What games are you playing now?

Yes, it was a joke, sort of. But the lore and exploration of Tamriel really is engaging for me. NOT the gameplay. Similar to Fallout 4, coincidentally. Probably why I am getting bored of both and have to keep swapping between them. Witcher 3 really has spoiled me. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I know it makes me sound like a indie-nut, I'm not, I just happened to be close to buying a new system so haven't played many of the graphic/memory hogs this year, but you really are missing out on some interesting simple RPG pleasures this year if you've managed to avoid all the indies released this year, there's been a whole slew of quite interesting and original material to choose from. Most of them might not compete for game of the year, but most of them have plenty of joy to bring if you can get yourself in the mood for them.
Nov 1, 2014
Wow, that looks horrifically awkward. Of course, so are touch screen controls on a lot of old games.

I've been playing that on my phone. I have less patience for JRPGs these days, but it's alright for killing time in those rare occasions when I actually play games on my phone.
Horribly awkward? Far from it. It feels like a solid device akin to a psp or vita. Plus you can do neat things with it, like a dedicated mouse mode and vertical support as well (for DS emulation).

It's the little things in life. 😁
I've been playing Sword Coast Legends tonight as part of the free weekend on Steam.

It's not nearly as bad as I expected or as some people claim. It's no Baldur's Gate or IWD by a long shot, but I'm having fun with it. I'll definitely purchase it later when it goes on sale.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
How does the combat play out? Do you feel involved or is it mostly post-EA Bioware where the automated team-mates can do everything while you stand there filing your nails wondering which difficulty actually means 'normal'? Can you control your team mates? Is it more for the story and atmosphere than the combat? And any other questions along similar lines you can think someone might like to know about…
Nov 1, 2014
How does the combat play out? Do you feel involved or is it mostly post-EA Bioware where the automated team-mates can do everything while you stand there filing your nails wondering which difficulty actually means 'normal'? Can you control your team mates? Is it more for the story and atmosphere than the combat? And any other questions along similar lines you can think someone might like to know about…

You can have complete control over everyone in the party if you choose. The combat is pretty smooth, and the story isn't bad from what I've seen so far. I think it's worth a purchase for the single-player alone, but I don't plan on paying full price.

The visuals are better than I was expecting them to be, especially in the environments. There also seems to be a nice variety of enemies. In the first 3 hours, I've already encountered several types of mercenaries, mages, goblins, a hobgoblin, giant spiders, wolves, a dire wolf, giant rats, and a gelatinous cube. Yes…a gelatinous cube!

It's a lot less hardcore than the IE games though. Normal difficulty is really easy compared to those games, and from what I've seen, your party members don't die they just become incapacitated. There are a few other things that irk me as well like the unlimited use of spells and shared inventory.

As long as your expectations are reasonable, and you're not expecting another Baldur's Gate, I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase for D&D fans. Besides, it's not like there's much else to choose from. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Finally finished BioShock Infinite. I had a hard time starting this due to the strong religious tones but once I met the girl the game got much better. The ending was just friggin awesome. I did not see that at all. Now onward.to the DLC.
Well, that was disturbing.
Sander Cohen? :D

I'm currently playing The Elder Scrolls Online in PvE style and (still) having a blast.
Aug 31, 2006
Yeah, Burial at Sea 1 was pretty weird but 2 was really weird. Great story and nicely tied together but disturbing.
I am deep into Knights of the Old Republic. I *had* been trying to replay on the iPad, but while it works well enough on normal sized (8-10" screens) tablets, it is just awful on the iPad Pro. Sadly game save transfer is FUBAR so I had to restart on the Mac. Ended up playing several hours yesterday :)
Oct 18, 2006
I started up Last Dream after being thoroughly interested in playing it for awhile now. Safe to say it does not disappoint. Very fun neo-retro RPG. :nod:
Playing three different games right now.

  1. Underrail
  2. Skyrim
  3. Legends of Dawn Reborn
Oct 1, 2010
1. Underrail
2. Wizards & Warriors
3. HoMM III Wake of Gods
Mar 9, 2015
I bought the dlc for bioshock infinite in the steam sale. It was nice to return to the madness of Rapture. I did not think Columbia was kooky enough.
Sep 15, 2015
I bought a bunch of JRPG in the Steam sale: The Lightning Saga aka all FF13 games, Valkyria Chronicle (because lots of people says it is awesome), Trail in the Sky (ditto) and pre-ordered Dragon's Dogma a few days ago. I will probably play that until August 2016 when DX Mankind Divided get released.

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XIII. I can see why people were annoyed about the "corridor design". I'm not personally, it feels like an old school game, but instead of being an isometric view it's 3D with a camera being the character's back. I'm liking the game quite a bit. The paradigm systems is quite fun to use. I like all the characters. The scifi setting is totally awesome (we need more scifi/fantasy games). It does feels a lot more like an adventure game with a party than a RPG though, but I don't mind.
Oct 13, 2007
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