Ubisoft - Calls The Division an RPG

Is it not like I said it is? Its exactly how I said it is. Just read my post again.

Its an RPG only marginally. If FO4 is an RPG, then No One Lives Forever 1-2 is also. Then Quake is also a RPG. Because youre playing a role, no? You have a healthbar and weapons no?

Its as much a RPG as facebook games are. In depth its most similar to them anyway

OK, I'll admit that I'm a fanboy if you admit that you bought the ticket for the Bethesda-hating train and will be riding it no matter what happens until it's not that cool anymore.
There's a whole lot more to an RPG than playing a role and having equipment and stats. And all of that is present in Fallout 4 (although I really doubt that it will be present in The Division).
1) You create a character. Your character. The S.P.E.C.I.A.L. rules might have changed a little, but turning dull number skills into perk levels (that really explain what they do in game) is not dumbing down. It's not even streamlining, because it turns the choice more complex. It just doesn't allow you to flesh out entirely the character in the moment of character creation. But that's not really bad.
2) You have dialogues (and no, the dialogues weren't reduced to just "yes" or "no". There may be fewer options (probably beause of the voiced protagonist), but they are still there, and the perks and attributes also matter in dialogue options. Also there are more than one way to finish a lot of quests and most of them aren't "go and kill" (unless you are just playing radiant quests). There are even perks that allow you to pacify and give orders to NPCs (humans, animals and mutations).
3) The quests aren't all great - the radiant ones are, as in Skyrim, dull and repetitive, that's true - but the main quest is as stupid as most of the main quests in videogames (videogame writing always sucks, and it's generaly no better than the screenplay of a bad movie). So, compared to other games, this one is not bad, nor good, it's a main quest of a videogame. But there are lots of memorable side quests. Like in the previous Fallouts.
4) The companions are the among the most interesting ones of the Fallout trilogy (I'll ignore the first ones, because they have nothing to do with the Bethesda games). They are also amongst the most interesting NPCs I've seen in recent games. The best one is Nick Valentine (the quests related to him are also some of the best). Hancock is not bad at all, Piper isn't all that interesting, but portrays perfectly a journalist.
5) The settlements are a nice addition to the main game. I don't loose too much time beautifying them, but the general maintenance is good enough to add something more to the universe.
6) The setting is very immersive and was competently fleshed out. It's not a chore to explore, as happens usually with RPGs. I've finished the game, finished the relevant side quests, but I still find new stuff to explore and occasional encounters with NPCs enought to keep exploring untill there's a DLC.
7) Crafting is much better than in the previous games and probably better than most other RPGs (The Witcher 3, game of the year et al, has a lousy armour crafting style, for example).
I could go on, but this thread is about The Division, not Fallout 4…
Nov 30, 2014
Is it not like I said it is? Its exactly how I said it is. Just read my post again.

Its an RPG only marginally. If FO4 is an RPG, then No One Lives Forever 1-2 is also. Then Quake is also a RPG. Because youre playing a role, no? You have some statistic, like a healthbar no? Then ALL games are ROLE PLAYING. See the problem of having a loose definition?

Its as much a RPG as facebook games are. In depth its most similar to them anyway
Still it isn't Ubisoft's sin.
For calling something that's not RPG but just contains RPG elements you should blame on Blizzard's Diablo. There was a minority who protested, but couldn't do sh*t. Just like today, there is a minority who puts "grinder" on usual MMOs endgame content and stuff gaming sites address as "theme park", "busy" and other retarded shady terms that doesn't sound nearly as negative as they should - the best case scenario is a journalist dared to call it "filler" and is risking their job.

But then again, there are penis enlargment advertisments out there.
Advertisments are probably supposed to contain fantasies and fairy tales.
Apr 12, 2009
…same goes for Todd's garbage
Sorry for being rude but I'm fed up with this kind of shit talks ! You dislike the game and that's your privilege, I won't argue about your personal feelings but calling this game a garbage is ridiculous ! What have you ever produced in the department of video games allowing you to be so insulting ? Buy yourself a brain then come back here and maybe we could talk.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
No one would claim Skyrim is an FPS because you can equip a bow and shoot things with it from first person perspective. People need to STFU.
Not as great as I was hoping, but looks a lot more interesting than Fallout...vastly better shooting, better level design, it seems quest objectives can change the way you handle it.
Damn if Ubisoft turns this into another collectathon.
Better rpg mechanics as well, but that goes without saying, eh? :p
Jun 5, 2015
No one would claim Skyrim is an FPS because you can equip a bow and shoot things with it from first person perspective.

Well, you're wrong. I did a quick google search for "is Skyrim an FPS?" and found someone:

It should be nominated for FPS GOTY.

Whatever your views on that line of enquiry, that thread has a great prophet on it, speaking 4 whole years ago:

fps steal from rpgs all the time. adding rpg elements to a fps makes it better. its only a matter of time until fps are no longer produced. all we will see are simplified rpgs and rpgs.
Nov 1, 2014
then we should just do away with genres altogether.

Which leads us to the question:

what is a game? :D
then we should just do away with genres altogether.
We should not.
I despise cardriving simulators. Without genres, I'd probably buy some games I wouldn't know it's a thing I don't want to put a dime in.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, you're wrong. I did a quick google search for "is Skyrim an FPS?" and found someone:

Whatever your views on that line of enquiry, that thread has a great prophet on it, speaking 4 whole years ago:

Every time I return to this forum I feel more and more that gamers have serious mental issues. Maybe some psycotherapy would help?
Nov 30, 2014
I don't know, The Division looks like more of a RPG than Fallout 4 was, and some people in this site are voting Fallout 4 as one of their top 3 RPGs of the year, so…
Apr 11, 2015
Another thread in the crapper. I supposed it was destined to fail. A Ubisoft Online FPS posted at RPGWatch. Doomed.

As I posted earlier I've preordered and I'll play it and enjoy it but I definitely won't call it an RPG. The repercussions of that could be cataclysmic.
Still it isn't Ubisoft's sin.

Well, if Ubi didn't started it, doesn't mean they have to keep at it for fucks sake. We know what that mentality leads to. I have already expressed my regret concerning MMX in the post before, it's a tragic occurrence to simply abandon all support for this game after only 8 months (of milking it). Despite all it's flaws, I feel MMX nailed at least two things, a sensible pace of character progression and (I'd) say terrific challenging combat. So it's definitely a shame. They were making fans were making this game for years and they buried it in 2 seconds. And M&M is kind of a big name, so that can happen to Tom Clancy too.
It's fucking Ubisoft, Ubi means kill in Russian. Ubisoft = Kill software

For calling something that's not RPG but just contains RPG elements you should blame on Blizzard's Diablo. There was a minority who protested, but couldn't do sh*t. Just like today, there is a minority who puts "grinder" on usual MMOs endgame content and stuff gaming sites address as "theme park", "busy" and other retarded shady terms that doesn't sound nearly as negative as they should - the best case scenario is a journalist dared to call it "filler" and is risking their job.

But then again, there are penis enlargment advertisments out there.
Advertisments are probably supposed to contain fantasies and fairy tales.

I agree joxer but I don't blame Diablo. I know false marketing probably isn't going to change, but I'm gonna talk openly about it. Just to keep it from engulfing everything
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Mar 9, 2015
… same goes for Todd's garbage

Sorry for being rude but I'm fed up with this kind of shit talks ! You dislike the game and that's your privilege, I won't argue about your personal feelings but calling this game a garbage is ridiculous ! What have you ever produced in the department of video games allowing you to be so insulting ?

Buy yourself a brain then come back here and maybe we could talk.

You need to calm dawn pudding. Garbage means shipping a broken game. Like Skyrim. Many novices don't grasp exactly what kind of companies (business mentality) they are dealing with. Either way, you'll just have to accept that, as a consumer and fan I have a full right to be a harsh critic, especially when faced with a combination of blatant commercialism in my face and failure to deliver. So what now, I rightly hate the big publishers for milking cult franchises, be it Zeni or Ubi or EA, are you their lawyer? If you continue this defiant fanboyism, we're only going to keep getting shittier and shittier titles. Keep the bar high and those devs working in the right direction. Don't approve just anything because it has the brand on it.
Mar 9, 2015
Well then, when are we going to add Assassin's Creed subforum around here? ;)
Jun 5, 2015
Also don't forget Just Cause and Infamous: Second son. That's some real RPG class.
Mar 9, 2015
It looks interesting but not my style. I prefer games with more role playing options like Skyrim, Dragon Age Origins, or Fallout 4 plus any number of older classics I have played.
Jun 4, 2008
Oct 13, 2007
OK, I'll admit that I'm a fanboy if you admit that you bought the ticket for the Bethesda-hating train…

Bought the ticket? Baby I sell them.
Of course I'm openly hating Bethesda. Choo fucking choo. Been doing it since 2006 with varying intensity. Actually I hate their parent company too, so you could say I hate zenimax.

… and will be riding it no matter what happens ….

You could probably say that because they ain't gonna change….

… until it's not that cool anymore.

Nothing cool about it. Cool is being a hipster couple running around in FO4 (or Zelda) merchandise. I usually keep an improvised shank handy just for those occasions.
Mar 9, 2015
It looks interesting but not my style.

I prefer games with more role playing options like Skyrim, Dragon Age Origins, or Fallout 4

That's amusing, go on please…. I need to hear more of this…
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Mar 9, 2015
Bought the ticket? Baby I sell them.
Of course I'm openly hating Bethesda. Choo fucking choo. Been doing it since 2006 with varying intensity. Actually I hate their parent company too, so you could say I hate zenimax.

You could probably say that because they ain't gonna change….

Nothing cool about it. Cool is being a hipster couple running around in FO4 (or Zelda) merchandise. I usually keep an improvised shank handy just for those occasions.

Well, the only thing I could add now to prove that you are the hipster doing whatever, was to ask you something along the lines: which are your favourite authors or books or movies and directors, but that would be horribly pretentious of me, and it would most certainly be embarassing for you, so I will quit now, before I start being a cunt.
Nov 30, 2014
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