What games are you playing now?

Well Ghost of Tsushima got me to link my steam account to PSN. The multiplayer mode (which you can also play in solo or singleplayer) is apparently a sort of separate mini-campaign that they setup for co-op.
But even if you want to play it solo they still force you to first link your PSN account. But that still proves that even the multiplayer content could've been left for singleplayer/no-PSN players.
At that point you don't even need to maintain two versions of the codebase. Just one version with some configuration flags that don't allow multiplayer. And you sell that version for 5-10 dollars cheaper.
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Jul 31, 2007
I’m not sure how that makes sense to you, that it’s hard to maintain two versions, especially digitally. As far as the code, again fairly manageble. I worked at a place that managed dozens of forks of a product codebase. Here we’re talking about going from 2 (PC & PS) to 3.

Especially now that the game is basically done and done. No new content. At best maybe a couple of patches. And then it’s really a wrap.
It means you have to produce two binaries. Since they don't have the same features, they must be tested separately and with a different validation data set. Two binaries also mean different dependencies. They have to package two different deliverables. They basically have the same work as managing two separate products, so twice the work (but making sure they're properly synchronized on top of it).

You'll say they can simply do a quick hack, but that's not how those people work, especially in Japan - believe me; I've worked with them. Besides, a quick hack means people will as quickly work around it and rub it in their face.

I'm not even sure Steam allows for different binaries in function of the country, so they're probably up to more complications over there. Two separate Steam entries? Each limited to a number of countries? Separate statistics and scores? Oof. What about the mods; will they be compatible with both games? What about the DLCs; will they have to release them, test them, package them for both products?

I've worked in those different areas, and I can smell a lot of problems from what only looks like a simple difference. All that for what? Some more sales, and likely the same review bombs?

Their approach to broaden the number of countries is the right approach, IMO.

Also two versions on the same platform. Porting over to PC was a huge effort compared to that.
Yes, but it has nothing to do with it. They're distributed differently through different channels and to different people. They aim at two different segments of the gaming market: consoles and PCs, so it's worth the effort.

All to not sell a product that thoretically can have a huge tail of sales. 5-10 years from now it could still be selling.
Yes, I suppose that would bring some marginal extra sales in those countries, but if they're not ready, there's nothing for it. They seem to be working on the problem methodically rather than rushing it with a lot of potential complications for a little gain and likely risks.

The fact they wouldn't be able to play MP only in those countries is a major problem, too. That alone could justify not doing it. And imagine what happens once they are OK with some of those countries: what do they do with the Steam product? Do they give a code so the customers can now switch to the other MP-enabled product? More complications for the customer, this time.

I'm surprised by some of the countries on that list, though.

What I’m more surprised is in your optimism and vehemence that Sony management most definitely weighed out all the options and made the best decision for themselves. From the ineptitude and bad management decisions I’ve seen in a lot of companies, both having worked in and from outside, it wouldn’t be beyond expectation for a corporation to make such blundering mistakes.
There's no vehemence, nor any optimism. Quite the opposite. :)

I know you're quick to criticize corporations, but I prefer to try and understand their motives. I don't have any warm feelings for Sony; I rather despise their way of treating customers, and this situation is fucked up, but that doesn't mean they're complete idiots. Maybe my experience and the problems I saw in production and QA makes me see what isn't obvious to everyone, too.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
From what I saw, it doesn't have Denuvo (it wouldn't have been cracked so early, indeed). Some clowns in the Steam forums even complained about it because they don't thing it's fair they paid for the game while pirates got it for free. 😂

Maybe they don't care too much about that when it's a PC port of a game released much later than the console release? It's a strange logic, though.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
I know you're quick to criticize corporations, but I prefer to try and understand their motives. I don't have any warm feelings for Sony; I rather despise their way of treating customers, and this situation is fucked up, but that doesn't mean they're complete idiots. Maybe my experience and the problems I saw in production and QA makes me see what isn't obvious to everyone, too.
The way I rationalize these sorts of decisions on their part, is most probably due to either rigid procedures or rigid thinking.
Most likely due to either tradition (this is how we've always done it, and we won't change now) or they just won't even bother with the issue, since they consider that the time spent on even getting that is probably pennies compared to what they think their time is worth.
The issue is, it's what they think, and they might be wrong. But even if they're wrong, they're so big that it doesn't matter to them.
And it might also be that they have a narrow view of what doing this will gain them. Sort of like how Nintendo is wacked in the head that they will not let anyone monetize youtube videos with their game footage.
Jul 31, 2007
The way I rationalize these sorts of decisions on their part, is most probably due to either rigid procedures or rigid thinking.
Most likely due to either tradition (this is how we've always done it, and we won't change now) or they just won't even bother with the issue, since they consider that the time spent on even getting that is probably pennies compared to what they think their time is worth.
The issue is, it's what they think, and they might be wrong. But even if they're wrong, they're so big that it doesn't matter to them.
And it might also be that they have a narrow view of what doing this will gain them. Sort of like how Nintendo is wacked in the head that they will not let anyone monetize youtube videos with their game footage.
Yes, that's a good point. Big companies are certainly not likely to be the most efficient. :D
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
How's the gameplay?

I'm tempted to try, even though it's not reasonable.
Very solid. The combat especially. It discourages spamming just enough, makes you time attacks, dodge and blocks. Cool combat animations.
Otherwise seems very similar to most open worlds. I believe you can also build towards a stealth build later on.
I'm also playing on the second to hardest difficulty, so it forces me to be patient in combat. You regain healing orbs by doing good in combat. I like the system.
The story I'm so-so on. It's decent and serviceable. Maybe it gets better later on.
Jul 31, 2007
I've played a few hours of Days Gone and it's good. Though, my motorcycle must have the worst mileage in the universe. :p

And now I've got COVID and banished to the other end of the house with my laptop. Currently looking for something a lot more lo-fi to play.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
And now I've got COVID and banished to the other end of the house with my laptop. Currently looking for something a lot more lo-fi to play.
You don't have a gaming rig with wi-fi?

Sorry to hear about the Covid. I hope you get over it soon.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm really loving Ghost of Tsushima. In some ways it's similar to HZD, in that the it's a fairly streamline "rpg". But I'm enjoying the combat much more in this one. Maybe because I'm more of a melee player, than a ranged one. The combat is excelent, on the second to hardest difficulty (on the hardest it's basically one-hit one-kill, for both you and most enemies; I tried it for a bit but it's unforgiving. But I can see a moment when you're skilled enough to maybe tackle it). Just hard enough that you cannot take more than 2-3 hits. So it forces constant movement, evasion, blocking etc.

And it also doesn't hurt that the setting and visuals are gorgeous.
Jul 31, 2007
Thanks for the pics!

This game looks gorgeous. I suppose it won't be as pretty on a 3070, though. From a few posts I've seen, it's not very well optimized, so I'll wait before trying it.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Thanks for the pics!

This game looks gorgeous. I suppose it won't be as pretty on a 3070, though. From a few posts I've seen, it's not very well optimized, so I'll wait before trying it.
Not sure if I heard it on WAB's video, or somewhere else, but it's very dependent on what resolution you're running at.
IIRC he's also tested it on a 2080. Even though I listened to his video this morning, and can't remember. My mind is losing it, I guess.

I invested a couple of skill points into the melee tree and the combat system has gotten even better. It's so fluid and visceral. And I love that enemies do not relent. They're on you like glue. Plus, archers firing at you, and you have to dodge just as they announce their shot (the enemies close to you also dodge out of the way when archers fire, since they can also get hit).
I've also just now unlocked my stealth skill tree, and gotten my bow. It'll be interesting. I know I saw some fancy stealth maneuvers.

Honestly, I'm just surprised how much I'm enjoying the combat system. On console I gave up on the game precisely because of the combat system, but since I was playing at a bit of distance from the screen I always felt I never had the quick-enough reaction time to react to all the twitchy attacks. But on a monitor, seeing it up close, it's a different ball game.

I think, I'll probably be taking this one to completion. I'll do a small break when Hellblade 2 releases next week. But that shouldn't take more than 10-12h. And then I'll probably continue with this one.
Jul 31, 2007
Not sure if I heard it on WAB's video, or somewhere else, but it's very dependent on what resolution you're running at.
IIRC he's also tested it on a 2080. Even though I listened to his video this morning, and can't remember. My mind is losing it, I guess.
No, it's from posts in the Steam forums. I'm not sure if you took the right link, because this one is for the PS and is quite old, by the way. ;) I've seen other reviews/previews that were more reassuring, but I'll still try and wait a little - if nothing else, just because of the backlog.

I even watched Mortismal Gaming (who'd have thought), who said the K+M controls had been very well ported and are configurable, so that's also good to know for players who prefer that.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
No, it's from posts in the Steam forums. I'm not sure if you took the right link, because this one is for the PS and is quite old, by the way. ;) I've seen other reviews/previews that were more reassuring, but I'll still try and wait a little - if nothing else, just because of the backlog.

I even watched Mortismal Gaming (who'd have thought), who said the K+M controls had been very well ported and are configurable, so that's also good to know for players who prefer that.
I've linked the wrong one, sorry.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjLD-SjbHmY
Jul 31, 2007
Thanks for the pics!

This game looks gorgeous. I suppose it won't be as pretty on a 3070, though. From a few posts I've seen, it's not very well optimized, so I'll wait before trying it.
Actually it might not be too bad. According to a few gaming news outlets AMD frame generation via DLSS is coming to Nvidia 20x/30x series cards with Ghost of Tsushima.

I may be wording that wrong but here is PCGamer’s article: https://www.pcgamer.com/hardware/a-...generation-and-nvidias-dlss-together-at-last/
Dec 29, 2023
United States
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