell pen feat. Half-Elves can take the Monk dilettante feat and open up another two 10% healing amp enhancements, if they can fit them in.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Point special's back. 6900 points for $50, same as last special.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Epic Staff of Arcane Power:

* +6 Enhancement Bonus+6 Enhancement Bonus: This weapon has been magically enhanced and gains a +6 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
* Arcane Augmentation IX - Adds +2 to caster level for all spells from levels 1 to 9 for a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Bard.
* Good luck +2 - +2 to all saves and skill checks
* Empty Colorless Augment Slot
* Empty Violet Augment Slot
* Spell selection

Caster level: 20
Charges: 50/50 (Recharged/Day: 10)
Spell choice: Magic missile, Ray of enfeeblement, Lightning bolt, Fireball, Cone of cold, Hold monster or Globe of Invulnerability
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Update 9 coming down Wed the 27th (US time, adjust for region). Remember to update before Friday. Also remember, Wizards and Sorcerers, that enhancements are going to see a big change for you, and you'll have to reset them again.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Thanks for the heads up. ;) I may not have logged on post update until Friday and that would be a pain for me.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
That means I need to log in sometime and take a note of all my current enhancements or I'll mess them all up when I re-do them!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
After the disastrous Stormy Monday Shroud run Jo, Peter, and I got into last night, I hit a Reaver's today after inventorying my Greensteel materials. In it, I did absolutely nothing and got a raid completion. I love Reaver's Fate. :p

Unfortunately, no casters were around *coughcorwincough* who could have used the Stormreaver's Napkin that dropped and no one wanted. +6 INT and +1 to all spell DCs on a cloak. If I had been on Rachail or Aerii, I'd have rolled for it. As it stands, Mirys won't be TRing into anything but FvS. If I even bother to.

I also traded a twig for a Pebble, and now have a Greensteel Greatsword resting in it's sheathe. No luck on shards, so I couldn't upgrade it. It should be nice for hitting Eladrin, since it covers evil-typed damage. Amusingly, it'll cover good as well once I upgrade it.

The difference in Shroud runs was amazing. We spent less time in the raid, including waiting on those pulling out to farm before completing, than yesterday's group did beating on portals. No one died until part 5, in which a Bard tried to melee and was taking too much damage for me and the cleric to heal. Too squishy. Having stood in melee with that boss, both on Rachail and on Mirys (during yesterday's run, I fought him at the end of that last round, toe to toe) I know you need a lot of hp to survive a cycle of Mass Heal.

P4 was a 1 rounder, I hit halfway on my sp bar, as did the Cleric in the group, before it was over.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I've just returned from a 3,600 km round trip up to the north of the state so I wouldn't have been available!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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