The TV Series discussion thread

Thanks for the Doctor Who heads up guys. My DVR completely disregarded the series 9 and now I'm 4 episodes behind. Fortunately a repeat episode is coming up tomorrow and I will only be 3 behind. The only available repeats I could find are on Amazon video - Hulu only goes up to series 8.

As far as the rebooted series itself. In my book the show still presents interesting and compelling Sci Fi stories and ideas that are worthy of attention, albeit wrapped in a fairly juvenile package. And occasionally like the episode Blink, they come out with an out and out classic.

I'm glad the series is still on and now have a mini Doctor Who marathon to look forward to . . .

You can also try the 'On Demand' (that's how Comcast calls it I think, don't know if you have another provider). On Demand usually lets you see the last several episodes of a show.
Sep 23, 2008
The Leftovers

I binge watched the first 12 shows last night and not sure what to make of it. I know I will watch more of it as it is well done and not sure what sort of message it is trying to get across.

For those that haven't watched it, 2% of worlds population all disappear on Oct 14th at the same time. Young, Old, Woman, Men with no reason just gone. The show so far is mainly how people have handled it 3 years later. With all sorts of cults, hate, sadness etc.

It is a HBO show that started last year 10 episodes and into its second season this year with 2 so far.

I am willing to see where they go with it...
Apr 2, 2011
A third season of Halt and Catch Fire got picked up this week and I can't be happier. More 80's computer companies please, they left off with an anti-virus company starting up.
Apr 2, 2011
Blind Spot

Though the thought behind the show is good, it very weak in the way it is delivered. After watching the first three episodes I don't think I will be returning to watching any more. It is way to predictable and impossible with every tattoo they figure out is the crisis that is happening right then and there.
Apr 2, 2011
The Leftovers is a great show, it doesn't even get to sit on the pvr, I watch that one live. I'm just waiting for the main protagonist and that fire fighter to have some sort of disagreement.....because if that happens, there will be blood. Lots of it.

I do wish they hadn't messed with the music, though. The simple piano pieces were wonderful in series one, now we get some horribly warbling off-key diatribes instead for music. At least I'm used to turning off the sounds =)
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
And another one axed. Extant dies after only two seasons. Can't say it wasn't expected:

For those who didn't watch it, Extant was yet another Spielberg's superior IQ, wisdom of 487563847568374 year olds and superpower kids idiocy.
I've written before and I still say - someone should disallow him to touch anything that involves children in the future.
Halle Berry took the lead role in Extant but with that Spielberg's travesty, no talent (and that includes other cast, even those few poor kids that appear) could save the show.
Apr 12, 2009
Anyone watched (and anyone remembers) the show with last episode questioning if getting "cancelled because of too much singing"?

The second season will start airing in a couple of months and is tweeted with words:
"A New Season aka Suck It Cancellation Bear."

If you still didn't watch the first season of Galavant, maybe this short video persuades you into giving it a shot:

Apr 12, 2009
Corwin a question!
Underbelly or Rake?
Which one to get on demand?
Apr 12, 2009
Sorry, I've never watched either; I don't much like Aussie TV!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
The Leftovers series one was pretty good, the second series is off to a cracking good start. The first ten minutes with the cavewoman….I think I watched that part 3 times just to figure out wtf was going on. And of course, the almighty Doctor Who is back, so it gets que'd up first! By gosh, I do enjoy the return to an older, mad scientist kinda doctor!

I had my doubts about Peter Capaldi as the Doctor when I saw season 8 coming but I have to say he is my favorite of all the new Doctors. I think each season the Doctor keeps improving. Love it! I also enjoy catching the old Tom Baker episodes on BBC America on Sunday mornings. It's like a mixture of Austin Powers and Star Trek :)
Jul 18, 2007
Walking Dead… Please make me a recap of every season and I'll watch that because from what I've heard it's dragged more than Santa Barbara show that had 2000 episodes where something new would happen once in 10 eps.

Walking Dead has its moments, but yeah it really drags in places. The seasons they were on the farm were pretty bad at times. The good episodes though are REALLY good, IMO. The only thing is I'm not sure how much longer they can string this out. Its kind of a cycle of find a safe place, start building a small community, it all goes to shit, run, repeat. We're on the 4th repeat of that. At some point they either need to all get wiped out or start making real progress towards rebuilding civilization.

I just finished Killjoys. Not the best Sci-fi by any means, but I enjoyed it a lot. Glad to see its getting a second season. Has a bit of a Firefly vibe to it, but its not a complete rip off or anything.

About to start the last season of Continuum. I really enjoyed the first and second seasons, but the third season seemed to bit a bit off.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
A third season of Halt and Catch Fire got picked up this week and I can't be happier. More 80's computer companies please, they left off with an anti-virus company starting up.

I'm torn about that show. I LOVED the concept and the pilot was great, but the first season seemed a bit all over the place. Maybe I missed something, but its like they skipped from "we're going to be the guys that break the IBM monoply by hacking the source code" to "clone PCs are everywhere, we're just going to make the best one" by episode 4. I haven't watched season 2 as I kind of lost interest, but it seems like maybe it got better?
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Watched the first 3 Episodes of The Flash with the GF. I picked this one because of its very high rating on IMDB - and she absolutely adores superhero stuff.

OMG it's bad. Terrible.

I literally despise it ;)

How does a show like this get 8.3? Someone explain, please!
I think Doctor Who is one of the worst programs the BBC has ever made. The whole zany, quirky tone makes me cringe, and the script seems like it was written by a committee of caffeinated eight year olds, chaired by a pretentious teenager. I think they were trying to ape the style of Whedon, and misfired spectacularly. It irritates me within seconds. A study in blathering incoherence.

Ouch!!! As should be evident from my avatar, and my nick, and my favourite coffee cup, I really like the series.

Dr Pibbur Who who in general doesn't follow tv-series.
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Watched the first 3 Episodes of The Flash with the GF. I picked this one because of its very high rating on IMDB - and she absolutely adores superhero stuff.

OMG it's bad. Terrible.

I literally despise it ;)

How does a show like this get 8.3? Someone explain, please!

I have no clue - we have tried a couple of times with those Arrow and Flash CW shows but never gotten through more than a few minutes - they take themselves way too seriously.
Oct 18, 2006
First 2 episodes of Walking Dead this season have been top notch. You can tell they have really spent money on this show and this has been the best start to a season in a really long time. 2 of the best episodes of the series.

The main actor said he could not believe the script for episode six so I hope that is not where one of my favorite characters die like in the comic. The show and the comic are on the same timeline when this character bites the dust.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
txa, you're supposed to watch arrow seasons 1 and 2 BEFORE flash.
And then arrow season 3 paralelly with flash season 1. First ep of arrow and first ep of flash. Then second episode of both. Then third. Etc.

If you didn't like arrow at all, skip flash as stories overlap. It's not a typical procedural where you can start watching on xth episode and not get confused. Nor is anyhow similar to Once Upon a Time spinoff Alice that got axed after one season because noone watched that crap.

The rumor is that another DC comics superheroes spinoff is being prepared which means if you didn't care for arrow and later for flash, don't bother when this third series arrive.
Perhaps even better suggestion - if you didn't care for DC comics when you were young, just don't bother with their TV presentation. Leave it to your kids.
Apr 12, 2009
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