The TV Series discussion thread

I'm watching a crime/mystery series from Iceland: "Trapped" (Ófærð in Icelandic).
Add on to watch list if it appears somewhere around.
I kinda drool when it comes to exotics, especially if recommended by someone.
Apr 12, 2009
Finished episode 4 of Agent Carter S2.

Still great, innocent fun.

The best thing about it is that we both agree it's wonderful. Usually, we have a hard time finding things we both like a lot.

I think the only other example is Sherlock Holmes (the one with Jeremy Brett).

I guess I'm the outlier because I'm loving the show. I have not watched the last 2 shows but so far so good.

However, I will admit the first episode seemed rushed and probably needed to be at least 90 minutes. More time could have been spent on Skinner, Smoking Man and the intervening past.

Episode 2 was a clear monster of the week
Episode 3 was one of their humorous monster of the week episodes
Episode 4 was a kind of monster of the week but was really about dealing with decisions made a long time in the past

Episode 3 and 4 were interesting to me because they dealt with prior personal issues from the prior series, that were not resolved. Admittedly Carter did not go too deeply in that direction and IMO, that was a mistake. The X-files was just as much about the relationship between Mulder and Scully as it was the monster of the week or the series mythology. It's hard to understand why Carter held back when he might not get another chance.

Episode 2, while entertaining was a waste of an episode in a six episode series. Overall this series needed a story arc. It didn't have to be grand space opera, it could have been something as simple as dealing with Homeland security bureaucracy.

Still, I'm enjoying the series thus far, and yippeeee, I still have two more to go . . .
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I went through the entirety of the original X-Files a couple of years back, and that was mostly time well spent! However, people seem to forget that the original X-Files was pretty crappy when it first started, with fairly dull and badly acted/scripted/SFX'ed monster of the week nonsense, I couldn't even watch it when it first aired in '94. However, as the series progressed it got gradually better and better until the whole Black Goo plot-line took the world by storm and we even got a successful movie in the late 90s, which is actually incredibly rare for an on-going TV series.

So I'm watching the new series, I'm 2 episodes in so far, yeah it's not X-Files at its best, but then the original series wasn't when it started either.
Nov 1, 2014
Here is a fun fact. I thought the X-files were real when I was younger. Now you can proceed to mock me. XD
Jul 22, 2012
Don't worry, there are people out there who believe pokemon exist in real world.
Apr 12, 2009
I went through the entirety of the original X-Files a couple of years back, and that was mostly time well spent! However, people seem to forget that the original X-Files was pretty crappy when it first started, with fairly dull and badly acted . . .

You got that right. How many times did believer Mulder see the monster only to have doubting Scully in the next room and then . . . the monster exits stage left and Scully enters stage right. It was as predictable as a girl falling down in a 50's action movie and hurting her ankle.

But then again. STTNG and StarGate SG1 both had pretty bad freshman seasons. But in all them shows you could see that they had something going on and if they got a chance they were going to be better. They all were.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Those two had charm and you could forgive anything cheesy because of that.
Does the recent X-Files miniseries of 6 episodes have it too? Dunno. Yet.
Apr 12, 2009
It was as predictable as a girl falling down in a 50's action movie and hurting her ankle.

Oh gawd, I so loathe that in movies too. I'm sure there's a Cracked parody out there somewhere where they mock the fact that people in movies automatically forget how to run as soon as they know their in a movie. What's even worse is when they fall over, but then just lay there pretending they've forgotten how to get up, as if they've fallen into a huge vat of glue or something.


Would anyone who's just fallen over while running desperately from something ever find themselves in this position? Does this look like someone who's trying to get up? Like there's anything impeding their ascent to continued running?
Nov 1, 2014
StarGate SG1

SG1 was such a fun series to follow. I usually like more serious scifi series, but SG1 had just a right ammount of action, humor and adventure. It lost some of it's charm though when Richard Dean Andersson dropped out of the main cast.

One of the most iconic episodes of Sg1 I remember is the window of opportunity. That was the episode where O'Neil and TealC had to live same day all over again in sg1 command due to a timewarp situation. There is just that one particularly funny scene where O'Neil and TealC are playing golf through stargate…. :lol:
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Oct 19, 2006
SG1 was such a fun series to follow. I usually like more serious scifi series, but SG1 had just a right ammount of action, humor and adventure. It lost some of it's charm though when Richard Dean Andersson dropped out of the main cast.

You know? I actually disagree on RDA. I loved SG-1, but to me the last season or two before RDA left sucked. I felt RDA just was bored of it and wasn't even trying, just going through the motions. When he left and Ben Browder came, I felt the show jumped back on the awesome.
Sep 23, 2008
RDA didn't suck anywhere nor anytime.
And it's not BB who brought a new spark to the show.
It was - Morrigan. :D

Apr 12, 2009
Me and my brother are currently re-watching the earlier seasons of Survivor. We are now currently at Africa. Jeff Probst is still timid and seems shy to the camera haha.
Feb 17, 2016
After watching episode 3 of X-Files, the werewolf (lol) episode, I can see what people are saying. Everything seems normal and good but there's something off with the two leads. I can't decide if that's the script or the actors though, as in this episode the dialogue seemed designed to make them act a bit phoned-in and despondent. Way too self-referential for its own good.
Nov 1, 2014

Finished the last two episodes last night - Of course we had to do it on a Sunday.

Episode 5 was both good and bad. My wife hated it because it portrayed the terrorist too sympathetically. I felt that showing the terrorist go through the mundane did not make them any more sympathetic. We both agreed the psychedelic scene was totally out of character for the show. It didn't work and to me was kind of embarrassing. OTOH, the theme that ideas can control the mind was a good one but this story really needed more time in the pot. (How about exploring the idea of why people blow themselves up) Also it was good to see Mulder and Scully bounce off theories like they did in the early seasons, albeit to different characters. Still, for me this was the weakest episode of the bunch.

Episode 6. A mythology episode. Picks up where the series ended and the first episode of the mini series picks up and adds a new wriggle. This episode also needed to be at least 90 minutes. I also liked how this episode picked up on some contemporary conspiracy theories, that weren't really in play when the initial series ended. A good episode that of course ended on a cliff hanger.

Overall, I really liked this mini-series. They should have probably done this years ago. Get them together for 5 or 6 episodes and repeat at two year intervals. However, the X-files rust was evident throughout the mini run. The writing was rushed, ideas not fully fleshed out, pacing wrong (speaking to you psychedelic scene) .

Unlike some here I did not have a problem with the Ducoveny/ Anderson acting. I liked how they were kind of distant yet close. I would assume they are still bonded to one another and perhaps still have strong feeling for each other, but they just could not make it as a couple. That rings true to me. So of course it was like they just weren't clicking.

I thought the Were-creature episode was probably the highlight of the series comeback. A good monster of the week with a twist perspective. I can hardly wait for the next mini series to come out. I hope they are writing it right now.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
After watching episode 3 of X-Files, the werewolf (lol) episode, I can see what people are saying. Everything seems normal and good but there's something off with the two leads. I can't decide if that's the script or the actors though, as in this episode the dialogue seemed designed to make them act a bit phoned-in and despondent. Way too self-referential for its own good.

Not sure they really like each other much, David back in the day was a big pain on the set with his demands even forcing them the live filming in Vancouver to film in LA.

I am sure it more a pay cheque now more than anything for the both of them...
Apr 2, 2011
So glad Better Call Saul is back on, the more I watch this show the more I love it.
Apr 2, 2011
Agent Carter kept it amazing right up to the very last second. This show needs a full order next series, as it is the best in genre, imo. By a wide margin.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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