The TV Series discussion thread

The current series of Picard continues to be brilliant, I'd never hoped to see that person from Enterprise D again! Watching them chew out that thirty year old fat was quite the treat, yet hard to watch at the same time.
I didn't know I wanted that guest appearance until I got it, but I loved that episode. I can't remember the last time a Star Trek episode made me a bit teary eyed.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Exactly the same reaction here, I was astonished and even amazed that I'd automatically remembered them immediately, then was racking my brain for all the episodes they were involved in so I'd have all the information at hand. Total surprising and shocking yet in the very best of ways. If Barclay shows up at some point my squeal might be heard in space! -p
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Last night I progressed through the fourth season of Animal Kingdom, lots of changes in this set of episodes, especially with the matriarch being gone by the end. I do wonder, however, if J's role was decided to be what it became here from the very beginning, or did it morph along the way. Right now I'm taking a break and trying Mayor of Kingstown, though I'll be picking up the fifth series of Animal Kingdom at some time.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Last night I checked out a new show called Lucky Hank, based on the book Straight Man by Richard Russo. I'd no idea Bob Odenkirk was in it, and it's all centered on academia so I'm totally hooked!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I did check out the first two episodes of the North Water and I'm liking the show so far, though it took quite a while to actually get out on the seas. Getting to see the crew deal with their first actual whale was a sobering look at what a tough living such work was back then, not to mention the bears and seals also to be dealt with.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I did check out the first two episodes of the North Water and I'm liking the show so far, though it took quite a while to actually get out on the seas. Getting to see the crew deal with their first actual whale was a sobering look at what a tough living such work was back then, not to mention the bears and seals also to be dealt with.
Yeah, the whale killing scene was brutal. I then realized I had never actually seen the killing of a whale reproduced anywhere in film.
The way Drax plunges the long lance (or whatever it is) into the whale, and then proceeds to search for the heart of the beautiful creature. Absolutely brutal.
Jul 31, 2007
Another great episode from Picard, the show that went from drek to watchable. This hour might have been one of the finest, lots of serious call-backs to earlier films and episodes back when Trek was worth watching.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I started another interesting mini-series on hbomax. The Outsider. Apparently after a Steven King something. Looks interesting enough. Only < 10 eps. I love these mini-series.
I watched that when it was released. It's not bad. I won't say anything more because I'm not sure how far into it you are, but let me know what you thought after you've watched it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Damn, so it's not a planned mini-series. It was cancelled? :(
I think I read in the title description that it's a mini-series. Come to think of it, it might have been the comment of some editor at hbomax.
What I like especially, so far, is the atmosphere. But it did get a little gimmicky and unserious with the introducion of the detective lady that seems to remember everything.
Jul 31, 2007
I finished the 2nd season of Carnival Row. There were only 2 more episodes than the first season but it was so packed that I have the impression it was twice as long. I enjoyed it.

If I had one minor reproach, I found that Agreus and the Spunroses only had an accessory role. It almost look as if they were just an excuse to show some background on the New Dawn.

Now I see that Shadow and Bone released a 2nd season, perfect timing!
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
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