The TV Series discussion thread

Never thought I'd say this, but I'm checking out of Doctor Who. I just finished the first two episodes of the "soft reboot", and both were utter garbage. I stuck with it through the last few seasons while others hated on them. I thought Jodie was good even though the writing failed her. But no more. I'll probably read reviews on future episodes, and decide if I want to waste my time on them. But for now, I'm done.
Dec 24, 2021
Never thought I'd say this, but I'm checking out of Doctor Who. I just finished the first two episodes of the "soft reboot", and both were utter garbage. I stuck with it through the last few seasons while others hated on them. I thought Jodie was good even though the writing failed her. But no more. I'll probably read reviews on future episodes, and decide if I want to waste my time on them. But for now, I'm done.
I've been trying to get back into Doctor Who for years, but am still struggling in the Matt Smith days. David Tennant is a hard act to follow.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
I've been watching Hacks and am about to finish the first season. I'm enjoying it. I love Jean Smart, but I'm having a much tougher time with the actress playing Ava. She's got this performative phoniness about her that's irritating. Her character isn't supposed to be particularly likeable or mature at this stage, so hopefully I'll like her better as it goes along.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I tried getting through Picard last year but quit about halfway through Season 2. I'm curious about Season 3 now after reading these comments.
Season 3 is must watch.

Imagine that they removed almost all the annoying characters, added a bunch of great characters, made the story 10x better, added some great space battles and removed all the romantic subplots. If season 1 and 2 had of been like season 3 it would have have quite possibly been one of the best trek's overall.
Oct 18, 2006
Nod, it just completely floored me at the time when series one of Picard rolled out at just how bad it was. I mean it made Nemesis, the last NG flick look like the best cinema of all time by comparison.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
This might have been discussed here previously. In that case apologies for my ignorance as I do not follow this thread normally. AI made me aware that there has been rumors of TV series version of R.A Salvadore's Drizzt books. As these books were defining to me at my youth, perhaps even more than Lord of the Rings, I would be interested to hear whether anyone else has recorded such rumors? I don't trust this AI stuff, but again maybe there is some rumor base to it when I get it in my feed 🤔 Couldn't find any noteworthy sites giving solid information, though. Please, cite a part of this post in your answers as I am unlikely to check this thread otherwise.


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Jun 19, 2020
I don't trust this AI stuff, but again maybe there is some rumor base to it when I get it in my feed 🤔 Couldn't find any noteworthy sites giving solid information, though. Please, cite a part of this post in your answers as I am unlikely to check this thread otherwise.
I haven't heard anything, and a quick search only turned up the same rumors of a Drizzt series back in 2021.

I did find an announcement of a D&D series being ordered by Paramount+ last year, but I'm not sure if it's connected.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The only problem I see with the Drizzt books is that tv series with black elves haven't gone particulary well so far! At least with this one it is actually a race in the book so there would be less pushback by those who get enraged by it.

Raymond e Feist's Magician is another fantasy book (and series) that keeps getting picked up as an option by studios but has never progressed to a pilot. I'd love to see that done one day.
Oct 18, 2006
The only problem I see with the Drizzt books is that tv series with black elves haven't gone particulary well so far! At least with this one it is actually a race in the book so there would be less pushback by those who get enraged by it.
All you have to do is cast a black actor. Not complicated.

Don't get me wrong. The knee jerk reaction to blackface can be really stupid, like that D&D Community episode being pulled, where it's super obvious that the character doing the blackface is considered wildly inappropriate (in every episode, about everything), but it's still blackface that's drawn ire, not people with black faces.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I don't think race matters if they ever made a series about Drizzt. The actor would probably be underneath a ton of makeup anyways. Almost every illustration of Drow I've seen shows them (and Drizzt) being a blueish-purple color.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I don't think race matters if they ever made a series about Drizzt. The actor would probably be underneath a ton of makeup anyways. Almost every illustration of Drow I've seen shows them (and Drizzt) being a blueish-purple color.
Yeah. You would need an entire city of them if they did the books in chronological order so I think it would ruffle a few feathers if you didn't put them all in make-up/cgi. A whole city of evil black people :) Or they could play loose with the lore of have them all mixed race :)

I think the only chance we have of getting it would be if it was animated rather than live action.
Oct 18, 2006
Feist, Donaldson, Cook, Abercrombie, I've about another dozen or so series that I'd love to see adapted to telly, assuming the authors would be onboard.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yeah. You would need an entire city of them if they did the books in chronological order so I think it would ruffle a few feathers if you didn't put them all in make-up/cgi. A whole city of evil black people :) Or they could play loose with the lore of have them all mixed race :)

I think the only chance we have of getting it would be if it was animated rather than live action.
Good point. It would be pretty expensive for them to pull it off convincingly.

An animated show, if done right, might actually be better anyways.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
And I couldn't resist, before watching the game last night I fired up episode one of BSG, Thirty-three minutes. Such a damn fine episode, and it's easy to see why this show was, is, and forever shall be, a blockbuster.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Binged Baby Reindeer over two days. It was intriguing, but not as good as I hoped.
I think I would have preferred less voice over and more show. I know you'd lose some detail about motivation, etc, but you could get by for a lot of it, except in the more complex cases. Cinematic storytelling techniques like montages exist for a reason.

Half way through Bodkin (also on Netflix), featuring Will Forte as a pod caster looking for that next big podcast hit, along with an investigative reporter and a slightly green researcher (both female). There are some funny clashes between pod caster and hard-nosed reporter about how to best get info out of the locals, and the Irish setting is pleasingly quaint, but so far it's lacking a bit of edge to make things truly engaging.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
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