Warsim: The Realm of Aslona (Procedurally generated kingdom management RPG)

Hey everyone,


I made and recorded a new little song that's sung in the Bayside Docks of Shaian, the coastal city. I also added some new dialogues for the Habourmaster there.

* Added new song 'The Great Coastal Winds' to the game
* Added new option in the bayside district of Shaian to listen to the singing coastman
* Added 5 new options to the habourmaster of Shaian (you may ask him about stuff within the bayside district that previously you couldn't, including the new singing coastman)
* Added 'The Great Coastal Winds.txt' lyrics text to Warsim 'Extras\Ascii Art Text Files' directory


Now you can attack the place, you don't just have to buy it!

* Fixed destroying the scorpion fighting pit instantly shows you the text for if you revisited the ruins after destruction screen
* Added the ability to attack the scorpion fighting pit (credit Defender)


Defender found quite a few throne room related bugs and issues, I've also added a few new encounters!

* Added Captain collecting troops to bring to you throne room encounter
* Added village trained warriors against demons throne room encounter
* Rewrote text for farmer needs security for his lands throne room encounter (credit Defender)
* Fixed warrior and his warband throne room encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug in dream to join your army throne room encounter (credit Defender)
* Fixed throne room blacksmith encounter graphics not blocked by ascii filter (Credit Defender)
* Fixed herbalist hair cut incident throne room text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed visions of fighting throne room encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed knight killed two krut goblins throne room encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket complainer throne room encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed Seek a quest worth of me text bug (Credit Defender)
* Fixed man joining penniless monks throne room encounter text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed man wishes to greet you throne room text bug (Credit Defender)


Some quite important changes to mercenaries, now they are more affordable per year after their initial cost.

* Reworked mercenaries so that they cost half their hire cost per year instead of the full hire cost per year (credit Defender)
* Updated mercenary hire screen to show hire and annual costs

GOBLIN SPEAKER (4 features)

The goblin speaker training in Goblinwood has now been improved much more, once the new sound effect was recorded I laughed for a straight minute so it's worth checking out if you have the chance.

* Removed notification for no gold when trying to pay for goblin speaker training
* Added new screen for goblin training when paid for
* Added new sound effect for goblin speaking training (one of the funniest sfx I've done imo)
* Added new gold indicator in goblin training screen

GOLEMS REWORKED (4 features... Or 36.3 billion)

After looking through all the face generation systems in game and ranking them by total faces they can output, Golems were at the bottom of the list with a measly 7 million possible faces. I've wanted to rework them for a while so I created some samples and completely remade the system from the ground up. Now the new Golems have 36.3 billion possible faces!

Here's the list of in-game face generators and their respective total number of faces that can be generated - https://i.imgur.com/1AL9Aay.png

* Remade Golem faces and scrapped the old system and it's 7 million golems
* Added 36.3 billion new Golem faces
* Updated Golem face generator to use the new system
* Added Old Golems data to Warsims extras folder (Extras\Warsim Faces) with instructions on how to reinstall old golem faces if you wish to

Some new golems - https://i.imgur.com/0ofZdeN.png

And some new proc gen golem races - https://i.imgur.com/P1BpHKf.png

BILLIONS OF FACES FOR ALL (4 features... or 26 billion)

After the above race face tracking, I planned to improve the generators for the remaining 4 races below a billion. Now there are no face generators in Warsim that produce less than 1 billion faces!

* Added 22.5 billion new lizardmen faces (was 100 million now 22.6 billion)
* Added 1.6 billion new blogroki faces (was 74 million now 1.67 billion)
* Added 1.4 billion new mushroom men faces (was 237 million now 1.6 billion)
* Added 1.2 billion new skeerok faces (was 126 million now 1.3 billion)

Here's that same race list with the new improvements - https://i.imgur.com/O9jTzpb.png


A few tweaks and new throne room encounters to keep things as fresh as possible!

* Added 1/3 chance of +1 public opinion for throwing stolen item gifter throne room encounter into jail (credit Defender)
* Reworked text in 4 positive feedback encounters in the throne room
* Added new throne room encounter 'few in this realm'
* Added new throne room encounter 'your leadership has been noticed'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Man wants to join your army as his brother did'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Man following the whispering winds instruction'


The way the death sound system in the settings was laid out was confusing, I've tried to improve it and make it clearer. I still don't recommend using it but I don't like deleting features that could be optional so it's still there. For those who don't know it's a system that gives a death sound effect to each dead unit in battle, unfortunately this doesn't work well and immensely slows battles down and delivers choppy half-cut sounds.

* Added a new sub menu in settings for the deathsound system feature
* Added explanation of the death sound system and it's issues
* Made death sound systems slower speed x2 even slower
* Added better notification of what status the death sound system is currently at


Defender pointed out a few issues with origin stories, now all fixed!

* Fixed gambler king intro not giving correct gold if you skip the intro (credit Defender)
* Reworked gambler king game origin text (credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug in sword from stone origin story (credit Defender)

YE SHALL SLAP NO MORE (2 features)

Now as ruler of Darkdale you can outlaw goblin slapping as you should have been able to all along.

* Added the ability to shut down goblin slap stall as leader of darkdale (credit Defender)
* Added goblin joiner from slap stall


It was brought to my attention that there were some missing screens and lacking feedback in custom knightly orders, I've tried to remedy this!

* Added new screen for not having enough gold to convert knights into your order
* Added new screen for not having enough knights to convert into your order
* Reduced cost of converting a knight to your order from 250 gold to 100 gold
* Added new screen for choosing how many knights to convert to your order instead of pure text
* Added new text describing cost of conversion of knights in the quantity choice screen
* Added new screen once you've converted knights to your order (credit Defender)
* Added new screen for joining a single lone knight to the order


There were some issues with minor bandits and custom settings, again thanks to Defender for pointing me in this direction!

* Made it so that setting bandits/minor bandits to non-existant in custom game sets bandit level to 0 unless you choose to change it in the settings
* Fixed setting no bandits or bandit horde in custom settings doesn't block minor bandit groups and shows you random dead groups
* Fixed unable to exit bandit menu when bandits are exctinct

NEW LOOT TROVE (5 features)

A few new items to keep things fresh, the first four are in honour of our new Golems, the last one is a reference to my old and long dead game project the Wastes (which is free on itch.io for the curious)!

* Added 'Stone shaped like a human nose' random loot item (worth 12 gold)
* Added 'Small golden golem statue' random loot item (worth 290 gold)
* Added 'Small finely made jewelled golem statue' random loot item (worth 140 gold)
* Added 'Crudely made little golem statue ' random loot item (worth 10 gold)
* Added 'Black vial marked with an X' random loot item (worth 100 gold)

MORE SOUNDS (4 features)

More improvements to current ones and new sound effects!

* Fixed march sound played even when no one will join you when recruiting in Darkdale
* Added sound effect for failing to recruit in Darkdale
* Added sound effect for hiring grand champion guards (credit Defender)
* Added sound effect for hiring goblin slaver guards (credit Defender)

BUGFIXES (19 features)

Another massive batch of bugs fixed thanks to Defender, great work mate!

* Fixed Glacical races not having blue skin
* Fixed Darkdale king visit incorrect text saying you are unable to speak to the king when you are (credit Defender)
* Fixed option to declare a demonic kingdom once done showing that demon horde is too weak instead of showing that the law is active (credit Defender)
* Fixed killing the gibbering monk graphic not blocked by ascii filter for asciiless version of Warsim (credit Defender)
* Fixed intro to training text in barracks missing first part of sentence for all training screens
* Fixed issue with slave revolt diplomacy intro text from head scout (credit Defender)
* Fixed issue with deserters diplomacy intro text from head scout (credit Defender)
* Fixed issue with internal outlaw pest group diplomacy intro text from head scout (credit Defender)
* Fixed incorrect reference to farmer instead of throne room visitors name in soldier stole coin throne room encounter (credit Defender)
* Fixed failed peace attempt message typo (credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug in generals intro at game start (credit Defender)
* Fixed 'and well make peace' text bug in weregild peace talks (credit Defender)
* Fixed Blackmarket to darkdale tavern goer dialogue text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug in bandit gang intro text (Credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug with strange Blackmarket leader dialogue intro (credit Defender)
* Fixed Work work text bug in thickblood upgrade screen (credit Defender)
* Fixed Eerie cavern text bug (credit Defender)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in ruined southern village (credit Defender)
* Fixed 9 text bugs in burning peasant in pit text (credit Defender)

EVERYTHING ELSE (3 features)

Some other little things that couldn't fit anywhere else!

* Added indication of current fort captains battlescore next to the demote option in any owned forts (credit Defender)
* Added ability to train Goblin Berserkers to Soldiers for 5 gold in Grand Barracks (Credit Defender)
* Added 6 new kingdom names (Umpland, Loiden, Brygard, Ostland, Coastwatch, Hillstop)


* New Death sound screen - https://i.imgur.com/yFCuhdC.png
* New option in Darkdale - https://i.imgur.com/ke3d2wl.png
* Shutting the goblin slap stall - https://i.imgur.com/zm98pb5.png
* A new friend when shutting the goblin slap stall - https://i.imgur.com/xOfasNN.png
* Adding knights to a knightly order I made - https://i.imgur.com/BKIQoip.png
* New fort screen - https://i.imgur.com/ofNEliu.png
* New scorp pit capture screen - https://i.imgur.com/zNDIgLZ.png
* Training berserkers - https://i.imgur.com/JewhvtO.png
* New merc screen - https://i.imgur.com/ES8K5Vo.png


Well so much for the tutorial update, I'm still working through my backlog of stuff but plan to sort the tutorial sooner rather than later.


Mar 18, 2019
Hey everyone, so this update is a mix of two things. Primarily the reworking of the games tutorial to make it a bit more informative and better laid out instead of just walls of text. The second part is a review of the Wildwood and Farrad Desert regions of the worlds exploration in a full total sweep for any bugs or areas that could be improved in an effort to improve the total quality of the regions.


The previous tutorial was just lots of large walls of text on various topics, I've tried to make this one a bit easier to follow as it goes through the different menu options in the main game screen so new players can have a better idea of what to expect and what to do, this may need further tweaking but I think at the very least it's a step in the right direction.

* Reworked the tutorial at the start of the game and in the throne room
* Added ability to choose tutorial type instantly
* Added ability to quit tutorial at any point
* Added ability to ask for clarification and extra information on the various tutorial topics
* Added new tutorial section for each area of the main game screen
* Added ability to revisit any section of the tutorial when you're done

WILDWOOD IN REVIEW (12 features)

Continuing on with my attempts to check each area of the game world is up to scratch I've visited Wildwood. Turns out there was a lot of stuff that needed improvement but now Wildwood has a new coat of polish over it!

* Added new screen and sfx for destroying goblin stone camp
* Added new loot item gained for destroying goblin stone camp (with sfx)
* Added new screen and sfx for destroying Hunters rest
* Added new screen for looting hunters rest (with sfx)
* Added new sfx for the seven rules of the second clan book in the guardian tree camp
* Reworked layout of the seven rules book in the guardian camp
* Reworked goblin stone camp description
* Rewrote and fixed 3 hunters rest intro texts
* Fixed 10 text and grammar issues in the oldest tree in Wildwood
* Fixed destroying goblinstone giving you double screen
* Fixed march sound playing when recruiting from hunters rest but none join you
* Fixed text bug with ruined hunters rest screen


Deservant of a section of it's own, trawling through Goblinwood as part of my Wildwood review I found plenty of things in need of fix or improvement here. I also found that purchasing some things in Goblinwood had a small feature where a percentage of your purchase gets added to the Goblinwood treasury as tax. I'd totally forgotten this feature was even a thing but thought it was cool so I've expanded it to cover more areas of Goblinwood, and have now given visible indication that this is happening when you buy thing there.

* Added new warning screen pre-battle with Goblinwood
* Added goblinwood destruction screen (with sfx)
* Added new screen for looting goblinwood treasury
* Added 3 new loot chests gained for destroying goblinwood
* Added new screen for freeing goblin slaves to enter goblinwood (with sfx)
* Added open the gate screen for entering goblinwood (with new recorded sfx)
* Added indicator of slavery ended when entering goblinwood
* Added special unique screen for ending goblin slavery but no slaves currently left to be freed
* Added new open gate screen for entering goblinwood through diplomacy
* Added new sound effect to entering guard post in Goblinwood living district
* Added 20 gold tax added to Goblinwood treasury if you pay for the 100 gold goblin speaking training
* Added 1 gold tax added to Goblinwood treasury if you pay for the 4 gold human imported ale in the human toe tavern
* Added new screen when trying to recruit but goblinwood pop is too low explaining the limits
* Added new open gate screen for entering goblinwood when you previously already banned goblin slavery
* Added new goblin grunt sound effect to the game
* Added missing indicators of gained troops and lost gold from hiring berserk goblins from Goblinwood
* Added indication of tax income gained for goblinwood when you hire troops
* Added new notification of active trade with goblinwood if you have a trade route
* Added new indicators of trade starting or ending in dialogue
* Added new screen for recruiting goblins from Goblinwood (with sfx)
* Added indicator of loss to local population numbers when recruiting in Goblinwood
* Rewrote goblin wood weapon shop intro text
* Rewrote Goblinwood destroyed screen
* Removed useless extra text when trying to recruit once already recruiting
* Updated goblinwood district options to be capitalised
* Increased minimum recruited goblins in goblinwood from 0 to 2
* Increased maximum recruited goblins in goblinwood from 4 to 7
* Fixed text bug in Goblinwood banned from entry screen
* Fixed rusty dagger inn goblin patrons had grey skin
* Fixed text bugs in intro to Goblinwood living district
* Fixed grammar issue in Vylcount intro text in Goblinwood
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Gnats meat shop
* Fixed intro to sudden death in Goblinwood tavern text split bug
* Fixed text bug in gboo the goblin intro text
* Fixed text bug in room of pipecrafting
* Fixed text bug in Ngrek's boneworks intro
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Ko'lok kings intro
* Fixed Goblinwood treasury text bug
* Fixed Goblinwood dungeon text bug
* Fixed Ko'lok captain of the guard option text bug
* Fixed text bug in diplomat entry to goblinwood


The Goblinwood School of drums was overdue being completed, it now has double the lessons so you can learn more great drumming techniques!

* Added new intermediate lesson for goblinwood drum school (9 gold entry fee)
* Added new skilled lesson for goblinwood drum school (12 gold entry fee)
* Added current gold indicator to class payment screen in drum school
* Added new screen before lesson showing gold paid
* Added new indicator of tax gold taken from your lesson payment to the goblinwood treasury
* Fixed text bug in Goblinwood drum school statue screen
* Rewrote intro to goblinwood drum screen classes


Visited the Farrad desert region to see if any locations here were outdated or needing polish and scoured all screens. Now the place is all clear and up to date!

* Added gold gained sound effect for winning scorpion pit bet
* Added indicator of pit gold loss if you win a bet in scorp pit
* Added new screen to buying scorpion pit
* Added new screen for raising your flag in scorpion pit
* Added indicator of gold loss when losing pit bet
* Added indicator of scorp pit bet gold gain when you lose a pit bet
* Added gold sound to paying entry fee for scorp pit
* Added intro screen to watching Gorthmek orc brawl
* Added indicator of your current gold on buy Gorthmek option
* Added gold gained sound effect when looting gorthmek treasury
* Added new screen if you capture gorthmek but it has no gold
* Added sound effect for turning galbak the grunter around
* Added new screen for losing a battle against fort gorthmek (with sfx)
* Improved Scorpion pit discount price from 1000 gold (4.3% off) to 2200 gold (10% off)
* Reworked scorpion fight pit victory text
* Reworked scorpion fight pit betting victory text
* Reworked dead Arsam all knowing screen
* Rewrote Galbak the grunter turn around screen
* Fixed shortening graphic bug for Galbak the grunter image
* Fixed 2 text bugs in destroyed Gorthmek screen
* Fixed shortening graphic bug for destroyed Gorthmek
* Fixed scorp pit not sound not restarting after a fight
* Fixed Arsam all knowings who are you dialogue line splitting bug
* Fixed text bugs in 3 Arsam dialogues
* Fixed 2 text bugs on main intro text of Arsam's hut
* Fixed winning a bet with first scorpion accidentally gives you double reward
* Fixed march sound played when no recruits available in Rihhm
* Fixed Rihhm elder intro text dialogue bug
* Fixed 2 text bugs when starting and ending tribute from Rihhm
* Fixed text bug when ending trade route with Rihhm
* Fixed Rihhm village sound restarts every time you re-enter the main village screen
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Gorthmek leader dialogues


So again with every region there are some locations that are jam packed with tons of content, places like Darkdale, The Blackmarket, and so on. The artifact market is the Farrad Desert's answer to these big settlements and there's a ton inside that needed improvement.

* Added 4 new unique screens for trying doors in artifact market mage guild
* Added new lock rattle sound effect to trying doors in artifact market
* Added new screen for buying ancient scythe artifact
* Added new screen for buying the friend of the fearful
* Added indicator of xenophobic nation changes with friend of the fearful
* Added new screen when paying to enter house of art and tapestries in Artifact market (with sfx)
* Added new screen for buying the plague box with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Seer stone with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Chaos Orb box with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Talisman of Brothers with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Doomstone fragment with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Frost Gauntlet with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Goblin sceptre with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Dumble staff with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying Demon Shield with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying cruel rule tome with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying horn of demons with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying stone of talents with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying fragment of the stone of denland with sfx and graphic
* Added new screen for buying the Golden telescope with sfx and graphic
* Added indicator of gained exploration changes with golden telescope
* Added sound effect for hiring someone from Artifact market champion post
* Rewrote text for the door marked 'C' if you can't open it
* Rewrote text for opening door marked 'C'
* Fixed text bug in golden telescope description
* Fixed text bug in friend of the fearful description
* Fixed artifact market mages guildmaster intro text bug
* Fixed 2 text bugs in artifact market mage guildmaster dialogues
* Fixed text bug in intro text to artifact market mage guild
* Fixed Nugmeek the bartender intro text bug
* Fixed text bug in main artifact market central district intro text
* Fixed text bug in Artifact market enchanted brawl intro text
* Fixed 2 text bugs in fragment of stone of denland description
* Fixed 3 text bugs in stone of talents description
* Fixed 4 text bugs in horn of demons description
* Fixed 6 text bugs in Demon Shield description
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Dumble staff description
* Fixed text bug in eastern artifact intro text
* Fixed text bug in Goblin sceptre description
* Fixed text bug in Frost Gauntlet description
* Fixed text bug in Talisman of Brothers description
* Fixed text bug in Chaos Orb box description
* Fixed 6 text bugs in tower of histories screens
* Fixed broke hair graphic for Doran the Dim tavernkeep in Artifact market
* Fixed text bug in intro for Doran the Dim

EVERYTHING ELSE (4 features)

This section actually has a number of cool features that didn't fit anywhere else. There's a feature I added a long while ago where defeating kingdoms can form refugee camps though it didn't occur to me until recently how rare or even non-existant seeming this was. I've looked into it further and discovered that kingdoms only have a chance of forming a refugee group if they are destroyed by someone other than the player, now that's been remedied. Among other things here all goblin throne room visitors will now show you how much gold you'll get for enslaving them if goblin slavery is legal.

* Added refugee kingdoms can spawn when players invade last land of independent kingdom
* Made option to sell throne room visiting goblin to the goblin slaver not shows in advance how much gold that's worth to you
* Changed kingdom origin text for slaver option to try and be more clear that you're leading an army of enslaved not free slaves
* Improved grunt sound effect by removing extra noise and reducing filesize


* New tutorial introduction - https://i.imgur.com/oUJUvub.png
* The screen you get if you lose a fight against Gorthmek (the voiced sound effect makes it for me - https://i.imgur.com/AGvbXrA.png
* Now destroying Hunter's rest has an actual screen - https://i.imgur.com/ALOZbMy.png
* And a reward... sorry hunters - https://i.imgur.com/yqiZjvl.png
* New screen before attacking Goblinwood - https://i.imgur.com/d7p6PuZ.png


Now that the tutorial stuff is out of the way I'm going to continue sweeping through my bug reports and suggestions list to shrink it down a bit more and will be having a little bit of a break as I have a few things I need to sort out. I imagine another update will come soon enough though!


Mar 18, 2019
Hey everyone,

So this update has been quite broad but it's added a whole bunch of new content, characters, bugfixes, and more! I'm really happy with this one.

MANS THE DICTATOR (8 features)

u/TheGamingDictator or Mans, is a member of our Warsim community who while not someone who's been with us for years is someone who has had a huge impact on the game with tons of bugreports and very helpful community work. He's one of our two reddit mods and has been nothing but a help the entire time, long overdue for him to be in the game and here he is now as a northern warrior with a life-debt to the village of Uktak far in the western swamps, be warned he'll protect that village with his life!

* Added new character 'Mans the Dictator' to Uktak village
* Added 7 dialogues with Mans
* Added explanation for why Uktak goblins speak so well
* Added champion challenge duel from mans if you try to destroy Uktak
* Added screen for backing down from champion challenge with mans
* Added special new sound effect for mans death outside of duel
* Added alternate scenario for trying to destroy Uktak if you have no champions
* Added screen for Mans victory in duel


This was always sort of in the game, but you just saw the pig-mans face and got nothing from it, I've now made it a little easier and changed the reward to being the actual pig-man himself. I don't believe anyone has found the previous one but it's out there!

* Added Pigsy the Ancient Champion (500 battlescore) to the game (somewhere)
* Added new sound effect for freeing Pigsy
* Added alternate reward if you can't take pigsy as one of your champion slots


Previously sacking the Blackmarket granted gold and possible chaos orbs, I've expanded it and improved the pre-existing loot screens.

* Added sacking the Blackmarket now grants 5 random chests on top of normal loot
* Reworked sacking blackmarket main text
* Added new indicators of gold gained when looting Blackmarket
* Added new indicators of chaos orbs gained when looting Blackmarket


I wanted more control in the Brawl Pit, now players who own the pit will be able to ban slappers and spiked-knuckles from the pit. The upgrades screen has seen a rework and several other bugs within the pit have been fixed.

* Reworked brawl pit upgrades screen to be upgrades and rules
* Added new dynamic text for Brawl pit upgrades screen if you've got all upgrades
* Added new option to ban Spike-Knuckles from the Brawl pit and it's fights
* Added new option to ban Slappers from Brawl pit and it's fights
* Added special detector that checks if current pit champion is slappy or spike knckle fighter
* Added Option to strip pit champion if violating your new rule (you may choose to allow them to stay)
* Added new option to strip brawl pit champion of their title in the new rules and upgrade scree
* Fixed 2 text bugs in intro to brawl pit champion dialogue
* Reworked brawl pit champion intro text
* Fixed bug preventing watching new champion challenge when a champion is stripped of position in brawl pit
* Removed ability to make money from champion challenge fight as pit owner (to avoid infinite strip champion, then new challenge for new champion, then strip them loop of profiting)
* Fixed being able to talk to brawl pit champion after they're fired when slot is empty
* Fixed text bug in who are you brawl pit champ dialogue
* Fixed 12 text bugs in luck dialogue with brawl pit champion
* Fixed text bug with firing brawl pit champion
* Fixed text bug with intro to brawl pit champ trophies
* Fixed text bug with 5 win trophy text
* Fixed text bug with 10 win trophy text
* Fixed text bug with 25 win trophy text
* Fixed text bug with 50 win trophy text
* Fixed text bug with 100 win trophy text
* Fixed text bug with two pits trophy text


There are plenty of Gamblers in the game, some with very questionable games like Grabtork the Swindler. This character plays a normal game but he always finds a way to win. Watch out for him when you're in Darkdales richest district.

* Added new rock, paper, scissors gambler in the golden crescent tavern in Darkdale
* Added gambler refuses to play with you if you don't have 100 gold
* Added gambler changes his choice if he loses and claims he wins (dynamic outcome of how you can deal with this) (credit Defender)


I was informed by a new player on steam they skipped the tutorial but wanted to see it again and didn't know where to find it, I've now tried to make it a bit clearer and easier, cheers for the feedback mate!

* Renamed the tutorial option in the throne room to make it more clear (credit Molovian)
* Added new screen if you refuse tutorial from Old croll at game start explaining where to find it if you need it (credit Molovian)
* Added new option to do tutorial even if you skip crowning ceremony (credit Molovian)


Had a little work through Thickblood tavern to add the ability to destroy it, Why have you gotta destroy all my stuff Defender?

* Added ability to destroy the Thickblood Tavern (Credit Defender)
* Added alternate text depending on if bandit level is 0 or not when destroying thickblood
* Added destroying thickblood tavern grants -2 bandit level
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Thickblood blade screen


Another thing Defender had to destroy, well now that nasty demon summoner in the Blackmarket 1, Has a face, and 2, can be destroyed!

* Added indicator of demon removed from demon horde when summoning
* Added new graphic for demon summoner
* Reworked description for demon summoner
* Added ability to destroy the demon summoners house (credit Defender)

THE OLD LIBRARY (34 features)

While I was clearing through the Farrad Desert I noticed the Old Library in the Artifact market's books weren't formatted very well and none of them had page turning sound effects, I've gone through and updated them all now so Farrad is fully cleared.

* Added New Book to the Old Library
* Fixed 3 text bugs in western travel guide book in the old library
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Southern travel guide book in the old library
* Fixed 6 text bugs in northern travel guide book in the old library
* Reworked 'The Song of Demons' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The God of Goblins' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Willy Willy Wonder King' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Deserter Deserter' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Fair Orcish Maiden' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The King of the Dwarves' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Lord of Ice' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Phenor the Black' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Five Brothers' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Sand-Talker' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'A Wall Rhyme' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Book of Prophercy' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Marius the Tribute' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Swiftwind the last great clan' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Titans of the Footpath' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Kullak' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Coastal Kings of Old' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Swamplands' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Pirate Wars' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Great Wall' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'O Great Coast King' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Orcish Homelands' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Place marked X' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Wagon Man' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked '23 Reasons never to visit the north' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Northern Travel Guide' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Southern Travel Guide' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Eastern Travel Guide' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'Western Travel Guide' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library
* Reworked 'The Hunter's Tales Volume I' book layout and added page turn sfx in the old library

BUGFIXES (7 features)

A few bugfixes here, including a really big crash bug that happened for custom games. Thanks for reporting that one Angel and cheers everyone else for the reports.

* Fixed North Stone graphic colour bug
* Fixed destroying the North stone also accidentally destroys the Old Stone
* Fixed declaring war via diplomacy screen wardrum loop music doesn't stop even after you return to the normal diplo screen (credit Defender)
* Fixed text bug in secret door in the south text
* Fixed caravan report text bug with Blackmarket trade income (credit u/Jacknerik)
* Fixed text bug in Smallhaven tavern rock paper scissors game text
* Fixed issue with having chosen races and their racial prefixes crashes the game if you search for new lands (credit Angel De'Haven)

EVERYTHING ELSE (6 features)

Quite a few things that didn't fit anywhere else, we have a new kingdom type, a new failsafe for having a huge bank balance, lots of new screens when buying maps from the cartographers guild and a rework of the slaver origin story option!

* Added new kingdom type 'Dynasty' with 'Atabeg' as king title and 'Warlord' as lord title (only for civ level 4 or higher nations)
* Added after one billion in the royal bank, the bank will no longer grant interest on it (credit dontlikegreenbeans)
* Added new screen and graphic for secret door in the South
* Added new sfx for opening secret south door
* Added new screen with sfx for buying maps from Cartographers guild
* Reworked slaver army origin story to be clearer (credit u/Jacknerik)


* New brawl pit rules screen - https://i.imgur.com/POA5OBO.png
* Mans in game - https://i.imgur.com/PKWB9if.png
* Mans defending Uktak - https://i.imgur.com/nYSAGg8.png
* Pigsy the Ancient Champion - https://i.imgur.com/0lbPfNO.png
* Pigsys stats - https://i.imgur.com/0GqVlVH.png
* New screen for buying maps from the Cartographers - https://i.imgur.com/ZHrMJN7.png
* The cheating swine - https://i.imgur.com/8vto1h9.png
* What are you going to do about it - https://i.imgur.com/YwESYUM.png


This update has halved my immediate backlog of reports and things, I plan to clear the rest of it before moving on to themed updates within the next few weeks.


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (Slave Revolt Origin and much more, 117 features)

Hey everyone,

So another week of successful clearing through big backlogs as well as some more playtesting myself to find bugs and areas to improve. This update has many different improvements all around and lots of new features that I hope you all enjoy!


Well it's actually the old way, before a background difficulty scale was added that made enemies recruit more and generally be stronger and larger the difficulty used to pretty much soley mean what your starting resources were and nothing more. On the suggestion of u/Ubercharge1 from our reddit community I've added new game difficulty choices for playing default difficulty but with the starting resources of each choice.

* Added new debug mode 23 - Normal mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 24 - Hard mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 25 - Solid mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)
* Added new debug mode 26 - Insane mode resources but increased background difficulty off (credit u/Ubercharge1)

SLAVES RISE UP (2 features)

This has been suggested multiple times by people who wanted to start the game as a freer-of-slaves, well now you can. Choosing this origin starts you off destroying the slavers fort and leading your ex-slave army to forming a kingdom!

* Added new kingdom origin start 'Slaver revolt' Start with destroyed slaver fort, ex-slave freed army, +10 public opinion (credit Multiple suggesters)
* Added chance of slaver revolt kingdom origin when you choose random origin


No matter how many children you drop out of trap doors, there are always more who visit your throne room asking for money. No matter how many you give money to the odds of more coming is low. Now there will be a background tracker keeping a note of this, if you are horrible to young folk visiting your throne room you will find a lot less of them or maybe never see them. Treat them well and more and more will come!

* Added youth relation figure tracking your background relation to the youth in throne room encounters
* Added having 75+ youth relation grants 4% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 50+ youth relation grants 3% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 25+ youth relation grants 2% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having 0+ youth relation grants 1% bonus in throne room visitors
* Added having -25+ youth relation grants 1% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having -50+ youth relation grants 2% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having -75+ youth relation grants 3% drop in throne room visitors
* Added having lower than 75 youth relation grants 4% drop in throne room visitors
* Fixed text bug in young boy eats coin and chokes encounter
* Added -2 youth relation for young boy death in throne room encounter
* Added +1 youth relation for giving young boy a coin
* Added -1 youth relation for having no gold to give
* Added -10 youth relation for throwing young boy through trap door
* Added -5 youth relation for arresting young boy
* Added -1 youth relation for refusing to give gold to young boy
* Added +3 youth relation for giving young boy who asks for a single coin ten coins
* Added +6 youth relation for giving young boy who asks for a single coin 100 coins
* Made boy gives coin throne room encounter much more common if youth relation is high
* Made boy gives coin throne room encounter much less common if youth relation is low
* Fixed boy gives coin throne room encounter text bug
* Added -2 youth relation for snatching coin from boy and kicking him out
* Added paying Blackmarket pickpocket gang a coin each to disband gives +5 youth relation
* Added paying Blackmarket pickpocket gang 10 coins each to disband gives +10 youth relation


Defender pointed out that the ability to freely convert your 100 battlescore troops to be members of merc groups with 190 battlescore units is a little exploity, now I've added a system to at least provide some growing costs depending on how advanced the merc units are.

* Added new system of paying to convert soldiers into merc groups with much more powerful units (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 200 battlescore units cost 6 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 150 battlescore units cost 4 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Merc groups with higher than 100 battlescore units cost 2 gold per unit to convert (credit Defender)
* Added marching sound effect when converting troops into mercenary company units


Omer suggested some new encounters when you explore the realm, finding a random hero or monster if you have a monster fight pit, thanks Omer!

* Added new exploration encounter of finding a lost champion who is willing to join you (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added sleeping monster explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added trapped monster dead trappers explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)
* Added docile monster explore encounter (credit Omer from Audiogames)


In Darkdale there's a cat tavern, you can get drunk and pet cats. But logically the drunker you get the more likely you would be to irritate those cats. Well now it's a feature!

* Added being a bit drunk or more and trying to pet cats in the Darkdale Cat tavern has 1/3 chance of negative outcome (credit Defender)
* Added being very drunk or more and trying to pet cats in the Darkdale Cat tavern has 1/2 chance of negative outcome (credit Defender)
* Added irritated cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added accidental poke cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added slip and grab fur cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added cat licks booze cat outcome with screen and sfx
* Added Catyr interaction over grab fur outcome
* Added Catyr interaction over accidental poke outcome
* Added if you get to drunk level Hammered or higher, Catyr the beautiful looks ugly

WHAT DO YOU DO? (9 features)

You now get a much more dynamic and helpful response when asking your diplomat what he can do, it will also show the nearest skill increase that can be gained.

* Added new extra screen when asking diplomat what he does (credit Defender)
* Added screen for having less than 50 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 75 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 100 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 150 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having less than 200 diplomat score (with indicator of nearest skill upgrade)
* Added screen for having more than 200 diplomat score
* Reworked all 5 screens for asking spymaster what he can do
* Fixed demon spying ability mentioned by spymaster even if demons are dead

WHY THE RED FACE? (20 features)

If you play as a demonic ruler then all your advisors get a demonic red skin, however it seems this was only half implemented as many screens the skin colour reverted to normal. Thanks cultivahabas for letting me know about this one, now it's all patched!

* Fixed asking demonic diplomat to show kingdom relations changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic diplomat what he does changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic diplomat for advice changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic diplomat changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic spymaster changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking spymaster what he does doesn't have it's own screen
* Fixed firing demonic jester changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic general changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking demonic steward what he does changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic steward changes his colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing sudden death with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed asking about the rules of sudden death to demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing coin flip game with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing rock paper scissors with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed playing caverns and cave trolls with demonic games master changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed firing demonic bard changes his skin colour (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic general game intro skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic advisor tutorial rejection screen skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed demonic advisor tutorial screens skin colour not correctly set (credit cultivahabas)


There are definitely a bunch more improvements to be made here, but I've made a start and now added a special event that happens if you clear the den out of it's gold.

* Added new screen where gambling den applauds you if you can clear it out of it's gold
* Added new screen and sfx for gambling den shutting down due to having no gold
* Fixed Blackmarket guess the dice text broken

BUGFIXES (29 features)

A pile of bugs big enough to scare an ant-eater here... At least they are sorted now!

* Fixed text colour bug with old stone event
* Fixed text colour bug with old stone destruction screen
* Fixed mercenary companies cannot fight the undead
* Fixed 2 text bugs in not having enough goblin berserkers conversion screen
* FiXed 2 text bugs in not having gold to convert goblin berserkers screen
* Fixed issue with goblin berserker conversion incorrectly telling you that you don't have enough berserkers to convert (credit Matt1211)
* Fixed sacrificing peasants at demon totems changes totem text to show them destroyed (credit cultivahabas)
* Fixed mislabelled Blackmarket attack option
* Fixed 30 Blackmarket banners text bugs
* Fixed 2 ruined Blackmarket Banners text bugs
* Fixed 4 incorrectly sized Blackmarket banners
* Fixed text bug in can't afford invasion cost merc hire screen
* Fixed jesters son referring to the player as << YourLord <<
* Fixed 2 text bugs in monster fight victory screens
* Fixed text bug in bandits of the realm how to reduce bandit level text screen
* Fixed 3 text bugs in attacking independent kingdoms
* Fixed 3 text bugs in attacking bandit groups
* Fixed text bug in 'Miners fell into a chasm' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed 5 text bugs in 'Miners tried to rob you' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed 2 text bugs in 'Miners discover chaos orbs' Shallowrock throne room encounter
* Fixed no gold indicator shown on throne room bard encore screen
* Fixed no gold indicator shown on bard asking for gold to play throne room screen
* Fixed 4 text bugs in Clan Thickblood Blade screens
* Fixed no gold indicator on fort ruin in Near north with rebuild option
* Fixed 6 text bugs in silver tongue throne room failure screens
* Fixed 6 text bugs in silver tongue throne room success screens
* Fixed text bug with goblin tribe throne room encounter
* Fixed incorrectly laid out indicators of gained goblin troops in goblin tribe joiner throne room encounter
* Fixed champion joiner extra line bug

EVERYTHING ELSE (8 features)

Plenty of good stuff here, now when Phenor rejects your peace it's way better, undead summoning event is improved, Blackmarket ruler statue is improved, and some great suggestions by Caccio, Defender, and Molovian!

* Added gold sound to paying silver tongue in throne room
* Reworked peace rejection from bandit horde screen
* Reworked Blackmarket leader statue to show if it was erected by the last Blackmarket ruler before you conquered the place
* Reworked undead summoning event to have new screen and sfx
* Reworked buying maps from cartographers guild options to clearly explain you are unlocking the region and not a single location (credit Caccio72 from audiogames)
* Added new indicator of total music relation when it changes (credit Molovian)
* Added background sound to smallhaven (credit Defender)
* Added special event where if rebel forces are dead but rebels still have lands they collapse at the end of the turn and flee into exile (credit DazaKiwi)


* Found this ugly beast while exploring - https://i.imgur.com/rIWqH6k.png
* New slave revolt origin story - https://i.imgur.com/8jvogTK.png
* New event if the rebellion loses it's armies but still has lands - https://i.imgur.com/D1oS0sQ.png
* Catyr the Beautiful doesn't look so good if you get too drunk - https://i.imgur.com/lIO7mGV.png
* Don't pet cats in the cat tavern if you can barely stand - https://i.imgur.com/sLegkxN.png
* Spawning an undead horde - https://i.imgur.com/pqrut9r.png
* What can old croll do? - https://i.imgur.com/m8njpUK.png
* The cost of mercenary converts to a very strong group - https://i.imgur.com/dfURd1i.png
* Now the group is way bigger - https://i.imgur.com/X1nzTt0.png
* The new difficulty gamemodes available when starting a new game - https://i.imgur.com/Jn12eEV.png


Once again I've made great progress clearing through my backlogs. Still plenty more stuff to come before it's fully cleared though!


Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys just letting you know Warsim is now 30% off on steam at $5.59/£3.84/4,54€

I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has about the game. It's been in early access for years but is fully playable, has 96% positive on steam from over 300 reviews, and has sizeable communities on both steam and reddit with just over 21000 copies sold so far.

Check out the sale here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/659540/Warsim_The_Realm_of_Aslona/?beta=0#app_reviews_hash

If you do check it out I hope you enjoy it, and if you already have it let any friends you think might like it know!

Cheers guys

Huw (Solodev of Warsim)
Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (Baiaa Pits Extended and more, 53 features)

Hey everyone,

So more clearing of things on the list, Warsim is now on sale as well so I'm focusing on trying to raise awareness and promote that sale where I can too! This update includes a lot of different stuff but chiefly, Baiaa Pits improved, Gambling Den in the Blackmarket has been improved and now more available, Some improvements to the Nomads, lots of bugfixes, and appreciation from Rihhm village when you deserve it!


A few bugfixes and tweaks as well as a brand new way to obtain good tried and tested monsters, now you can buy them from the Baiaa pits for slaves!

* Added Baiaa Pit Master will offer to sell you the winning monster of any pit fight for 15 slaves or peasants if you have any free slots in your monster pit
* Fixed sound not resetting after monster fight in Baiaa
* Added 2 new questions to Baiaa monster pit master 'What do you do with the slaves or peasants you take for entry' and 'Who watches these fights?'
* Fixed slave and peasant availability indicators for Baiaa pit fight show as available even when you don't have the peasants or slaves
* Added new indicator on Baiaa monster fight entry of if you have no slaves/peasants or not enough
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Baiaa slave fight entry costs


The gambling den is a location that only appears in upgraded Blackmarkets so most players don't see it, it turns the coin flipper into a den with several games you can play. I've decided to reduce this to being available from the get-go and have tried to improve a lot of the things you can do here.

* Removed coin flipper from central market district
* Replaced coin flipping with Gambling Den (usually reserved only for upgraded Blackmarket)
* Updated Blackmarket upgrade screen mentioning gambling den upgrade
* Added graphic to guess the dice game in gambling den
* Added indicator of gold lost and gambling den gold gained
* Made gambling den gold random from 5001-15000 gold instead of always 10000
* Completely reworked gambling den armwrestling
* Added 9 new arm wrestling sound effects
* Added indicator of gold and gambling den gold change with wins and losses
* Added dynamic graphics as the arm wrestling event goes on
* Added new screen to arm wrestling draw
* Added refund bet screen with sfx for arm wrestling draw
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Gambling Den arm wrestling screen
* Added screen for arm wrestling bet refused because you can't afford to make it
* Added screen for arm wrestling bet refused because the gambling den can't afford to match it
* Reworked coin flip text in gambling den
* Added dice roll sound effect to guess the dice game in Gambling den


When you terraform the village of Rihhm, now everywhere in Rihhm you go you'll recieve adoration and praise!

* Added alt dialogue for Rihhm champion if you've terraformed the village
* Reworked Rihhm champion dialogue
* Added alt dialogue for Rihhm snail racing if you've terraformed the village
* Fixed text bug with unwilling storyteller of Rihhm
* Added alt dialogue intro for Rihhm Elder if you've terraformed the village
* Added 10 extra random villager dialogues for once you've terraformed Rihhm Village

NOMADS NOT DEMONS (3 features)

Luel from Audiogames pointed out that when attacking the demon camp sometimes the nomads would defend it, this was a bug where the game thought that any living nomads were demonic worshipping nomads even if they weren't. Now it's all fixed!

* Fixed demon gate protected by Nomads even if nomads aren't turned to demonic servants (credit Luel)
* Added screen for defeating demonic nomads at the demon gate
* Added new screen for defeating demons at the demon gate but nomads arriving with sfx

NEW KINGDOM NAMES (1 features)

A few new kingdom names to keep things fresh, these mostly appear when a player selects a random kingdom name!

* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Firsthold, Nestneck, Cygarr, Rumphold, Cynros, Enropa, Dragonhold, Wyrmwood, Scarehold, Murderhold'

BUGFIXES (16 features)

Lots of bugs fixed here, it seems there are always more bugs but at least they're getting cleared out! I dream of a bug free Warsim.

* Fixed goblin poking you in the face drunk event skipping to another event bug
* Fixed waking up next to a lady troll drunk event skipping to another event bug
* Fixed nario brings strong drink encounter shows -0 gold coins deducted which is pointless
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Blackmarket Herald market income report
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald guard revolt event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald slums donation event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald treasury donation event
* Fixed text bug in Blackmarket Herald statue topple event
* Fixed 10 text bugs in Blackmarket Herald minor bandit gang set up abandoned area event
* Fixed 5 text bugs with turn report minor bandit gang set up event
* Fixed 10 text bugs with Blackmarket Herald market income report for when you own Blackmarket
* Fixed Text Bug in Blackmarket Herald random event intro
* Fixed 6 text bugs with Baiaa door open intro texts
* Fixed text bug in Aehlans intro
* Fixed male gender mention regardless of player choice when greeted by Aehlan
* Fixed vampire bard funny origin text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)

EVERYTHING ELSE (4 features)

A couple of smaller changes and additions.

* Added if you kill character in Baiaa torture chamber his eyes now 'X' out, unless you've poked them both out
* Added new screen for trying to interact with abandoned house mushroom people in Blackmarket
* Added new option for no exploration locations unlocked in custom game (credit Aaron)
* Added new goblin name 'Gomblim' (credit DOKTA)


* New pop-up when watching Baiaa Pit fights if you have your own monster pit - https://i.imgur.com/WqeLtT8.png
* Sold - https://i.imgur.com/NGOrJxY.png
* This new arm-wrestling game... it's something, that's all I'm saying - https://i.imgur.com/lt2Ur1r.png


Still got a few weeks worth of backlog to clear through so I'll continue on that first and see where we go from there, I'm very much enjoying the progress though. Also if you guys are reading this and know anyone who might like Warsim, now's the time to let them know as it's 30% off! :)


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (A bundle of all sorts, 72 features)

Hey everyone,

Continuing on from the last few updates I've been cutting away at my immeidate to-do list, we've got new vassal options, new tournament control, balanced with bluetrii fruit, and a fair lot of other stuff too. I'm also currently looking into sharing Warsim via the Imgur community and doing more research for marketing and promotion so that when we finally reach a release for Warsim out of early access I'll have a better grasp of what to do!

LET THERE BE PEACE (5 features)

Prior to this, vassals could be commanded to make war against a certain faction, or ordered to make peace with everyone. Now you can also ask them to make peace with a specific faction instead of all of them. Their reaction to this request may vary however.

* Added new option to force a vassal to make peace with a specific faction
* Reworked text for telling a vassal to make war with someone
* Added intro to requesting peace explaining the ins and outs
* Added 15 possible random reactions to telling a vassal to make peace depending on leader personality
* Added ability to choose not to order a vassal to declare war on anyone and exit out of attack menu (previously no escape option)


When you ran a grand tournament in the arena all of your personal champions are automatically entered and at most one will survive, you may not want this so now you will be allowed to choose if you enter them or not.

* Fixed grand champion recognition not working in grand tournaments
* Added ability for you to choose if you will enter your champions into grand tournaments instead of automatically entering them
* Added ability to enter all champions into grand tournament instead of choosing for all individually
* Added ability to refuse all champions entering into grand tournament without having to manually decline all
* Fixed text bug with grand tournament intro
* Fixed spacing line bug with grand tournament intro

NEW KINGDOM TYPE (1 feature)

I was watching a documentary on Alexander the great and saw mention of the somewhat independent rulers within the persian empire, now these little kingdom types are added to our ever growing list of possible titles, see the rest here https://github.com/Huw2k8/warsim/wiki/Kingdom-Types-and-Leadership-Titles

* Added new kingdom type 'Satrapy' with ruler 'Satrap' and lord 'Warlord' available for Civ level 4 or above


We had several Bluetrii fruit related unbalances recently so I've tried my best to rebalance them in game and remove some clever exploits. While I was looking through the Bluetrii farm I made some changes and improvements too.

* Added new finite level of Bluetrii available from unowned fruit farm (credit Caccio72)
* Added random new fruit grown in farm per year between 0-15 barrels (credit Caccio72)
* Set default starting Bluetrii barrels available in magic farm at 100
* Rebalanced Bluetrii fruit Blackmarket stall prices now sold at 20 gold instead of 30 and bought at 4 gold instead of 10 to fix bluetrii sale exploit (credit u/the_fearmancer)
* Fixed text bug for owned bluetrii farm intro
* Added buying bluetrii farm turns over most of the stocked fruit to you instead of you starting with nothing
* Fixed issues with buying bluetrii fruit from fruit farm
* Fixed text bug with asking how many bluetrii you have on your owned farm
* Added new sound effect for buying bluetrii fruit from the farm
* Added new screen for asking how many bluetrii fruits you have if you have none
* Added new screen for buying bluetrii farm


Destroying the snowfolk village sucked and didn't have a screen just a little line of text telling you they were dead, that's been fixed now and you'll also find some random loot!

* Added new screen for destroying snowfolk village
* Added new loot chest for destroying snowfolk village
* Fixed destroying snowfolk village skipped to visiting ruins screen


I went through and combed the Drylands region fo the south for any issues or possible improvements, not too much to be done here but I did find a few things.

* Added new sound effect for discovering coastal wall
* Fixed text bug with no nomad mercs available option in nomad camp
* Fixed issues with discovering demon gate text split
* Fixed demon gate title line text bug
* Fixed 3 text bugs for already discovered coastal wall
* Fixed 5 text bugs in coastal wall text


In the Blackmarkets docks random ships appear each year, one of those is the long serpent, a vessel filled with demon fighting warriors who love a good drink. Previously when you met the crew of this ship they gave a dialogue inviting you to join them for a drink, but this was just text... now you can actually drink with them when invited. I've also improved as much as I can to the ship and its inhabitants.

* Added ability to drink with the long serpent crew when invited to (up to 3 drinks)
* Added special scene if you get too drunk and pass out on the long serpent
* Added if you pass out you get invited to drink again to cure the hangover
* Added 7 random toasts Ragnar the stag gives before each round of ale
* Added new dialogue to Ragnar the stag 'What do you do?'
* Added new dialogue to Ragnar the stag 'How often do you come to the Blackmarket?'
* Added new dialogue to Ragnar the stag 'Can I hire you and your men?'
* Added special dialogue if you finish drinking with Ragnar the Stag
* Added drunk level tracker to Long serpent screen so you can tell how drunk you are
* Fixed text break errors with Ragnar the stags dialogues
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Ragnar the stags dialogues
* Fixed text bug in Ragnar the stags intro text

NEW NAMES (3 features)

Added a bunch of new names for various races, the Godling names are taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the worlds oldest recorded epics.

* Added 9 New human names 'Spaculus, Spalacuul, Spalatir, Speculus, Spelacuul, Specules, Scylurus, Scyles, Scyl'
* Added 2 New vampire names 'Spalacula, Spulacula'
* Added 4 New godling names 'Humbaba, Ur, Enkidu, Shamash'

BUGFIXES (17 features)

Mostly inconsquential bugs here but still, glad to see them resolved!

* Fixed text bug with goblinwood intro screen
* Fixed goblinwood jamboree intro screen text bug
* Fixed goblinwood discovery text bug
* Fixed Tolkien race pack typo (credit Marty651)
* Fixed text bug in Guildrow intro text
* Fixed destroying huntsmans rest double screen bug
* Fixed destroying snowfolk village double screen bug
* Fixed text bug in merc groups intro text
* Fixed text split bug with merc groups intro text
* Fixed destroying wilderman village double screen bug
* Fixed several unable to do diplomacy text split bugs
* Fixed 10 text bugs in Monfort mine hostage intro texts
* Fixed 3 text bugs in Camp Assurak ruins intro text
* Fixed old ruined demonic tower text bug
* Fixed text bug in Oasis southern ruins
* Fixed Demonic landmark text bug
* Fixed strange statue in Oasis text bug

EVERYTHING ELSE (8 features)

A couple of bigger new features, now the lucky gnome isn't so predictable, the brawlers pit can be destroyed when unowned, and a few other things!

* Added ability to destroy the Brawlers Pit (credit Defender)
* Made the lucky gnome Blackmarket Scam encounter rarer (1/14 chance of appearing any given year) this is to avoid it being an easy known exploit to make money every game
* Added new 'Who is your favourite cat' dialogue to Catyr in the Darkdale Cat Tavern
* Reworked looted Blackmarket treasury text to be clearer about where the current Blackmarket income is going (credit Micro Jordan)
* Reworked layout of monfort mine hostage intro texts
* Made old demonic totem ruin graphic more ruined
* Rewrote southern ruins in Oasis text
* Rewrote strange oasis statue text


* Invited for a drink? well why not - https://i.imgur.com/s1lnP2s.png
* One of Ragnar's many toasts - https://i.imgur.com/ibB6TDC.png
* Free ale is good ale - https://i.imgur.com/MCerKVR.png
* After a few drinks with my friends - https://i.imgur.com/UCpHSVJ.png
* Happy now defender? Now the Brawl Pit can be attacked and destroyed even if you don't own it - https://i.imgur.com/GSXIWJo.png
* New finite fruit on the unowned farm - https://i.imgur.com/l68izgS.png
* Buying the fruit farm, previously no screen at all for this event - https://i.imgur.com/8LVb21T.png
* The new vassal commands screen - https://i.imgur.com/yv2MXfr.png
* Who shall they make peace with? - https://i.imgur.com/MESiKkp.png
* A Satrapy of Goblins - https://i.imgur.com/DZXdA2d.png
* The new pop up where your champion would previously automatically be entered - https://i.imgur.com/Gcg3Wjc.png


More of the same to come, I have plenty more things left to clear from my immediate list including a themed update or two soon.

Hope you're all doing good!


Mar 18, 2019
Hey everyone,

So this update was going to be a general update, then it was looking more like it was going to be a throne room update, then a little while after the militia master plans popped up and got added, so now it's a mix of the three. Lots of new content and gameplay changes here!


Previously the militia, your main source of peasant hired recruits and sometimes a valuable defense assistant had little in the way of randomisation. The militia unit price would vary game to game and change over time and the leader of the militia always had a unique face and name but beyond that there was very little in the way of unique change. Now there are 20 different traits that the militia leaders can have, these vastly impact the militias functionality and variation.

* Added new system of random traits for militia masters
* Added ability to see militia masters trait from the diplomacy screen under militia
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Recruiter - +10% more militia peasants recruited'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Recruiter+ - +25% more militia peasants recruited'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Recruiter++- +50% more militia peasants recruited'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Strength - +5 Battlescore to milita units'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Strength+ - +10 Battlescore to militia units'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Strength++ - +20 Battlescore to militia units'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Cheap - 5 gold per unit, 10% less recruits'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Cheap+ - 3 gold per unit, 25% less recruits'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Cheap++ - 1 gold per unit, half recruits'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Free - free units, half recruits'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Bulked - +5 gold to unit cost, +10 Battlescore'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Bulked+ - +10 gold to unit cost, +20 Battlescore'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Bulked++ - +15 gold to unit cost, +30 Battlescore'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Workers - Cannot hire militia units, they earn 1 gold each per year for you'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Soldierly - Hired militia units are soldiers not peasants'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Public - Militia spread the word, +1 public op per turn'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Low Barrier- 2x as many recruits, -10 Battlescore'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Grubber - +1 to militia cost per year (max of 45 gold)'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Grubber+ - +2 to militia cost per year (max of 45 gold)'
* Added Militia Leader trait 'Terrible - only 1-2 recruits per year'
* Added system to prevent new leader copying old leaders trait accidentally
* Added 1/15 chance end of turn event with new leader
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader found dead'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader missing'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader retired'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader died of natural causes'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader stepped down amid scandal'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader lost leadership armwrestle battle'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader stepped down out of boredom'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader died and passed rule to his son'
* Added random end of turn event 'Militia leader fallen from a high place'
* Added new dynamic screen for new leader and their perk/trait effect explained
* Added new screen for not having the gold to buy militia peasants
* Fixed text bug in militia upgrade list
* Fixed text bug in militia introduction screen
* Added new screen for disbanding militia from diplomacy screen
* Added new screen for orderign militia to defend
* Added new screen for ordering militia to attack


I recently wrote myself a little guidance tool for adding new throne room encounters as the system is very big at the moment and with Warsim there are so many different systems to remember in those 500'000 lines of game code that I sometimes forget. With my new guidance I set out to add a bundle of new throne room encounters to refresh things a little bit!

* Added new throne room encounter 'man wants to join army cause his cousin did'
* Added new throne room encounter 'man wants to join army to avenge recently dead father'
* Added new throne room encounter 'man wants to join army as seer in his dream told him to'
* Added new throne room encounter 'man wants to join army as its a family tradition'
* Added new throne room encounter 'man wants to join army to impress a girl from his village'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person accuses you of being a demon overlord'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person accuses you of stealing his soul'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person accuses you of being the great one'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person claims everyone is a figment of his imagination'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person dares you to kill them'
* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person shouts questions about life and death'
* Added 7 random additional actions that could happen in crazy person encounters (1/10 chance)
* Added new goblin encounters that trigger if goblin slavery is over (and are 70% more likely to happen if you also have goblin celebration active) (credit Mr. Bun)
* Added new throne room encounter 'Friend of goblin praise'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Thank you for kindness praise'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Friend to all goblins praise'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Great one praise'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Goblinkin goblin gift'
* Added new throne room encounter 'On behalf of goblin kind goblin gift'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Done us a kindness goblin gift'
* Added new throne room encounter 'I speak for goblins goblin gift'
* Added goblin gift encounters have 1/15 of being a fake item trick
* Added goblin gift encounters have 1/10 chance of being uncapped any item
* Added goblin gift encounters have 9/10 chance of being item of 10 gold or less in value


Previously goblins had no reaction to being thanked, I've now added this new section with 10 random reactions.

* Added new throne room room reaction section for thanking goblins
* Added goblin grins and hops away reaction
* Added goblin smiles and bows reaction
* Added goblin puts its fingers in its mouth, throws up, and then drinks the vomit and grins reaction (with sfx)
* Added goblin lets out a happy yelp reaction (with sfx)
* Added goblin grins and cackles reaction (With sfx)
* Added goblin wiggles left to right in joy reaction
* Added goblin bows and leaves reaction
* Added goblin grins, bows, and then dashes away reaction (With sfx)
* Added goblin smiles and then runs away screaming reaction (with sfx)
* Added goblin stares at you for a moment then walks away reaction

CRAPPY GOBLIN LOOT (21 features)

As per the new goblin encounters new lower tier loot was needed so a ton of new borderline worthless goblin tat is available!

* Added 'Jar of interesting looking leaves' random loot item (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'Doll made of leaves and a mysterious smelly glue' random loot item (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'Crude castle statue made up of dried goblin earwax' random loot item (worth 4 gold)
* Added 'Crudely made stone fork' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Crudely made stone spoon' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Jar of Goblin vomit' random loot item (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Goblin vomit' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Horse vomit' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Troll vomit' random loot item (worth 4 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Cow vomit' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Gnome vomit' random loot item (worth 4 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Elf vomit' random loot item (worth 6 gold)
* Added 'Vial of Dwarf vomit' random loot item (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'Rotting apple with a battle scene carved into it' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Rotting apple with a naked male goblin carved into it' random loot item (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'Crude ring made of hardened goblin dung' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Finely crafted hardened goblin dung ring' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Crude bracelet made of hardened goblin dung' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Finely crafted bracelet made of hardened goblin dung' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Crude crown made of hardened goblin dung' random loot item (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'Finely crafted bracelet made of hardened goblin dung' random loot item (worth 1 gold)


Just a few smaller extra options in Kullak

* Added ability to try to speak to a local bandit in Fort Kullak
* Added ability to try to speak to Gor the Bastard of Fort Kullak

MERC TWEAKS (3 features)

A few issues with mercenaries are now resolved!

* Fixed text bug with merc group battle prep text
* Fixed able to send merc companies on invasions and raids of factions that can only be skirmished like demons/pest bandits
* Fixed entering a number other than the options in merc attack choices screen skips the battle and shows victory text for the mercs (credit u/theGamingDictator)

BUGFIXES (2 features)

Not too many bugs cleared this update but there are many on my list to clear!

* Fixed ancient southern ruins text bug
* Fixed text bug in make peace vassal option (credit LexTheMighty)

EVERYTHING ELSE (4 features)

A handful of little things here, some new names and some logical fixes defender brought up.

* Added new dwarf name 'Torgo' (credit Torgo)
* Buffed Swamp Bridge Troll to be twice as hard to kill (Credit Defender)
* Made Uktak Swamp Goblins will not join you if you have goblin slavery allowed in your lands (Credit Defender)
* Added 2 new vampire names (Odovacar, Odovocar)


* A new throne room encounter - https://i.imgur.com/cFJsqYq.png
* A kind goblin visitor - https://i.imgur.com/cK0g1VJ.png
* The Goblin equvelant of Vincent Van Gogh - https://i.imgur.com/IyhWamP.png
* The Militia leader is dead - https://i.imgur.com/ew4beUe.png
* His new replacement - https://i.imgur.com/E0yI6Fu.png
* 1 gold peasants?! YES! - https://i.imgur.com/Hu0eRV5.png


My list of things to clear through has grown a lot recently so I'm going to continue cutting through them, may be looking into Leagues and new league related features soon too!

Hope you're all doing good!


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (Natural disasters and savage recognition, 54 features)

Hey everyone,

So this is quite a general update, we've got 2 new throne room encounters, recognition for defeating the Wildwood savages, better natural disasters and barren land recovery, improvements to village champions, improvements to the champion hire system and a bunch more stuff!


When wiping out the up to 4 savage locations in Wildwood, once destroyed there is no change in the responses from the other local savage hating factions, now they recognise you differently if you've wiped the savages out! Cheers Defender

* Added new tracker for if you've wiped savages out in Wildwood (credit Defender)
* Added new intro to Bgax when visiting Goblinwood for the first time if you've wiped savages out in Wildwood (credit Defender)
* Added new alt answer when asking Dulief of the Hunters Rest about local savages if you've wiped savages out in Wildwood (credit Defender)
* Added new alt answer when asking Geks advisor of Goblinwood about local savages if you've wiped them out (credit Defender)
* Added new alt answer when asking Geks advisor of Goblinwood about Hunters rest if you've wiped savages out (credit Defender)
* Added new intro to Dulief of Hunters rest if you wipe out savages (credit Defender)

Bgax of Goblinwood recognising the savages deaths - https://i.imgur.com/4uuzsb1.png


The systems involving barren land have been a bit of an afterthought until now. There are also random disaster events that have a 1 in 75 chance of happening each turn, previously these were just small bits of text in your end of turn report but now they are full on events with their own screens and sound effects.

* Added new special event screen for random hurricane with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random magical cloud with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random landslide with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random earthquake with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random volcanic eruption with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random act of god with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random lightning with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random meteor with sfx
* Added new special event screen for random tornado with sfx
* Added new screen instead of single line of text for terraforming barren land
* Added 5 random possible terraform graphics for terraform screen
* Made it so that natural disaster events will cannot wipe your last land out

Tornado - https://i.imgur.com/60DSOWd.png

Meteor Strike - https://i.imgur.com/WfxodX4.png

Volcanic Eruption - https://i.imgur.com/Ud92DlL.png

Magical Cloud - https://i.imgur.com/OPrkKi6.png

An act of a higher being - https://i.imgur.com/4Nwt6vc.png


I added this system somewhat whimfully, I was hiring a champion from this screen but felt it would be much easier if there was a visual stimulus showing the range of champions and their values. Initially I went with a smaller range of colours but expanded it and am happy with the results!

* Added a new colour system breaking down the higher and lower skilled champions on the giant 16 champion hire list
* Dark red for champions with under 50 battlescore
* Red for champions under 75 battlescore
* Dark grey for champions under 100 battlescore
* Grey for champions under 150 battlescore
* Dark green for champions under 175 battlescore
* Green for champions under 200 battlescore
* White for champions 200 battlescore and beyond

This is what it was it used to look like - https://i.imgur.com/h5FcBmY.png

This is the new one - https://i.imgur.com/VemrBZd.png

A pair of decent ones but not a promising line up - https://i.imgur.com/QBTh1gD.png

Oof nothing good but definitely some bad choices - https://i.imgur.com/ODOZnQ0.png

There he is, Neal the Legend, 200 battlescore - https://i.imgur.com/ztwZLKI.png


It's a small change but a nice one for continuity thanks to a commentor called Clown on Steam. Now when you compete in a village champion battle, defeating the champion will drop the village population by one. If village populations drop to below 10 people then no new champions will spawn, this is to avoid a village being beaten into exctinction by annual duels.

* Added -1 villager notification when defeating champion of Rihhm (credit Clown)
* Added -1 villager notification when defeating champion of Smallhaven (credit Clown)
* Defeating village champion now knocks down village population by 1 (credit Clown)
* Made village champions not respawn if population is below 10 in the village (credit Clown)
* Fixed text bug with already fought village champion text in Rihhm
* Fixed text bug with no one to challenge village champion text in Rihhm

A village champion defeated - https://i.imgur.com/2HGIfuv.png


There are now 465 total orc names in game, a nice little expansion to ensure they never feel samey!

* Added 61 new orc names
* Removed 3 duplicate orc names


A pair of new encounters added, the more the merrier!

* Added new throne room encounter 'crazy person accuses you not being you'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Silent man'

What the hell are you staring at!? - https://i.imgur.com/z42Vlkq.png

BUGFIXES (18 features)

Quite a few bugs fixed here, thanks for the reports guys!

* Fixed Gauntlet of Frost purchase text error (credit licker98)
* Fixed emissary killed after successful diplomacy reaction screen text colour bug
* Fixed text split bug in owned wild north merc post
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Galbak the grunter turn around event
* Fixed peasants referred to as slaves in round up and burn diplomacy event
* Fixed slaves referred to as peasants in round up and burn diplomacy event
* Fixed Baiaa 25 slave yearly tribute to lock the gates still happens if Baiaa is destroyed (credit licker98)
* Fixed Baiaa 25 slave yearly tribute to lock the gates still happens if you are hostile with Baiaa
* Fixed Hyruk the Moneygrubber not paying your reward for the titan skull quest (credit Storm)
* Fixed incorrect text shown when selling bluetrii fruit (credit u/OTRainbowDash5000)
* Fixed text bug with one of the hunters rest intro screens
* Fixed ability to declare demonic kingdom even when the horde is weak (credit u/OTRainbowDash5000)
* Fixed 7 text bugs with various hunters rest options
* Fixed Goblinwood typo when entering throne room
* Fixed issue with assassination debug option in independent kingdoms
* Fixed graphic colouring bug for goblinstone encampment
* Fixed incorrect screen shown when defeating goblinstone encampment
* Fixed incorrect screen shown when defeating old ruined village encampment

EVERYTHING ELSE (7 features)

Lots of different stuff here, highly civil races will never have stupid leaders again, now when a new militia leader rises up you'll be able to see how the cost of a peasant has changed and xenophobic kingdoms have a new response screen.

* Added new human name 'Byamba'
* Made kingdoms with a civilisation level of highly civil or more don't have stupid leaders
* Added a new system that shows how much gold the militia unit hire cost has changed whenever a new militia leader arises
* Reworked soldier loses bet throne room encounter text (credit u/DeplorableCaterpilla)
* Added new indicator of gained soldiers and population drop when recruiting from Hunters Rest
* Added new screen for diplomacy action blocked by nations Xenophobia
* Added screen for destroying old ruined village savage camp in wildwood

Now instead of a small string of text this is what pops up if a certain action of diplomacy is blocked by the opposing kingdoms xenophobia - https://i.imgur.com/Tuc6KT1.png

Another small but helpful change, now you are informed what the new price is when the militia price is changed by new leadership (or in this case stayed the same). - https://i.imgur.com/mpKsnNH.png


So I'm getting pretty finished with leftover smaller things to code, I'm hoping to get started with overhauling the end of turn report from being a wall of really hard to digest text and find a nicer alternative, because it really can be a valuable overview for whats gone on but it's not shown well.

Hope you're all doing good!


Mar 18, 2019
Hey everyone just to let you know I'm announcing the GNOME INSULT COMPETITION!

Enter your best insults from to be shouted from one gnome to another and be in for a chance to win some prizes!

$190.87 worth of prizes, no requirement of owning Warsim. Just enter some good gnome insults!
Competition ends in 1 week!

Check the competition out on steam - https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/659540/view/2774737725575615021
Or on reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/WarsimRpg/comments/iz0jcs/the_gnome_insult_competition_everyone_welcome_to/

All you have to do is comment to enter, check the link post on steam/reddit to see rules, details, and most of all prizes!


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (Crying Gnome Update, 138 features)

Hey everyone,

So this update is massive and includes the content from the Gnome Insult competition as well as a ton of features from various categories! I'm really excited to finally get this one out.


After recently watching a few gnome insult battles in game I started getting insult duplicates very quickly and an otherwise funny area of the game became repetetive, I set out to drastically increase the number of insults as well as expand the insult battle system with new dynamic sounds and possible outcomes. There are now 300 total insults from around 30 or 40 prior to this update thanks almost entirely to the Warsim community taking part in the gnome insult competition! We have some absolutely amazing entries and while it felt almost impossible to pick we had TheUniqueFidji, Ordowix, and Voliol as the winners! Congrats again guys.

* Added 60 new gnome insults
* Made gnome insult list moddable (Warsim folder/Data/Gnomeinsults.txt)
* Added new screens and song gnomes sing if they make peace during an insult battle
* Increased odds of gnome battle friendship outcome from 1/150 to 1/120
* Fixed 'unphased' gnome battle text bug (Bill Garthright)
* Added rare ability that gnome responds to an insult with 'No u' and wins the match (credit u/dzejrid)
* Added 1 in 10 chance that gnome laugh sound plays single funny laugh sound instead
* Added 5 new gnome cry sound effects played at random at the end of gnome battles
* Added 27 new gnome names (Icky, Zoopy, Winkle, Vop, Tillbert, Tonk, Tinky, Twitchy, Smiggles, Ribble, Peewee, Obie, Nipnip, Nilbert, Mert, Merble, Gribgrib, Gribble, Fibble, Fubble, Feefo, Flimpy, Flimp, Dinkdink, Dingles, Cribble, Booboo)
* Added 32 new gnome insults by u/TheUniqueFidji
* Added 27 new gnome insults by Ordowix
* Added 18 new gnome insults by u/voliol
* Added 17 new gnome insults by ThePlainPlayer
* Added 10 new gnome insults by ClavinTheGreat
* Added 9 new gnome insults by Hun Knight
* Added 9 new gnome insults by Lan Can't Aim
* Added 8 new gnome insults by u/Randomiser099
* Added 7 new gnome insults by T.R Monster
* Added 7 new gnome insults by Dezdanna
* Added 6 new gnome insults by u/dzejrid
* Added 5 new gnome insults by u/Karp_K
* Added 5 new gnome insults by Willsama974
* Added 5 new gnome insults by Money183
* Added 4 new gnome insults by u/Supermichael777
* Added 4 new gnome insults by u/IndonesianGuy
* Added 4 new gnome insults by Mr.Fly
* Added 3 new gnome insults by u/BonkitySax
* Added 2 new gnome insults by Tundra C
* Added 2 new gnome insults by Pride
* Added 2 new gnome insults by Durbitwaz
* Added 2 new gnome insults by Shalupon
* Added 2 new gnome insults by u/ExpiredMemes
* Added 2 new gnome insults by u/comradegrigor
* Added 2 new gnome insults by u/lemathematico
* Added 2 new gnome insults by u/Jalmondbro
* Added 2 new gnome insults by Eos Condor
* Added a new gnome insult by u/EugenGoldstein
* Added a new gnome insult by Fuyuhiko
* Added a new gnome insult by Mr.Snuffles
* Added a new gnome insult by Chardi
* Added a new gnome insult by JustN0P0int
* Added a new gnome insult by November
* Added a new gnome insult by Otter
* Added a new gnome insult by Spoops
* Added a new gnome insult by Warzone
* Added a new gnome insult by Chrono One
* Added a new gnome insult by Hippoyay
* Added a new gnome insult by rabbit
* Added a new gnome insult by Pollin

A harsh one - https://i.imgur.com/foTXSWo.png

A blooper while I was trying to record gnome crying sound effects - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohay6zVaTGI&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=VegaVideoNetwork

SATYR HORNS (2 features... or 72.2 billion)

Aethyrsix sent me a new concept for his old Satyr design that was put into the game, we reworked it a bit to use ascii that would work in the game and in the process I added enough new parts that 72 billion additional Satyr faces can now be made!

* Reworked Satyr faces to have better horns (credit u/aethyrsix)
* Added tons of new Satyr face parts (was 16.8 billion faces, now 89 billion)

Comparison of old and new Satyrs - https://i.imgur.com/gRaZFXR.png

Here's a batch of the new ones - https://i.imgur.com/miFc4qH.png


Saw a funny character in CK2 called Borkvald, the name tickled me so I added 10 variant style names.

* Added 10 new human names 'Borkvard, Borkwald, Borkvarn, Borknald, Borknar, Borkvar, Borkner, Borkvald, Borkbald, Borkfred'

TOMATO STREAM (17 features)

A huge twitch streamer checked out Warsim for a couple of hours recently, the stream was awesome and during it I noticed some things that could do with change and improvement as well as some opportunities for new features and a small cameo!

* Added new character 'Tomato' to the Dirt Den Tavern
* Added 7 dialogues with Tomato
* Added ability to buy fire scones from Tomato
* Added special screen and sfx for entering 80085 in the secret ancient door in the Blackmarket (credit Tomato Stream)
* Fixed little throne room description typo as 'Fire scones' instead of 'Fire Sconces' (credit Tomato Stream)
* Fixed text bugs in all demon mirror dialogues (credit Tomato Stream)
* Rewrote some demon mirror dialogues (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added voiced lines for all demon mirror dialogues (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added extra screen for visiting demon mirror multiple times in one year (credit Tomato Stream)
* Reworked shadow assassin game start intro text to be clearer (credit Tomato Stream)
* Fixed 34 arena owner dialogue text and grammar bugs (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added indicators of the gambling tax being added or removed when demanding it from the Arena owner (credit Tomato Stream)
* Fixed 6 jester refusal to join text bugs (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added new indicator of jester skill when hiring them from the throne room (not a generic number but a description of their skill) (credit Tomato Stream)
* Reworked pargo the sewer bartenders where do you get your ale dialogue (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added new what kind of name is pargo dialogue (credit Tomato Stream)
* Added indicator showing current gold balance to young man claims to be your cousin and requests 1k gold loan encounter (credit Tomato Stream)

What a strange red fellow - https://i.imgur.com/4IMhhlL.png

A fire scone you say? - https://i.imgur.com/pp8r2Ai.png


Slave revolts felt a little bit flat before, now they are more functional and can be interacted with more in the diplomacy screen. You'll also be unable to do any diplomacy with the slave revolt while you still have slaves in your employ.

* Added rare event where slave revolt can ruin one of your territories (req 500+ slave revolt troops)
* Added rare minor event where slave revolt proclaim a warning to all slave keepers
* Added ability to free slaves and slave soldiers in slave revolt diplomacy screen (with sfx)
* Added alternate screen if freeing a small number of slaves
* Prevented any diplomatic action with slave revolt while you have slaves
* Reduced bribe slave revolt to disband cost to 10 gold per troop instead of 30 gold
* Reduced hire slave revolt troops cost from 50 gold per troop to 30 gold
* Reworked slave revolt diplomacy screen troop count
* Added about the slave revolt text to the slave revolt diplomacy screen
* Added new screen for slave revolt hire fail (humiliation and public opinion drop) (with sfx)
* Added new screen for slave revolt hire fail (slave revolt disbands) (with sfx)
* Added new screen for slave revolt hire success (with sfx)
* Added new screen for slave revolt disband fail (-1 public op) (with sfx)
* Added new screen for slave revolt disband success (with sfx)
* Fixed slave revolt spawn from encounter reaction text bug
* Fixed slave revolt header bar length bug

The new slave revolt diplomacy screen - https://i.imgur.com/RDX0lAR.png

MORE DRUNKS (4 features)

It was mentioned that drunk celebratory throne room visitors are a bit too repetetive, I've added a few for now but will expand more later hopefully!

* Added new throne room celebration drunk encounter 'Drunk man bows and falls'
* Added new throne room celebration drunk encounter 'This isn't the tavern?'
* Added new throne room celebration drunk encounter 'Gaze upon the founder'
* Removed duplicate drunk encounter


I felt the goblin encounter pack added to the throne room recently still needed more fleshing out, found a bug too!

* Fixed goblin kindness encounter showing random gift item value when no gift given
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Goblin big love for you'
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Big goblin friend'
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Rub Head, Big Luck'
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Big gift for big goblin friend'
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Gift from my village'
* Added new goblin throne room encounter 'Goblin diplomat'
* Added goblin throne room disapointment reaction 'Pathetic' (with sfx)

A CHANCE OF STUPID (5 features)

After the last release Liang Qi mentioned that it would be much better if instead of highly civil races having 0 chance of stupid leaders, there was still a chance even if rare! A very good point, the idea of things still being random enough that things aren't always clear cut is a very good thing to have! Great suggestion.

* Added 1000/1 chance of Max Civ level (Pan-Dimensional) Kingdom ruler being stupid (credit Liang Qi)
* Added 500/1 chance of 9 Civ level (Godlike) Kingdom ruler being stupid (credit Liang Qi)
* Added 100/1 chance of 8 Civ level (Greatly Enlightened) Kingdom ruler being stupid (credit Liang Qi)
* Added 50/1 chance of 7 Civ level (Pinnacle of Civilisation) Kingdom ruler being stupid (credit Liang Qi)
* Added 25/1 chance of 6 Civ level (Highly Civilised) Kingdom ruler being stupid (credit Liang Qi)


Zaph pointed out the knightly order information wasn't as clear as it could be. I've tried to improve that and several other aspects of it!

* Fixed text bug on creation of a new custom knightly order leader (credit Zaph)
* Reworked layout of order commander dialogue (credit Zaph)
* Rewrote knightly order fight demons command text (credit Zaph)
* Rewrote knightly order defend the lands command text (credit Zaph)
* Rewrote knightly order keep order command text (credit Zaph)
* Rewrote knightly order fight bandits command text (credit Zaph)
* Rewrote knightly order fight rebels command text (credit Zaph)
* Added an indicator that shows the current active command for your custom knightly order (of the 7 possible stances) (credit Zaph)


Thanks to a bug report by Clown from Steam I ended up reworking and finding several issues with the Blackmarket Dockrows 'East Dock Company' now improved!

* Fixed bugged difficulty for East Dock CO trade ventures where it gets less difficult the more expensive the items are (credit Clown)
* Added current gold indicator to East Dock CO trade venture screen (credit Clown)
* Removed no gold text lines from unable to pay for east dock company ventures (credit Clown)
* Added new screen with sfx for paying for an east dock company venture (with sfx) (credit Clown)

BUGFIXES (11 features)

A chunk of bugs fixed this update!

* Fixed silent man throne room encounter yellow face reaction bug
* Fixed 4 text bugs in slave escape charge the accuser reaction
* Fixed 2 text bugs in slave escape pay for execution text
* Fixed freed slave event text bug
* Fixed enslaved courtier text bug
* Fixed incorrect '-' symbol used instead of '+' when showing gained troops from hiring deserters
* Fixed escaped slave blackmarket event line bug
* Fixed captured slave blackmarket event line bug
* Fixed text bug in goblin tale story
* Fixed spacing bug in Ice Watch tavern bartender option
* Fixed spacing bug in Dirt den tavern bartender option

EVERYTHING ELSE (13 features)

Lots of features here, pretty much all player suggested so thanks a bunch guys!

* Added 5 new goblin names 'Goblim, Gomblin, Gomlim, Gobline, Gombline' (credit Cat)
* Added getting 1 gold wergild for peace and then asking to reduce it can rarely result in the fee being reduced to free (credit Cat)
* Added assimilating merc group now shows that they were assimilated instead of destroyed (credit u/BagofChemicals)
* Added secret debug code (enter 69 on gift tree screen to reset the gift tree to be touchable again)
* Added 1/3 chance gift tree rewards you an item instead of gold (credit u/Ordowix)
* Added ability to skip stones at the Farthest Stretch in the south (credit Ordowix)
* Added expense report indicators for staff training expense (Credit Clown)
* Added a new 'what is the militia' option in Militia diplomacy to better explain their function (Credit Zaph)
* Reworked 'what do you do' question for steward to be more clear (credit Zaph)
* Added code to prevent champions having 0 battlescore in the arena (credit u/Spfnym)
* Added child throne room arrest reaction 'I'm in danger' (with sfx)
* Removed the death sound system being saved each new game (slowly want to get rid of it in general but now it can only be enabled per play session)
* Added new difficulty scaled reward for Chelobs well (Easy 1mil)(Norm 200k)(Hard 50k)(Solid 20k)(Insane 10k) (credit u/Spfnym)

New recognition instead of just saying the group is destroyed - https://i.imgur.com/hgL9p1R.png


So I'm hoping to move on to the end of turn update soon, but before that I may quickly try and develop a small gnome village to expand the number of places players can encounter gnome insult battles, we'll see how it goes!

Hope everyone's doing alright! :)


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (Hidden Gnome Village, 35 features)

Hey everyone,

So after last updates new massive expansion of the gnome insult battles, I was sad that they appear only as an option in upgraded throne room entertainment acts. The only solution... a gnome village. But where could such a village go?


Hidden away somewhere in the south you'll find a gnome village guarded by something terrible, but inside you'll find a sweet and kind community of happy little gnomes. Fit with a gnome battle pit, a new board game, 40 unique random dialogues and more!

* Reworked an area in the south to hold the new gnome village
* Added ability to send peasant/knight/soldier to explore the area (the better the unit the better chance of survival)
* Added Battle system with the guarding monster (with sfx and dynamic text for the outcome of the fight, 12 possible screens)
* Added gnome introduction scene (with sfx)
* Added gnomes give random loot item upon introduction
* Added large central hut to the gnome village
* Added ability to speak to the gnome village grand vizier 'Bongles the Great' (12 unique dialogues)
* Added Gribble's Tavern to the gnome village
* Added new drink 'Gnome Ale' (tiny compared to normal ale and unlikely to get you drunk)
* Added ability to speak to Gribble the Bartender (9 unique dialogues)
* Added ability to speak to random gnome tavern patron (20 unique dialogues) (with sfx)
* Added special song Gribble can sing
* Added new gnome tavern game called 'Biggleroll'
* Added ability to watch gnomes play Biggleroll
* Added ability to ask the name of the Biggleroll host
* Added special event if host's name is Biggle (super rare)
* Added local brewery to the gnome village
* Added Slug pen to the gnome village
* Added ability to speak to Slug pen watchgnome (7 unique dialogues)
* Added water hole to the gnome village
* Added ability to speak to a random local gnome (20 unique dialogues) (with sfx)
* Added gnome battle pits to the village
* Added random number of insult battles per year (between 2-20)
* Added ability to destroy gnome village (with sfx)
* Added ability to visit ruined gnome village

BUGFIXES (8 features)

A couple of bugfixes here, once again largely thanks to player reports so thank you all! :)

* Fixed thickblood tavern owner dialogue menu kick out bug (credit u/TheUniqueFidji)
* Fixed asking flobert to drink the drink he's brought you loops forever (credit Ursur)
* Fixed goblin slap stall never charging you to slap the goblin if you are king of Darkdale
* Fixed shutting goblin stall down doesn't restart correct crowd sound
* Fixed Blackmarket station guards option after conquering it not working (credit u/TheUniqueFidji)
* Fixed asaruk bartender dialogue bug
* Fixed dice game 12 text bug
* Fixed mercantile leader alliance event incorrectly displaying trade agreement instead (credit u/CopyOkapi)

EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)

Some nice new things here, now the cult meetings in Darkdale have new sounds, and if you own the arena now by checking the upgrades screen you can find out the total crowd capacity!

* Added new audio for Glory to Ha'hah crowd in Darkdale cult meeting
* Added total arena capacity tracker in the arena upgrades screen (credit Homuya [GER])


* A cave... hmm - https://i.imgur.com/ek96WIm.png
* What in the realm is that?! - https://i.imgur.com/n12z9oD.png
* Bongles the Great - https://i.imgur.com/XBUWgKU.png
* The gnome's reward can be great - https://i.imgur.com/Rhv1VPA.png
* Or not so great (good luck) - https://i.imgur.com/adJFhVy.png
* The new gnome village - https://i.imgur.com/iVdvilT.png
* Gribble's Tavern, the hottest place in town - https://i.imgur.com/tVs7HAW.png
* Biggleroll... a hit new tavern game that all the gnomes are playing - https://i.imgur.com/AeoxbdS.png
* Flip the gnome coin and prove your worth with Biggleroll - https://i.imgur.com/7MRl1OJ.png


I'm planning on tackling the end of turn report very soon but for now I'll be taking most of this week off to finish moving into my new place and getting settled in.

Hope everyone's doing good!


Mar 18, 2019
**Warsim (Tournament Control Update, 15 features)**

Hey everyone,

So this is just a small update while I'm settling in to my new place, we've got a rework of tournaments, a few new possible intro menus, and some fixes and changes.


A lot of people have requested this, most recently u/Snipe5000 and rightly so, previously tournaments with 32 fighters took absolutely ages to watch as you HAD to watch every single fight, every single gate rising intro. It's not fun if you're not very interested in all of the fights taking place. Now new controls have been added that allow you to skip anything you don't want to see, from wanting to watch only what you've bet on, to skipping entire phases of the tournaments just to see the semi-finals and final battle. Several other bugs and tweaks are also included!

* Added new graphic for larger tournaments second phases
* Fixed Grand tournaments being referred to as 32-man tournaments in most phases
* Fixed semi finals in large tournaments being incorrectly referred to as third stage
* Fixed grand tournament not counting as tournament done and allowing more tournaments to be done
* Added ability to skip fights during tournaments
* Added ability to skip entire phases of the tournament
* Added ability to only watch fights you have a stake in
* Added ability to watch all fights as usual

- The new menu before a fight in a tournament - https://i.imgur.com/mfexb44.png

AETHYRSIX'S MENU (2 features)

For those who don't know, u/aethyrsix as he's known on reddit is the creator of the original Satyr face in game and a very accomplished Ascii artist. He's recently come up with some new menu concepts that are too great not too include in the game, now there's a 1 in 5 chance you'll see his designs on the main menu.

* Added 1/5 chance of Aethyrsix's larger menu design appearing on Warsim main menu (credit u/Aethyrsix)
* Added 1/5 chance of Aethyrsix's smaller menu design appearing on Warsim main menu (credit u/Aethyrsix)

- One of the new menu concepts that can appear - https://i.imgur.com/Uhl5zCN.png

BUGFIXES (3 features)

Thanks for the bug reports guys! Always appreciated :)

* Fixed Crown of Mai rebel text when slave origin chosen (credit Maboy)
* Fixed refusing to hire a champion found when exploring doesn't work (credit wuhugm)
* Fixed court musician replacing already existent musician sends you back to wrong menu (credit wuhugm)

EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)

Some new gnome names and a funny mini event involving Biggleroll in the Gnome Village.

* Added 1 in 15 chance of funny random event when playing Biggleroll in tavern (Bongleroll) (credit Cat)
* Added 5 new gnome names 'Zoggy, Toop, Friggle, Peep, Neeb'


I'm still getting sorted out moving in but next week I hope to get working on the end of turn report, I've got some things planned for a rework and an extra feature I'm hoping to add to it.

Hope everyone's doing alright :)


Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys,

So I just wanted to say a big thank you to the Warsim community, I certainly never expected to be working full time making a text-based kingdom management game in 2020.

Game development has been a dream job since early childhood and I never figured it actually possible just a nice idea. Now seeing all the comments, the reviews, the great ideas and reported bugs, I'm always humbled by it.

For the longest time I couldn't believe people were interested in the game, it was released on itch.io for free in 2016 and a small number of people downloaded and played it. Occasionally I'd even get the odd donation from players which always blew my mind. Warsim was a much more primitive and unpolished game back then (You can play the 2015 version by going to your Warsim directory and finding the Extras folder and then the Warsim Classic Edition (2015) folder)

After a few years it ended up on steam, since then the game has grown far beyond mine or probably anyone else's expectation with us recently passing 22'000 copies sold since late 2017 when the game was released.

I can't thank you guys enough, I've put my heart and soul into this game but it's so filled with the help, feedback, and talent of many others who I owe a lot of gratitude to.

So in summary, Thank you everyone. I love you guys and I will keep working to make this game the best it possibly can be as we approach a possible early access release in 2021. The game is selling enough copies that I can more or less sustain myself while I develop so I'm not rushing anything.

Cheers everyone <3

Mar 18, 2019
Hey Everyone,

So I'm glad to finally get this one out, it's been a grind to get through it but I've gone through every single end of turn event in the whole game and reworked them all, created several new report systems, totally reworked how the demon horde works, as well as a number of other tweaks and fixes. Thank you all for the continued support and I hope you enjoy the update!


This was the primary focus of the update though as a result of this many things were added and changed as per the categories below. The main changes are the convoluted and disorganised end of turn report we're all used to is now customisable and much more legible!

* Added new end of turn report choice screen (three reports, simple, advance, custom)
* Added simple turn report showing summarised report
* Added advanced turn report showing all events of the year
* Added custom report where parts can be enabled/disabled/customised
* Added ability to choose a report to see each turn instead of choice
* Added staff quitting without being paid now has a pop up screen (credit 'Napalm Sticks To Kids')
* Added new end of turn report note for demonic wipeout thunderstorm event
* Added less chance of soldiers fleeing demons end of turn event if you have high public opinion

The New end of turn report - https://i.imgur.com/fGvN2Ij.png

New choice of end of turn reports - https://i.imgur.com/WM8X1Ff.png

Staff quitting - https://i.imgur.com/RUv7r6q.png


While working through things I added a few new possible events at the end of the turn

* Added rare 1 in 100 chance of undead spawn event (between 150-3150 undead)
* Added rare event of loyal warrior winning a peasant tournament in your honour giving +2 public opinion

END OF TURN TWEAKS (18 features)

While trawling through all the end of turn events in the game there were a few things that needed to be fixed or tweaked or updated.

* Reworked interest in end of turn report to show total bank balance
* Added indicator of how much staff skill is after improvement in turn report
* Made vampire debug mode it's own section on end of turn report
* Reduced cost per goblin head of Goblin scourge law from 10 gold to 4 gold
* Reworded Blackmarket tax end of turn event to be clearer
* Added info of how many miners returned in mine dried up event
* Made end of turn units fleeing to and from rebellion reports show actual troop changes
* Made overflowing prison resulting in released prisoners increase bandit level by 1
* Added visible public opinion change for statue of yourself events in end of turn report
* Added notification of how many properties you are recieving income from in Darkdale
* Reworked independent kingdom getting civil event text (credit Cat)
* Added notification in turn report when slavers fort is destroyed in slave revolt
* Shortened ex-slave joiner end of turn event length
* Scrapped old end of turn code allowing independent kingdoms to recruit troops from your guilds
* Reworked Bandit horde robbery events to show bandit horde instead of just bandits to clear confusion
* Made all goblins join you from goblin clan goblin staff event show how many goblins join
* Fixed layout bug with Krut and Erak troop spy reports
* Removed obsolete end of turn bar that says 'Aslona stats'

DEMON HORDE REWORK (12 features)

One big part of the end of turn update that I passed was the demon attack event, each turn the demon horde if active would find a random living faction (more likely the more land it has) and would attack them, be it killing a small number of troops, destroying a single trade caravan and losing them some gold, or rarely... destroying a territory. In hindsight this made the demon horde incredibly weak in everything other than defence, this world destroying army barely did anything when active, well now that has changed.

It's been in my plans for quite some time to overhaul it and as it was linked to the end of turn report I figured now would be as good a time as any. The demons now have up to three attacks per turn when active, the more attacks they do the more divided the attack force is, so 3 attacks from a horde of 1500 demons would make each force 500 strong. These demonic groups will no longer pester caravans or kill small numbers of peasants, each of the up to 3 attacks per turn will always be invasions. The demons will fight with the defending forces and try to kill them all and ruin the land. Now when the demon army rises they will shake up the world, killing and destroying factions and causing problems for everyone but more so for larger factions.

* Added demon horde get up to 3 attacks per turn dividing their troops by how many attacks
* Added special screen for demon horde attacking your lands
* Added special screen for demon horde destroying your last land
* Added special screen for demon horde destroying another faction
* Added 1 in 15 chance that factions will abandon a land rather than defend against demons
* Added 6 dynamic possible screens for demon horde pushed back depending on how many demons they've lost
* Added -10 bandit level if demons destroy Bandit Horde
* Added -3 bandit level if demons destroy a minor bandit gang
* Fixed northern hall bug that prevented demon horde from doing anything
* Added 5 random graphics for ruined land at the hands of demons
* Added code to prevent demons attacking pro-demon kingdoms
* Added code to show demonic attacks as good events if you're a demonic king

Those demons are at it again - https://i.imgur.com/GAsfC96.png

The Demons are at the gate! - https://i.imgur.com/l6QWfWW.png


While working through the end of turn stuff I had a chance to review the troop recruitment system and buffed everyone to be able to keep up with you. Normal modifiers to recruitment for these groups still apply but now by default and even more with higher difficulties these groups will all recruit much faster.

* Increased default rebel recruitment from 0-10 troops per land to 0-20
* Increased rebel recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level
* Increased default bandit horde recruitment from 0-8 troops per land to 0-18
* Increased bandit horde recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level
* Increased default Krut recruitment from 0-8 troops per land to 0-26
* Increased Krut recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level
* Increased default Erak recruitment from 0-8 troops per land to 0-26
* Increased Erak recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level
* Increased default Minor bandit recruitment from 0-8 troops per land to 0-14
* Increased Minor bandit recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level
* Increased default independent kingdom recruitment from 0-10 troops per land to 0-15
* Increased independent kingdom recruitment max per land +5 per difficulty level

PLAGUE REPORTS (19 features)

A dusty box that can be bought for a princely sum in the artifact market can be the undoing of the world, the plague box has been in the game for a long time but until recently hasn't been revisited in a long while. In this update I've tried to make sure it covered all newly added units and locations (who were previously immune to the plague) as well as adding better screens for the plague related events. Now the plague has it's own section in the end of turn report.

* Added new turn report section for plague report if ancient plague is active
* Added new screen for world ending due to plague leaving no one alive
* Added new screen for ancient plague ending due to 1 million deaths
* Fixed independent units in your kingdom not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed rebuildable fort troops in your kingdom not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed mine workers in your kingdom not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Harlaw and Greenskin mining company workers not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Blackmarket population not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Northern wildermen not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Wildwood savages not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Rihhm not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Smallhaven not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Combat Academy not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Wagon man's guards not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Darkdale population not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Assurak not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Goblinwood population not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Southern nomads not affected by ancient plague
* Fixed Huntsmans rest population not affected by ancient plague


After a report by u/CopyOkapi I've updated the games master and fixed the many pesky bugs.

* Fixed text bug with training games master (credit u/CopyOkapi)
* Fixed text bug with sudden death game intro (credit u/CopyOkapi)
* Fixed text bug with sudden death games master rules (credit u/CopyOkapi)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with games master coinflip game intro (credit u/CopyOkapi)
* Fixed games master coin flip game told you you lost when you won and won when you lost (credit u/CopyOkapi)
* Added graphic to games master coin flip game and changed coins to Skulls and Snails instead of heads and tails (credit u/CopyOkapi)


Some more tweaks to tournaments, after having some price discrepancies pointed out by Notfox I decided to rework the pricing of them a lot more to make them more affordable.

* Reworked tournament prices (credit Notfox)
* 8-man tournament is now 3000 gold instead of 10000 gold
* 16-man tournament is now 6000 gold instead of 25000 gold
* 32-man tournament is now 10000 gold instead of 50000 gold
* Grand tournament is now 15000 gold instead of 25000 gold
* Rewrote grand tournament introduction
* Rewrote list of champions for grand tournament intro
* Added random horn sound to grand tournament event start

Are you calling Snails or Skulls? - https://i.imgur.com/3wpiHt4.png

Skulls it is - https://i.imgur.com/2IGBhUn.png


While writing new wiki pages I've come across a lot of stuff that's needed fixing or that could be added.

* Added new question for Hukta of Uktak 'Tell me about the Human Warrior'
* Added new question for Hukta of Uktak 'Tell me about the 'z' marked hut'
* Added ability to tell Nezale 'Got your nose!' (credit u/ubft)
* Added new dialogue option for Arasuk bartender 'Why is your skin red and spiky?'
* Added new dialogue option with Nanall the Coastman 'Why is this place called the Fighting Coastman?'
* Added new dialogue option with Nanall the Coastman 'Why is all the ale here so salty?'
* Reworked Narmalds Dialogues (credit u/Kerbannog)
* Reworked Blackrow Slavers dialogues
* Added 3 new dialogues to Ulfberth
* Reworked Ulfberth the Unyielding's dialogues
* Fixed Nezale the Nose refers to you as Son regardless of chosen gender (changed to friend)
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Ulfberth's dialogues
* Fixed and reworked Diran the Old's dialogues
* Fixed several bugs with Chelob's text after relocation
* Fixed several grammar and text bugs with Chelobs Quiz
* Fixed text bug with Eswin elf hater dialogue
* Fixed Pargo dialogues missing grammar
* Fixed Ogloob the Ogres dialogue layout
* Fixed text bug in guard dialogue for breaking up Nairo's party
* Fixed 2 text bugs in shades bloom bartender dialogue options
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Arasuk bartender dialogues
* Fixed 2 issues with Nanall the Coastmans dialogue options


While testing I noticed some issues with the layout of the Brawl Pit and Fighter's Pit screens and have tried to improve and upgrade them. I also noticed that brawl pit and fighter's pit champion fights had no introduction, that's fixed now!

* Fixed 15 text and layout bugs in Brawl Pit and Fighter's Pit champion battles
* Reworked 10 screens in Brawl pit and fighter's pit
* Added new intro screen for Brawl Pit Champion battle
* Added new intro screen for Fighter's Pit Champion battle
* Added new intro screen for Brawl Pit champion challenge
* Added new intro screen for Fighter's Pit champion challenge

The new pre-fight screen in the Brawl Pit during a champion battle - https://i.imgur.com/6YrtDHW.png

BUGFIXES (27 features)

A ton of bug fixes mostly found from playtesting as well as from player reports, Thanks guys!

* Fixed 'pay for the stole apples' text bug (credit Jimmyl)
* Fixed slaves jumping to their death gives you a free soldier per dead slave bug
* Fixed goblin worshippers bringing you human slaves even if you aren't a slaver
* Fixed your knights having random events fighting against demons when you're a demonic servant
* Fixed text bug in Goblinstone ruins being occupied event
* Fixed Thickblood tavern income report text bug
* Fixed text miscoloured bug for Sinking Sandhole (credit JimmyL)
* Fixed ability to shut down the goblin slap stall when not ruler of Darkdale
* Fixed several text bugs with Blackmarket Hall of Goblin tour goblin leader description
* Fixed missing line in The Conspiracy of Thickblood book
* Fixed tennements of the doomstone book title error
* Fixed Marius the scribe name incorrect in hall of goblin heroes
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Karald
* Fixed 16 text bugs in your bandits pillaging encounters
* Fixed 2 cut down gift tree text bugs
* Fixed text bug with cave beast battle victory outcome
* Fixed Bongleroll event text bug
* Fixed Blackmarket anti-goblin graffiti appearing when Goblins not in power
* Fixed Zeef of Uktak's face graphic
* Fixed text bug with Doomstone text
* Fixed choice of sound bug with new game start (credit Brygun)
* Fixed militia hiring option bug (credit u/Kerbannog)
* Fixed several text bugs in Thundil tavern in Baiaa
* Fixed dialogue bug with Thundil vampire bard
* Fixed text bug in thrall's finger intro text
* Fixed Brawl first graphic bug
* Fixed bandits not being reported as active by general (credit u/Conscious_Ad5004)
* Fixed free slaves option not being blocked out if you have no slaves in kingdom reports menu

EVERYTHING ELSE (18 features)

All sorts of stuff I couldn't fit anywhere else!

* Added 1337 in the main menu gives alternate menu theme (credit u/ubft)
* Removed old christmas 2018 bonus content from the game
* Added alternate demon horde rising event for demon worshipping players
* Reworked slaves jumping encounter text to show exactly how many slaves have jumped
* Removed ability to walk across sinking sandhole for now (credit JimmyL)
* Added new sound effect for ordering soldier to cross the sandhole (credit JimmyL)
* Added new screen for ordering soldier to cross the sandhole (credit JimmyL)
* Reworded change theme music settings option from 'Change main game theme music' to 'Change current theme music' (credit JimmyL)
* Rewrote Titans of the footpath book
* Reworked The Swamplands book
* Rewrote Tales of a travelling bard book
* Added 6 new kingdom names 'Morbad, Boroo, Mooia, Morvea, Yorbad, Torbad'
* Reworked Thrall's finger win graphics
* Added new faction name gen parts (Brutal, Rage, Raw, Yonder, Yearning, Yammering, Yeilding, Yowling)
* Added new bandit name gen parts (Dastardly, Plundering, Scrounging, Swindling, Pilfering, Purloining, Despoiling, Marauding)
* Added new slave fist graphic for any brawls in Blackmarket Slave Pen, Baiaa Slave Pits, or Slavers Fort (credit u/Ubft)
* Added new human name 'Uuthox' (credit help :) )
* Added extra indicator for marathon mode in Rihhm snailrace

Type 1337 into the main menu for an alternate menu (thanks Jimmy!) - https://i.imgur.com/g2Cs2zu.png


So with that massive update out of the way I'm going to be clearing through the bug reports and backlogs that have built up first and then look at moving towards the combat update.

Hope everyone's doing alright :)


Mar 18, 2019
Hey Everyone,

So this is a little content update, I've pushed it out a bit sooner as it contains a patch for a nasty bug that blocked bandit robberies from being accurately reported in the end of turn report. Plenty of stuff in this update though :)


A handful of new throne room encounters, always looking to expand where I can here!

* Added new throne room encounter 'Something to gawk at'
* Added new throne room encounter 'Witness Royalty'
* Added new throne room encounter 'I beg you for gold for the families of my fallen brothers'


While passing the throne room I noticed several bugs and also saw an opportunity to expand the Silver Tongues encounter.

* Added ability to ask Throne room 'Silver Tongues' how they go about increasing your public opinion
* Added ability to ask Throne room 'Silver Tongues' how they go about decreasing your public opinion
* Reduced requested gold from soldier for sick mother from 50 gold to 20 gold (and bigger help from 500 gold to 200 gold)
* Fixed 3 text bugs in old man throne room response
* Fixed old man wants to see the king before he dies encounter now refers to your chosen ruler title
* Fixed text bug with pair of throne room knights wanting to join your knightly order
* Fixed 3 text bugs with sick mother soldier reactions
* Fixed text bug in disgruntled soldier encounter death reaction
* Fixed text bug in disgruntled soldier encounter introduction variant

A silver tongues new menu - https://i.imgur.com/ORZoA8Y.png

You monster - https://i.imgur.com/7wnQ5Ut.png


It's been a while since I've added any new suffixes, although at this point there are 1000s of them so it's unlikely anyones going to see duplicates any time soon.

* Added new name suffix 'The Holdout' (+10 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Warrior Commando' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Deadeye' (+27 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Peacebreaker' (+31 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Mirror-Breaker' (-5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Mirror-Watcher' (+3 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Greyseer' (+18 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Blueseer' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Goldseer' (+24 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Skyseer' (+24 battlescore)

MORE RANDOM LOOT (5 features)

Always worth adding more random loot that can be discovered!

* Added 'enchanted wizard's tooth' random loot artifact (worth 75 gold)
* Added 'crudely made wooden shield' random loot artifact (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'metal cube adorned with pearls' random loot artifact (worth 150 gold)
* Added 'solid gold human foot' random loot artifact (worth 250 gold)
* Added 'well-carved wooden goblin head statue' random loot artifact (worth 20 gold)


It's been on my radar for a while that a lot of the descriptions and screens in this artifact hall were in need of a rework, now it's finally done!

* Added new event when giving Dumble Staff to a Dumble
* Reworked artifact hall intro text
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Sceptre of the Goblin god artifact blurb
* Fixed 6 text bugs with ancient lands map artifact blurb
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Chaos orb artifact blurb
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Plague Box artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Doomstone Fragment artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Gauntlet of Frost artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Demon Shield artifact blurb
* Fixed 5 text bugs with Demon Horn artifact blurb
* Fixed 8 text bugs with Dumble Staff artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Ancient Scythe artifact blurb
* Fixed 1 text bug with Golden Telescope artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Fragment of Denland Stone artifact blurb
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Stone of Talents artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Remnants of Stone of Talents artifact blurb
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Talisman of Brothers artifact blurb
* Fixed 3 text bugs with Obsidian Sword artifact blurb
* Fixed 4 text bugs with Friend of the Fearful artifact blurb

The Dumble Staff - https://i.imgur.com/NZJUth7.png

Take it! - https://i.imgur.com/ZdAP0mG.png

What an improvement - https://i.imgur.com/GGvsmAh.png

BUGFIXES (10 features)

A couple of bugfixes here, thanks Ecksesive and Luel for the reports!

* Fixed bug where minor bandit gangs who rob all your gold aren't being reported in the turn report and make it seem like the gold has just vanished instead (credit Ecksesive)
* Fixed text bug with northern hall introduction during special event (50th year)
* Fixed text bugs when listening to the call of the lightning in the northern hall
* Fixed text bugs for normal northern hall introduction screen
* Fixed screen pause bug when bribing rebels to disband
* Fixed options for Maktap the bartender not correctly shown
* Fixed Smallhaven Champion not spawning (credit Luel)
* Fixed Rihhm Champion not spawning once dead (credit Luel)
* Fixed two text bugs with law to enforce laws
* Fixed issue with troll bridge blocking your first legit attempt to visit Dapplogk, Smugglers Den, and Golden Lilypad

EVERYTHING ELSE (6 features)

Some things I couldn't fit anywhere else, some new kingdom names, the ability to change your mister/miss title in game, some new screens and tweaks!

* Added ability to change your mister/miss/etc title in other laws (credit Defender)
* Added new screen for removing the orb from the northern hall
* Added new screen from putting the orb back into the northern hall
* Added bandit level rise event now shows new bandit level
* Reworked and fixed the 3 possible rebel disband outcome screens
* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Aovis, Averth, Bomia, Dainerth, Ezore, Induria, Magnillon, Muunara, Nuul, Teloth'

New option in the other laws screen - https://i.imgur.com/4WCRWiT.png


Still working through my backlogs since the end of turn update and trying to get Warsim out there while it's on sale for the Steam Autumn Sale!

Hope you're all good :)


Mar 18, 2019
Warsim (A pile of new content and fixes, 73 features)

Hey Everyone,

So I've been in the middle of another house move recently but had this update loaded ready to go save for a few things for a few days now. There is no major focus but lots of new content and fixes and reworks.


When you start a new game and are told of the races in your world there is a random slightly different one of ten different rock and water images picked, they aren't great. I've replaced them with a new shared set of 20 random background graphics used for discovering new lands, I've reworked them and added plenty more for variety so that now it makes the introduction screen a bit different.

* Reworked new game world full of mystery and wonder screen graphic
* Added 10 new alternate graphics for new game world and discovering new lands screens
* Reworked several new game world and discovering new lands screens

One of the new intro screens - https://i.imgur.com/vIfUYDg.png

And another - https://i.imgur.com/MRHm5iF.png

And one more - https://i.imgur.com/lGsV5PG.png

And another for luck - https://i.imgur.com/0eKcKBf.png

Last one I promise - https://i.imgur.com/6acu75T.png

Oh go on, one more - https://i.imgur.com/dTUO9MP.png


See what I did there... Rihhm-provem... ah nevermind, so while working on the wiki page for the village of Rihhm I found several things that needed fixing or weren't fully completed.

* Added +10 relation with Rihhm from starting trade route
* Added -10 relation with Rihhm for ending trade route
* Added -5 relation with Rihhm from demanding tribute
* Added +5 relation with Rihhm for ending tribute
* Made it so Rihhm elder will not speak to you if relation is lower than -5 instead of lower than 0
* Fixed Old Storyteller's Hut text bug in Rihhm
* Fixed random quest text incorrectly referring to Rihhm and Smallhaven
* Fixed bug when attacking Uktak village after having beaten Rihhm villages champion causing unexpected issues with the Arena
* Fixed Elder Atik angry introduction text bug
* Fixed tie in snail race screen
* Fixed tie in snail race with bet cancelled screen

New relation change effects with Rihhm - https://i.imgur.com/L6lsidA.png


Not as catchy as the above header but I also had a few things to fix and improve in Smallhaven!

* Fixed text bug in Smallhaven trade route cancel screen
* Added indicator for trade route started and ended with smallhaven
* Added indicator for tribute started and ended with Smallhaven
* Added +10 relation with Smallhaven from starting trade route
* Added -10 relation with Smallhaven for ending trade route
* Added -5 relation with Smallhaven from demanding tribute
* Added +5 relation with Smallhaven for ending tribute
* Fixed 2 text bugs in tribute cancellation text with Smallhaven
* Fixed 3 text bugs in tribute starting text with Smallhaven


So u/TheGamingDictator brought to my attention a pretty surprising exploit that I'd totally missed. After the update to militia leaders there were 20 possible perks militia leaders could have, there were four that over-ride normal militia peasant hire prices to reduce the cost to either 5 gold, 3 gold, 1 gold, or completely free of charge. However what I clearly didn't consider is that the price over-ride only happened during the buying process and for selling peasants back to the militia it just showed half of the non-overriden price meaning you could be getting 100 free peasants, selling them back for 10 gold each and then getting those 100 back again from free, repeatedly for an infinite horde of wealth. Needless to say it's now fixed along with several other changes.

* Added Militia leaders face and name to hiring units in troop hire screen
* Added Militia leaders face and name to selling units in troop hire screen
* Fixed free militia units description text bug
* Fixed Terrible Leader militia perk incorrectly refering to helper militia leader perk
* Fixed 'Militia master hands takes the gold' text bug in militia hire screen text
* Fixed Exploit for getting peasants for free from militia leader and selling them back for profit repeatedly (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Exploit for getting peasants worth 1, 3, or 5 gold and selling them back for way more repeatedly exploitable (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added new alternate screen for giving troops to the militia for free (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 1 gold each cannot be sold back only given for free (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 5 gold are sold back at 3 gold each instead of exploit level cost (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added peasants being sold at 3 gold are sold back at 1 gold each instead of exploit level cost (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Added alternate selling screen when selling troops to militia via militia diplomacy screen

Now you'll see the Militia leaders face when buying and selling troops to him - https://i.imgur.com/Uauo6JQ.png

A new option when trying to sell peasants to a militia that sells them for 1 gold (you can only give them for free) - https://i.imgur.com/Jl6cbZf.png

NEW CONTENT (3 features)

Always good to keep the game fresh with plenty of new content. The name Halbazaar was inspired by this song's catchy chorus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2oC99e_xPY&ab_channel=MiksonvlogsTV

* Added 5 new human names 'Halbazaar, Balgazaar, Bulgazaar, Kralbazaar, Spactazaar'
* Added new book to the old library in the artifact market 'The Blah Blah Ballad of Bal-Balah' (credit u/obviousllamainshoes)
* Added 10 new kingdom names 'Arizaria, Altmetrizar, Bottoria, Bubbenden, Jubjara, Cathold, Crillen, Irovia, Inderria, Illoria'


Another group of potential character name suffixes for the people of your worlds!

* Added new name suffix 'of the Wasteland' (+15 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastelander' (+18 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'of the Ruined Lands' (+5 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastewalker' (+22 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Earth Scorcher' (+30 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Land Scorcher' (+29 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wasteborn' (+19 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Craterborn' (+35 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Craterwalker' (+20 battlescore)
* Added new name suffix 'The Wastewhisperer' (+23 battlescore)

A FEW LAUGHS MORE (4 features)

Well you probably won't be laughing at these but here are a few new jokes that can be said by any in game jester in your court or in the wider world.

* Added new joke 'Cold night broomstick'
* Added new joke 'Magic Bee'
* Added new joke 'Close eyed wizard'
* Added new joke 'Big Hat wizard'


Still working through adding things to the wiki and while documenting all the dialogues in the game I see many that aren't perfect or have errors in them, also opportunities for extra dialogues and expansions.

* Added new question 'What's with the Vomit Hole?' for Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern
* Reworked 4 dialogues for Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern
* Fixed text bug in Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern fight break up text
* Fixed 2 text bugs in Gboo of the Human's Toe Tavern dialogue options menu

BUGFIXES (15 features)

Quite a lot of big bugs fixed here, including a game crashing bug and a bug that made indepedents units end up with strength in the negative, thanks as always for the bug reports everyone!

* Fixed Independent kingdom battlescore changing bug (credit u/TheKnightIsForPlebs)
* Fixed issue with Northern Hall text colour
* Fixed staff quitting due to not being paid having their names omitted in the report of them quitting
* Fixed other expenses section line being too short
* Fixed killing or trap dooring demon worshipper got -1 public opinion (credit Hun Knight)
* Fixed 2 text bugs in elven race description (credit Mayana)
* Fixed several options to kill insane throne room visitor instead lets them leave happily (credit Mayana)
* Fixed freeing slaves in peace diplomacy crash (credit u/rory-games)
* Fixed Village champions in grand tournaments are random named characters with the suffix 'The Peasant' instead of the actual champions of the villages
* Fixed new game theme music choice showing two options active at once (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed diplomacy rejection text bug (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed buying militia recruitment sign text bugs
* Fixed buying recruitment signs text bugs
* Fixed recruitment sign upgrades showing how many peasants gained in recruiting even if forceful enlistment isn't active (credit u/TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed Smallhaven sound continuing after leaving the village (credit u/TheGamingDictator)

EVERYTHING ELSE (2 features)

There was an issue TGD weirdoo pointed out which made your end of turn report appear to misreport your income as it merged bank interest with your earned sum, now it's displayed separately in the end of turn report to make it much clearer.

* Reworked bank interest report in end of turn report to be separate from normal gained gold (credit [TGD]weirdoo)
* Added indicator of neutral leaders lack of effect in diplomacy odds

And old report for income and how its displayed now - https://i.imgur.com/n3W8sUl.png


I've still got a few things to work through of my backlogs... I've also just started playing Cyberpunk 2077 and I'm enjoying it a lot... so see you guys in 3 months.

Hope everyone is ok :)


Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys,

I'm putting this out there Warsim is currently 40% off on steam and itch.io for the winter sale.

You can find the game on sale on steam here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/659540/Warsim_The_Realm_of_Aslona/?beta=0

You can find the game on sale on itch.io here - https://itch.io/s/43488/warsim-winter-sale-40-off

Warsim is a deep and rich text based kingdom management game unlike anything else. Complete with charming ASCII graphics, navigate the millions of different procedurally generated races, events and areas with a huge emphasis on player choice. Don't let its look fool you, there is depth in every direction.

A bigger breakdown of some of it's actual features are as follows:

* A huge explorable world with 100s of unique locations including hidden cities, giant markets filled with tons of stuff to do and lots of randomisation and tons more
* A throne room where you are tasked with talking to and dealing with the people of your realm, depending on your kingdom size it could be 10 people or 1000s. You will encounter gamblers, bards, tricksters, goblins, mercenaries, common folk, beggars and tons of others froma pool of 1000s and 1000s of different dynamic encounters.
* A procedural fantasy race system that has been in development for years through a mix of my own work and lots of help from the Warsim community and now can produce exactly 94,887,852 possible races. Which pretty much ensures all the races seen in your gameworld will never been seen again. You might find Seafaring Goblins, Fire Orcs, Eyeless Elves, Orange Ogretaurs, Inbred Trench Dwarves, and millions more races you couldn't imagine!
* A procedural face generator with over 100 Quadrillion possible faces that are unique and distinct race by race!
* A dynamic arena in your kingdom where heroes rise and fall, there is much you can do here if you own it including hosting tournaments and setting rules. It can also be found in many states and sizes
* Tons of mini games such as snail racing, a mini dnd game, animal pit fighting and at least 10+ others you can find in taverns and locations around the world, or you can hire a gamemaster to play them directly from your throne room.
* There are also absolutely abysmally terrible procedurally generated bards, including Goblin Drummers, Orc Grunters, Gnome Whistlers, and Vampyric lute players. I'm not going to pretend they are good but they are funny!
* The ability to send your men to find monsters from the depths of the world you can train and fight with other monsters, with 27'000 possible monsters and 45 different opponents. (this feature was player suggested)
* The ability to get absolutely hammered in one of the 15+ taverns of the world, my personal favourite being goblin taverns due to their 'vomit holes'
* And honestly a lot more than this

The game has been in development for 5 years and still has a ton more work to go, it has sold over 24'000 copies on itch.io and steam and has been supported by audiogames members the whole time.

The game is usually $7.99 but is reduced to $4.79 as it's 40% off

I'm happy to answer any questions you guys may have

Cheers guys

Huw (Solo dev)
Mar 18, 2019
Hey guys for anyone who wants to follow along with Warsim outside of the thread we've just opened a discord server for Warsim


Keep up with the changelogs, leave bug reports or suggestions, see our dumb memes or new letsplays!

The more the merrier :)
Mar 18, 2019
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