ThinkProgress - Felicia Day Targeted in Hate Campaign

I'd say it was a mildly amusing song, but I'm not much of a mainstream person. I like humor that takes things a bit further than the obvious.

But I wasn't mocking anything or anyone. I was just musing over the content of the song, as that was interesting to me.
Alright, I'm not going to read the drivel in this thread because I've already heard that radfem poppycock that claims women only can be victims a million times before.

Let me enlighten your backwards asses, I won't be making any references to Islam or my race because I know you intolerant pieces of shit would disregard anything I had to say if I would. This shit is 100% objective truth and I am not biased in any way.
(I have no affiliation with gamersgate nor do I even use twitter. So before you doxx me for a "good cause" or send me death threats think again.)

A brief history of GamersGate
By the scholar and scribe Digger Nick

It all started out with an angry ex-boyfriend that aired the dirty laundry of his former GF Zoe Quinn. Zoe was and is an indie game developer known for her mediocre non-game Depression Quest. Among the wealth of chatlogs, private conversations and the like that her cuckholded BF put out on a blog one thing sparked controversity. She had slept with her boss, gaming journalists and other indie game devs to get ahead during their time together. Ardent mega feminist John Walker slept with Zoe in exchange for coverage on Rock Paper Shotgun. Let that sink in for a brief moment.

Naturally it blew up overnight with a great many people finally having solid evidence that game developers and journalists literally were in bed with eachother. 5guys burger and fries became an consumer movement against journalistic corruption.

That movement almost disappeared overnight when all social sites imaginable began to censor and delete anything having to do with that. It was an unanimous effort to silence and shut down the controversity.

See Zoe Quinn wrote to her then BF that if it came out that she had cheated with her married boss she would sully down the reputation of all radfems in the video game industry. So he shut up until he blew up in public with his blog.

To everyone's surprise people didn't relent just because SJW moderators on Reddit, 4chan and other active places of video game discourse started to hand out bans like candy. Instead they regrouped into what is now called GamersGate on twitter where they can talk without being gagged.

Cue in the bullying campaigns and smearing that lasted for a long time. Something peculiar happened when a wealth of gaming news sites all proclaimed gamers to be "dead" at the same time. It was later revealed that they were all a part of an internal mailing list with the intent to crush their ideological and dissenting customers.

Now that Gamers Gaters have started to send mails to advertising companies to avoid sponsoring several very extremist outlets their propaganda machine has revved up like never before, several faked doxxings have been taken as complete truth by the SJW crowd because surely a woman would never lie and TV appearances have been had.

Meanwhile the diverse crow of GGers who consists of women, men, blacks, whites and any other ethnicity you can think of have gotten more threats than their supposed victims. Coloured women who wanted to be heard have been bullied and shamed by white male fat feminists.

For further reading:
It's by an underprivileged POC. No doubt you intolerant radfems hate his guts because he has male genitalia but that can't be helped I'm afraid.
May 29, 2012
Now if you're an illiterate and don't care there's always this:


and on a more serious note this:

and this is quite good if you want to get a grasp of the events that have taken palace:

May 29, 2012
Inb4 Troll

No, get stuffed.
May 29, 2012
I'd say it was a mildly amusing song, but I'm not much of a mainstream person. I like humor that takes things a bit further than the obvious.

But I wasn't mocking anything or anyone. I was just musing over the content of the song, as that was interesting to me.

My children had it on one night and I found it very funny. Though it would seem to have some truth behind it.

Glad I don't have facebook.
Apr 2, 2011
Misogynist or Desperate Troll or both? You decide.

:rolleyes: Already predicted your canned response. I didn't post it for your benefit but rather to inform people who might not know what have happened and what all the ruckus is about. I'm happily married and I don't hate women you twat, nor is this a made up stance.

If you want to call me names just go ahead and tell me what your white pride pea brain really thinks.
The name kinda screams auto-ignore, doesn't it? ;)
Excellent retort. Ignore me because of my handle. Who cares what a muslim have to say anyway? Plugging your ears and singing won't make GG go away. So you might as well listen to what people have to say like a civilized person instead of jumping on the hate bandwagon.

You can't just brush of debate by pressing the ignore button. Not one of you will ever make any arguments against what I have to say, rather you all go for personal attacks. Even at hate sites such as 4chan and the RPGCodex people at least hear you out before insulting you to the face.
May 29, 2012
Don't you people find it ironic that you shit yourselves when you think someone else tries to silence women or minorities and in the next breath do that yourselves? I've got death threats too but since I'm a guy I doubt you'd care much for it.

Your double standards and hypocrisy makes me sick.
May 29, 2012
For what it's worth, I quit this site years ago after describing Felicia Day as "mutton-faced" got me a warning from a moderator for having insulted a member…

I remember that only a couple months earlier I was defending Jennifer Hepler here against the unfair criticism/harassment she was getting, but I guess for some mysterious reason her cause just didn't have the same appeal for the people who gather around these other "victims"…
Oct 8, 2009
@DN No one is issuing death threats here. Reality eludes you, it seems.
Your literacy eludes you, I never claimed to have gotten threatened in this thread.
May 29, 2012
I remember that only a couple months earlier I was defending Jennifer Hepler here against the unfair criticism/harassment she was getting, but I guess for some mysterious reason her cause just didn't have the same appeal for the white knights who gather around these other "victims"…
Hepler became an unfair target due to EA's PR disaster, and even though nobody deserves to get attacked on the web en masse she really didn't have anything to do with what she was accused of. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That whole ordeal was just shameful for everyone involved. Gamers should have been more civil and respectful and she and her husband should have known better than to further enrage the masses with snarky and unprofessional comments. Can't blame them though, they were never trained to be public faces.
hey look, more clear info
let's ignore it and ridicule the poster
You should really watch the entire thing if you care at all about this business.
May 29, 2012
Falsely calling the kettle black seems to be your modus operandi among many others. Oh well,I wasted enough time on you… I suggest everyone doesn't make the same mistake as I.
Your collective modus operandi is to never engage i debate. If you hear any dissenting opinion you always try to bully them until they leave. Like whenever humanity has risen makes a post you never actually give any response except "oh fuck, that guy, we all hate that guy, right guise?" "Ew you are the worst person, die in a fire". Seriously, just come out of the jackboot closet and admit that you hate religious people and minorities already.
May 29, 2012
The moderators hates my guts and delete and edit my posts all the time too. Don't jerk off too hard when I'm banned.
May 29, 2012
Like whenever humanity has risen makes a post you never actually give any response except "oh fuck, that guy, we all hate that guy, right guise?"

Does it annoy you since you're the same person behind both accounts, maybe?
Dec 16, 2013
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