Things you might like to know.

EDIT: This one really belongs to the Things You Don't Need to Know thread, but by mistake I posted it here. Can one of the powers that be move it?

You know about the Erdos number, right? If not, you should at least be aware of the Bacon number which describes how close (in the sense of acting) you are to Kevin Bacon. Kevin Bacon has Bacon number 0. Anyone who has acted with Kevin Bacon has Bacon number 1. Anyone who has acted with someone who has acted with Kevin Bacon (but not acted with him) has Bacon number 2. And so on. If you've never acted with someone who has acted with who has ... acted with Kevin Bacon your number is infinite.

The Erdos number describes how close you are to the very prolific (1500 papers) mathematician Paul Erdos (1913-1996). Erdos is of course number 0 and anyone who has published a paper with Paul Erdos has Erdos number 1. And so on. For the record, the Erdos number predates the Bacon number.

But what about actors that also have published a scientific paper? The Erdos-Bacon number takes care of those. It's defined as the sum of the Erdos and Bacon numbers. The actress and mathematician Danica McKellar has a Bacon number 2, and an Erdos number 4, so her Erdos-Bacon is 6.

It gets weirder:

The Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath number describes your connection to Erdos, Bacon and ... Black Sabbath (you have performed with someone who has performed with someone who has... performed with Black Sabbath. Or a member of the band). There aren't many with a finite E-B-S number but there are at least 44 ( Among those are Richard Feynman (10), Stephen Hawking (8) and Natalie Portman (11). Even Albert Einstein (11). The least surprising is perhaps Brian May (9).


The Morphy number describes chess players' connection to Paul Morphy (1837-1884). Given the time since his death, there aren't anyone with number 1 and 2 alive, but in 2019 there were a few number 3s. Which means that if at least one of them are still among us, it's still possible to be awarded number 4. Otherwise it's 5. Magnus Carlsen has Morphy number 5.

Stephen Hawking has played chess. Which means, depending on circumstances, he may have a finite Morphy number and therefore also an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath-Morphy number. I don't know, haven't found any solid references, but according to some sources, he wasn't very serious about the game. There is a video where he plays "quantum chess" with Paul Rudd. I haven't watched it. If he had one, his Morphy number must have been at least 2, giving an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath-Morphy number no less than 11.

pibbuR who may have a finite Erdos number, since has published one article. For the others - not a chance.

PS. If you want to find your Erdos number, Oakland University may help you ( DS.
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Nov 11, 2019
Stephen Hawking has played chess. Which means, depending on circumstances, he may have a finite Morphy number and therefore also an Erdos-Bacon-Sabbath-Morphy number. I don't know, haven't found any solid references, but according to some sources, he wasn't very serious about the game. There is a video where he plays "quantum chess" with Paul Rudd.
He also appeared in The Big Bang Theory, but that's probably quite far from Bacon.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Hawking's Bacon number is 2, from "Masters of Science Fiction" with Sean Astin who acted in "White Water Summer" with mr. Bacon.

The Sabbath number comes from "Keep Talking" on Pink Floyd's Division Bell album. David Gilmour played "Smoke on the Water" with amongst others Tony Iommi in "Rock Aid Armenia" (1988).


PS: Here's Smoke on the Water:
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Nov 11, 2019
Do you get a Bacon number for watching one (or more) of his films? We could then create other numbers such as a Corwin number for those who have played an online game with me!! :) How about receiving an email, or a PM from me? Some might like to claim getting a Warning from me here, etc, etc, should count as well!! YES, I can see this spiralling out of control. What have you started Pibs!!??!! :ROFLMAO:
Aug 31, 2006
Do you get a Bacon number for watching one (or more) of his films? We could then create other numbers such as a Corwin number for those who have played an online game with me!! :) How about receiving an email, or a PM from me? Some might like to claim getting a Warning from me here, etc, etc, should count as well!! YES, I can see this spiralling out of control. What have you started Pibs!!??!! :ROFLMAO:
Well, he has to do something on the shadows!
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Everybody posting in a thread started by Pibbur gets Pibbur number 1. Except Pibbur, of course.

My funniest experience regarding Erdős numbers was as follows: When I travelled to the US once for a conference, the customs officer asked for my profession. I answered mathematician, and then he asked me for my Erdős number. I found that a nice move.
Dec 26, 2007
Oct 1, 2010
On the evening of April 18, 1930, families across Britain were sitting in their living rooms listening to the radio as they did most other nights.
At 8:45pm, a news bulletin was scheduled for broadcast on the BBC's "National Programme" station (later the BBC World Service). But when the time came, the announcer simply said:
"There is no news."
And for the rest of the news bulletin's 15-minute slot, piano music was played instead.
Nov 20, 2009
Millions of deleted files recovered in hard drives purchased online

These are second hand HDDs bought on line.

"The company purchased 100 hard drives at random and tried to recover data using reasonable means; for this current exercise, it decided not to invest resources into recovering data from damaged or encrypted secure drives"

I suppose they chose to target disk drives sold/bought by "regular" (amateur, hobby, home) users. I assume professional criminals are mostly after disks from professional organizations/companies, and they weren't examining those.

Ouch! So people actually sell their used disks?

I would never do that. Usually I delete all files, reformat the disks, destroy them physically (by sledgehammer!!!), and deliver them to a site assumed to destroy them completely (don't know for sure what they do, should probably look into that). Until now, I haven't always scrambled them, I probably should do that (I have software for it, Bitdefender which I'm in general is quite happy with, despite mr T.'s disrecommendations :) ).

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Nov 11, 2019
Millions of deleted files recovered in hard drives purchased online

These are second hand HDDs bought on line.

"The company purchased 100 hard drives at random and tried to recover data using reasonable means; for this current exercise, it decided not to invest resources into recovering data from damaged or encrypted secure drives"

I suppose they chose to target disk drives sold/bought by "regular" (amateur, hobby, home) users. I assume professional criminals are mostly after disks from professional organizations/companies, and they weren't examining those.

Ouch! So people actually sell their used disks?

I would never do that. Usually I delete all files, reformat the disks, destroy them physically (by sledgehammer!!!), and deliver them to a site assumed to destroy them completely (don't know for sure what they do, should probably look into that). Until now, I haven't always scrambled them, I probably should do that (I have software for it, Bitdefender which I'm in general is quite happy with, despite mr T.'s disrecommendations :) ).

I take them apart, as in take all the screws out to access the disk platters, then physically damage each platter with a screwdriver and pliers or whatever to the point that recovering any data off it would be effectively impossible.

For good measure, I also destroy the access mechanism and anything else that's easily damageable. Overall, this is probably the most certain and also the fastest way to make a drive unrecoverable.
Nov 20, 2009
In the past I bought a few second hand used HD's. Bottom-line they worked and saved me money. I was never interested in seeing what files were still on the deleted sectors.

I bought a few used SSD's as well last month.(y)
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Oct 1, 2010
A lawyer used ChatGPT and now has to answer for its ‘bogus’ citations / A filing in a case against Colombian airline Avianca cited six cases that don’t exist, but a lawyer working for the plaintiff told the court ChatGPT said they were real.

He says he will never do it again.

pibbuR who expects a lot more fun from said chatter in the foreseable future.

Google and Microsoft’s chatbots are already citing one another in a misinformation shitshow / Microsoft’s Bing said Google’s Bard had been shut down after it misread a story citing a tweet sourced from a joke. It’s not a good sign for the future of online misinformation.

"in the time between starting and finishing writing this story, Bing changed its answer and now correctly replies that Bard is still live. You can interpret this as showing that these systems are, at least, fixable or that they are so infinitely malleable that it’s impossible to even consistently report their mistakes."

Nov 11, 2019
I thought that at least ChatGPT was good with language, but I came to realize it makes huge blunders there too. We're still far from something really useful, though it's fascinating to see what it can (almost) do.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Spotify and Fake Artists / Ghost Artists :
The article is in German language. it says that Spotify contains artists that do not exist. They are created by a few people, for example by the label "Firefly Entertainment".
One example of such a "Ghost Artist" or "Ghost Musician" is Amandine Moulin. She does not exist, according to this article, but this fake is on several playlists.
Ghost/Fake artists are on several playlists, the article says, and thus get money from the revenue pool of Spotify. Which real existing artists don't get.

Unfaire Verteilung von Streaming-Geldern​

Es ist nicht abschließend geklärt, welche Verbindungen es zwischen den kleinen Labels und Spotify gibt. Klar ist: Geistermusikerinnen und -musiker werden millionenfach gestreamt, veröffentlichen neue Musik am laufenden Band und werden damit auch zum Problem. Wenn hohe Summen für Geistermusik ausgeschüttet werden, fehlt dieses Geld an anderer Stelle: Bei Künstlern, die aufwendig Musik komponieren.

Denn nach dem aktuellen Bezahlsystem, dem sogenannten "Pro-Rata-Modell", gehen Streaming-Gelder nicht direkt an die Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die der einzelne Nutzer hört. Sondern es fließt in einen großen Gesamtpool, der dann an alle Artists auf Spotify verteilt wird - je nachdem, wie groß ihr Anteil an allen Streams ist.

Die Sängerin Balbina macht sich seit Jahren für eine faire Verteilung stark, da viele Künstlerinnen und Künstler von Streaming alleine nicht leben könnten. Sie kritisiert: "Der Verteilungsschlüssel besagt: Je häufiger etwas gehört wird, umso mehr wird es wert." Balbina fordert deshalb ein neues Vergütungsmodell. Mit ihren Forderungen war sie schon im Bundestag.
Apparingly, these Ghost Artists are streamed very often, and thus get a lot of money - or, rather, their label gets the money, because they do not exist.

Es gibt aber noch andere Probleme bei den Portalen: "Die Streamingplattformen sind nach wie vor manipulierbar durch sogenannte Server-Farmen oder Bots. Es ist ein offenes Geheimnis, dass sich ein ganzer Branchenzweig darauf spezialisiert, durch 'Song-Abspielen im 30 Sekunden Takt auf Repeat-Modus' die Streaming-Zahlen zum Beispiel im Rap- und Hip-Hop-Genre künstlich in die Höhe zu treiben", sagt der Musik-Manager Rolef. Damit wird auch die Bezahlung manipuliert.
Source :

On a different topic : Apparingly the industry just didn't give in studies to the government which show dangers of Pesticides :
They just don't give them to the government. They only give the government those studies which show no or only few risks.
It's as if risks would not exist. Simply because these studies got filtered out.
And, of course, because a company want to sell, it would be unwise for it to send in studies which show risks.
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Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Oct 1, 2010
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