What games are you playing now?

Not at all. It's just that I've noticed a trend lately, and I'm sure I'm not the only who thinks it's reasonable to try to keep certain threads on topic.

Go ahead and get that last word now.

We exchange a couple of friendly jabs - and you're forum policeman again?

Maybe if you didn't focus so much on what others do that's so terrible, you might remember that you're just as much a part of this "trend" as many others.

Some days it's you - and some days it's someone else. So what.

Difference is that I don't give you shit about it.
Beyond Earth - Rising Tide

Only tried it briefly, but I like some of the changes. I didn't actually play the base game much at all, as it came along during a time of many other interesting games.

My impression was always that it was a bit dry and lifeless - but I wanted to give it a proper shot.

Now that the first expansion is out, I'm going to try and play more. I really hope it has improved some of the personality issues.
Cool - after replaying NWN last month I moved on and was replaying Skyrim for a few dozen hours and am ready to move on again and was thinking about HotU and how much fun it is becoming a walking artillary platform as a mage towards the end …

I'm playing a paladin this time through - smite, smite, smite (oops, out of smite ;o) Pretty potent when powered up, but can only cast very limited spells. Mostly OK - having issues with henchman AI, have Deekin and drow assassin…sometime they just stand around not helping me despite my constant commands. e.g. against that demi-lich (150-200 hp damage each time it howled! I'm sure prot from neg energy would have worked…but I can't cast it and neither can they…grrr!!! Give me a controllable part any day! Killed the bugger, but burned through ~6 heal potions and spent some time hiding ;) I read somewhere its dodgy AI which kicks in when they are e.g. invisible or ethereal and thus ignored by most enemies. I can forbid them to cast spells/buff, but that's not ideal. Doing it manually via the menu is fiddly - but having 2 henchman vs 1 is a vast improvement.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
I am playing a game called 'uninstall everything I have played'. I found myself meandering a bit and jumping back into saves, and then said 'enough'. So buh-bye Skyrim, Gothic 3, Alpha Protocol, and on and on. Will keep PoE and NWN Diamond (for HotU), and then reinstall Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2 for their 'EE's, but everything else is going!
Oct 18, 2006
I will also be playing the uninstall, reinstall, tweak game with my new laptop, which for me is seriously worse than anything else posted here. Also, the game " is windows 10 a pita or actually progress?"

In the meantime, I am grinding through ESO PvE content. My sorcerer is now level veteran rank 3, skilled for PvE and crafting rather than PvP. Almost done with campaign.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
txa1265 played the same game as me. I removed a bunch of games I know I'm not going to finish or replay soon (aka it's been a while I played them) and eyeing a few others to remove too. I also think I got my fill of DAI after 50 hours.

I wish the 27th came here sooner, that(D:OS EE) is the only thing I'm interested in playing right now. Although, the next step is probably Witcher 3 Heart of Stone.
Oct 13, 2007
I am playing a game called 'uninstall everything I have played'. I found myself meandering a bit and jumping back into saves, and then said 'enough'. So buh-bye Skyrim, Gothic 3, Alpha Protocol, and on and on. Will keep PoE and NWN Diamond (for HotU), and then reinstall Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2 for their 'EE's, but everything else is going!

I don't have that problem. To me finishing a game and uninstalling it is basically the same thing. I only keep games installed if I haven't finished them, which still needs some cleaning once in a while, as some games I don't care much about just won't ever be played again.
Sep 23, 2008
I don't have that problem. To me finishing a game and uninstalling it is basically the same thing. I only keep games installed if I haven't finished them, which still needs some cleaning once in a while, as some games I don't care much about just won't ever be played again.

That is a smarter move, I tend to install multiple games to decide what to play, and leave some of my faves after I am either finished or 'done', and generally it isnt a big deal but right now it is too much!
Oct 18, 2006
I keep them around for dlc and such not, plus kidding myself I'll play them more.. Btw ja2 is the first games in years iv'e dropped without finishing. too many crashes and lost progress in the gog version. Doesn't help that the controls are as tedious and finicky as hell. Otherwise I love it. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Interesting. Disk is cheap. I'm a hoarder and have games installs with saves, screenshots etc from as far back as 1996ish. I think my main Morrowind install started some time in 2005, NWN 2005/6ish. I love modding games and the ones that I've modded to buggery have just as many hours of tinkering as playing. These have been migrated from one machine to the next as I've upgraded. There are some I'll let go if/when I ever get low on space.

On topic - so far today I played a little Ultima 6 using Nuvie after reading about it on CRPG Addict blog followed by a bit of Torchlight. Haven't touched the latter in ages and as expected the character I had saved died not long into the session (playing hardcore). Started a new one with an Enchantress custom class using a wisp for a pet.

Apr 9, 2015
There's only one combat system.

You're talking about the control mode - but combat is identical in terms of function.

Well, unless I missed something :)

Yes, I should have probably said controls instead of system but the controls are a system in themselves.

So we can say control system.;)

Either way the 2 different controls offer 2 very different experiences and the OTS was vastly superior IMO.
Either way the 2 different controls offer 2 very different experiences and the OTS was vastly superior IMO.

I agree. I only tried the isometric view very briefly, and I hated it. It made me feel disconnected from the action, and I thought it was much less immersive.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yes, I should have probably said controls instead of system but the controls are a system in themselves.

So we can say control system.;)

Either way the 2 different controls offer 2 very different experiences and the OTS was vastly superior IMO.

I wasn't trying to be pedantic, I just don't think it makes a difference for the combat system itself.

I agree the OTS is way superior as a control scheme - but not because of combat. Combat sucks no matter what ;)

All IMO, obviously.
While I'm waiting for the next patch for TW3, I've decided to kill some time (and Nazis) with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

Has anyone here played it? If so, can you tell me approximately how long it is?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
While I'm waiting for the next patch for TW3, I've decided to kill some time (and Nazis) with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

Has anyone here played it? If so, can you tell me approximately how long it is?

I never played it but remember when I was thinking of buying it a few here had said it was 12-16 hours to complete it.
Apr 2, 2011
While I'm waiting for the next patch for TW3, I've decided to kill some time (and Nazis) with Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

Has anyone here played it? If so, can you tell me approximately how long it is?
Stop being cheap.
Those games are not supposed to last more than one afternoon!
Apr 12, 2009
Based on other threads ...

I am replaying NWN: Hordes of the Underdark, and already loving the spell selection I have started out with. Yes, I am a IGMS whore :)

Also re-installed SiN, and just loving the first few levels of that. Great fun, nice shooter mechanics, definitely shows its age, but still a solid game.
Oct 18, 2006
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