The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Carnival is great fun, though Peter hates it because it's capable of being challenging. I also recommend the Shavarath pack, but it's very high level, so it's not necessary now unless you just want to get it.

Quest favor is set by the highest difficulty you've completed it on. You never lose favor.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere

I'm currently learning from this, too :

I should have know this thread earlier.
Well, better late than never.

Edit : I'm also thinking of buying the Sharn Syndicate pack. I'd like to go through it slowly to see everything much better. (Remember - I did this chain with you several weeks ago.)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'd add Red Fens to your list--excellent loot to be had. I don't like STK and would definitely get Sharn instead. Just my opinion, though.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Thanks, both of you.
Fortunately I have several hundred points left.
So far I bought Shan and Delara, don't remember what the third was.
What I find strange that I'm going through the quests so relatively quickly … !?
I defenitively don't have level 1-2 quests that easy in my memory for my Ranger … But then, I was much more inexperienced as well …
And - I might change my opinion soon - as soon as I get in contact with the kobold masses … :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
So, I have bought so far :

- Delara
- Shan
- Carnival

the last two because their settings just kind of fascinate me. I'm just curious to find out what they are about.

Now I have 647 points left. And I can't decide : Do I rather take 1 big adventure pack - Vault Of Night currently costs 600 points - or do I rather take a few small ones (2-3) ?

Are there any packs containing a town ? Has the Necropolis a town ? I read that the quests are not very good - but a town would interest me.

Apart from the loot one important point for me is to visit new and exciting locations. Just to see something new. The the more odd, the more interesting for me. ;)

From that point of view the Fens loos interesting. It's - like Sharn, although I'm not sure with it - already on my mental list.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Managed to cap Wouldii today. Since that leaves only 2 of us with toons in the 18-19 range, I started looking into what we could do as an alternative. Not that I have a problem running our tops, just looking at what alternatives we have.

It's actually not a good picture once you pull out our TR party. Az has plenty of toons in the 8-9 range, a 12, and a cap. Peter's got an 8 and a pair of caps. cm's got toons all over everywhere, including one 19. jm's got nothing in the 8 range, but 3 near cap.

Peter either runs caps or his 8. jm's lowest is her 12. No overlap at the bottom. So we're locked into caps. While I can switch to RhoGu, he'll probably struggle with the stuff we'll be running, so I'll probably run Bot--he's more fun and more useful than Wouldii. cm can cap her monk, but then she's stuck. jm can run any of her near-caps.

We had talked about running mids, but that's a little complicated as well. Az could run Rachail, cm has a couple choices, jm has Sherina, I've got Shadohe, but Peter comes up empty. Unless cm runs her cleric, we also have a shortage of healing. Messy.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
We had talked about running mids, but that's a little complicated as well. Az could run Rachail, cm has a couple choices, jm has Sherina, I've got Shadohe, but Peter comes up empty. Unless cm runs her cleric, we also have a shortage of healing. Messy.

I don't know what you might think of me after you've read my thought ;) , but I'd rather see this as a kind of challenge. Running around with mid-level toons would be imho a perfect way to train how to bridge over difficulties and even the missing of certain skills (like healing, for example).

I'd like to help out, but I still haven't got every adventure pack yet. although I probably will in the course of this year.

The absence of healers is a real problem, though, which can imho only be solved through the massive use of hirelings. 1 per person, is that possible ? and viable ?

My ranger doesn't have enough healing abilities yet, nor does my new magician.

Another option would go farming for the marketplace collector named Kipling Vranch, who in return doles out staffs/wands of curing middle wounds (don't know the exact English name of that, plus I always mix staff and wand). He wants documents, so for farming any quest which includes lootable cupboards would be to look at.
Loura Jotun would be interesting, too. Becuse she givbes away healing stuff as well.

In the Jorasco district, both Farrik Foe Clever and Manthakan could be interesting. You find stuff for them both in the wilderness of Tangleroot Gorge, and more specifically within the Splinterskull Fortress.

Deneith district : The Chirugeon Laj'Amal

Phiarlan district : Seld The Grey Sister and Demordris Meele (who seems to have been in the Tangleroot Gorge One Eared Bugbear Inn in an earlier version of DDO). The latter one is easy to overlook, because he is working with a hedge, and therefore good obscured. You get his wanted Lily Petals in masses in the Tangleroot Gorge wilderness.

Complete list of Collectors and what they dole out :

And here's a list where to find what :
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I have no problem running any of them......well.....guess I will need to clean up inventory and I have used some of them for temp storage and have now gotten carrired away. Too bad Peter can't run one up to 8 by then but that would be hard to do, even for him, then we could run with Alrick while Corwin is out if Alrick could stay away that late. lol
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
My ranger is now in the middle of level 8, and my magician at level 3.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I have no problem running any of them……well…..guess I will need to clean up inventory and I have used some of them for temp storage and have now gotten carrired away. Too bad Peter can't run one up to 8 by then but that would be hard to do, even for him, then we could run with Alrick while Corwin is out if Alrick could stay away that late. lol
Peter has an extra lvl8. It's jm that would be out of luck.

@Alrik- the "mids" are around level 13. If we run mids, Peter can't play. ("mid" is a flexible term that could cover anything between level 5 and level 17 depending on the context. In this case, it's defined by the fact that we're calling our level 8 TR's our "lowbies".) If we figured out how to keep jm in the game running lvl8's, there'd be no reason you couldn't join in with us, other than the session time being lousy for Euros.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Ah, okay. I'm not that familiar with our terminology yet.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Ah, okay. I'm not that familiar with our terminology yet.
You don't really have a fair chance when the words have variable meaning based on context and you don't have all the information you need to even determine the context. No worries.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Yes, you are absolutely right.
And this is exactly what makes translations so difficult : The context.

When I was younger ( :lol: ), I trried to translate my own texts … and once, I took proverbs literally … Not realizing that they were proverbs …
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Okay, the Fens is on my mental list, which leaves only 280 points behind … Now, with this discount, I have :

Necro1 (N1, in opposite to N7 by Bioware ;) ) 200
Sharn 280
Reaver's Reach (RR) 280
N3 280
N2 280
Devil's Assault (DA) 280

I read that N1 has a quest where 4 levers need to be pushed or pulled simultaneously - which makes it impossible to solo it.
DA is said to be 1 big fight - or sort of.
N2-N3 - don't know what to think of it. (In the popular adventure pack review thrwad in the forums the reviewer frowns upon N2.)
Reaver's Reach - I have not the slightest idea.

What would you recomment me from this list ?

(Edit : Too bad, this was the discount I had hoped for during the Holiday Season. If it had been there, I would have been able to buy a few more packs with my points. Well, I have had some fun anyway.)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Of that list, I'd definitely go with Sharn.

The necro series (1, 2, and 3) has many quests that are either extremely complicated or impossible for a solo player. Unfortunate, because I generally like the quests.

You sure that's not Reaver's Refuge? If it is, that's a level 17 pack and the actual quests are very difficult.

Make sure you hit the guild chest per the guild message.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Yes, I already "looted" the guild chest.

I will go for Sharn / Fens, then.

The current promotions sale (or how i could call it) has right now "Angel Tears" potions for discount per coupon.
Only 1 per account.
Coupon Code is BBB125
I don't know whether one has to buy something in the DDO store to get these coupon items, but I'll try it out.
As I found out today, this only works if you use the coupon code for the item itself, not for a whole buy of several items (as I had thought for a long time).

"Reaver's Refuge" seems to be the name of the place where the Adventure Pack of "Reaver's Reach" takes place, or at least I have understood it this way.
In the DDO store itself it is really named "Reaver's Reach".

There'll be an update (including Server Downtime) on Wednesday.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Muckdoom is not in Durks. Muckbane is in Durks. Different weapon. I forget where Muckdoom shows up, but I'd assume there'd be an entry for in on DDOwiki.

Any everbright weapon will work. Any glass weapon will work. The advantage to glass is that "everbright" is a suffix ability, as is "ooze bane", so you can't have both at the same time. With a glass weapon (and there's very few of those in the game), you're able to put the bane ability on it.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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