What games are you playing now?

Nowadays, I couldn't imgaine playing any large open-world game without fast travel.

It's a little ironic because I used to be very against the concept of fast travel in games. For some reason, I thought it sort of felt like I was cheating when I used it.

Then I woke up and realized that my time is too valuable to spend that much of it walking back to town, etc from whatever destination my quest had taken me.

In fact, I won't play any kind of "hardcore" mode if it disables fast travel unless there's a mod to reenable it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
In Skyrim, you can take a carriage to all major cities - which sort of alleviates the problem and helps the immersion. That said, it probably has the same CTD problem as it's mechanically the same - but I'll have to test it.

I definitely prefer no fast travel if the game is sufficiently immersive (very few games are) - it's just that the time requirement is prohibitive. So, I try to find a balance that suits my available time.
I too need some sort of fast travel in open world games these days but this because they are so huge and filled with crap. If they are making open world games of the size of Morroiwnd, or Gothic games, then fast travel is still nono. These world are sufficiently interesting and immersive and can be traversed without fast travels. Inf act fast travel will ruin the Gothic games.
Oct 8, 2009
Buy Yakuza 0 already. It's openworld filled with crap (not really, it's not crap but it's filled) and you'll never need fasttravel. Oddly, you still get it (taxi).

Why you don't need fasttravel here? Because the game doesn't force you into backtracking like crazy from one edge on the map to another nor you need to drive something all the time like in GTA rubbish. It has nothing to do with openworld, just with core quest design.
Apr 12, 2009
IIRC, some of the Gothics had teleportation stones :)

To me, the travel aspect doesn't need to be "interesting" insofar as there having to be cool content every few meters.

It's about immersion - and the way I like to feel as if I exist within the world. I don't find riding a horse for several minutes "fun" necessarily - though it certainly can be - but I find it helps me forget where I am, and it helps me connect with the world. It keeps me engaged on whatever quest or objective I've decided to focus on, because I'm actually going on a journey for THAT reason only - instead of the gamey teleportation thing, where you tend to fall into the trap of blindly doing things because the marker says so and you're not really paying attention.

Of course, if interesting stuff happens on the road - that's even better, and that's exactly the kind of thing you will miss out on if you fast travel.

So, it's really just a matter of time for my part. Games like Skyrim can take hundreds of hours to play even if you DO fast travel, so it becomes a matter of give and take.

Usually, I install a mod of some kind that alleviates some of the time requirement but keeps me connected to the world.

The only reason I don't play games like Skyrim more than I do - apart from the nightmare involved with endless modding - is that I simply don't have the time available.

Games that are designed around immersion should be played in the most immersive way possible, in my opinion. That is to say, if you actually enjoy that aspect of games.

So, if I just run from quest to quest - teleporting from place to place, I should be playing something else. That would be like watching Lord of the Rings for the first time on your iPhone, in my opinion. Sure, it's possible and it's still a great movie - but it's not quite right :)
The adventure of travel is as Fantasy as it gets imo, and it also belongs as part of the experience in games like FO..

Yes, you will not be amazed the entire time of your travel, but that would not be very natural or even immersive. Also there are always different routes to take to a town, don't travel the same road every time, that will get boring.

I really like fast travel/teleportation as a hard earned reward, i have fond memories of that from for example Ultima Underworld.

But I do want a map that shows direction on the screen, that's quite handy. In games like Witcher 3 you have a fast horse, and yeah in Skyrim you can use the carriage… It's really not that bad.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I too need some sort of fast travel in open world games these days but this because they are so huge and filled with crap. If they are making open world games of the size of Morroiwnd, or Gothic games, then fast travel is still nono. These world are sufficiently interesting and immersive and can be traversed without fast travels. Inf act fast travel will ruin the Gothic games.

Gothic yeah, Morrowind no. The movement of the PC is too painfully slow in Morrowind.

Also, I don't consider things like teleportation spells/items or some kind of in-game transport to be fast travel.

I'm talking about modern fast travel where you just click on the map and you're instantly moved to that location with no in-game lore or explanation involved.

It still sort of rubs me the wrong way, but there's no way I'm playing without it. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I don't consider Gothic teleportation stones or Morrowind various travel options as "fast travel". Yes definitions but they were hard earned (in Gothic case) and Morroiwnd options were very limited compared to the size of thew world. In fact these options made sense in those world as well. Its the click on map and be transported there is which annoys me but are needed in modern open world games.

@JDR13; The PC is only slow at the start of the game in Morrowind. After while when you have speed stats increased and all that, you are faster than any modern games even Skyrim.
Oct 8, 2009
I too need some sort of fast travel in open world games these days but this because they are so huge and filled with crap. If they are making open world games of the size of Morroiwnd, or Gothic games, then fast travel is still nono. These world are sufficiently interesting and immersive and can be traversed without fast travels. Inf act fast travel will ruin the Gothic games.
They did have fast travel actually.
They simply called them teleporter stones :)

Ignore this post. More posts whilst I was typing

Ignore this
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I don't consider Gothic teleportation stones or Morrowind various travel options as "fast travel". Yes definitions but they were hard earned (in Gothic case) and Morroiwnd options were very limited compared to the size of thew world. In fact these options made sense in those world as well. Its the click on map and be transported there is which annoys me but are needed in modern open world games.

@JDR13; The PC is only slow at the start of the game in Morrowind. After while when you have speed stats increased and all that, you are faster than any modern games even Skyrim.

Well, if by "hard earned" you mean picking them up - then sure :)

In Skyrim and modern Fallouts - you still have to actually travel to a place before you can fast travel to it, which is kinda the same thing.

Personally, I don't see anything about fast travel that doesn't make sense. You click on a destination - and your character travels there. The fact that you're not actually a witness to that journey doesn't really bother me more than teleportation does. Well, very little, perhaps.

The result is the same either way, as I still lose my connection to the world and the sense of being on a real journey.

Then again, I love the sensation of moving through realistic and plausible environments. That visceral journey through forests and mountain ranges is a very big deal for me. I feel much is lost without it.
Welcome brother… I have got origin access

Yeah, it’s probably frowned upon by most here but it’s actually a pretty good deal imo.

I’m playing madden and andromeda now, that alone would be $99. My wife’s playing the sims 4, I’m going to try a way out with my son, I’ll get battlefield V and anthem on release and I still want to play tyranny, wasteland 2, the surge, dead space games and tinker with some of the racing games.

I’ll have to re-up in a year but the new madden will be out then so it’d only cost an additional $40 and who knows what will be in the library by then.
Just remember; public corps aren't about making money. They are about making more than the previous year. sooner or later these terms will have to change... whether it is a steady increase in fees or some other mouse trap. That's the real problem with large companies like EA. If they were private perhaps things would be different.

Yeah, it’s probably frowned upon by most here but it’s actually a pretty good deal imo.

I’m playing madden and andromeda now, that alone would be $99. My wife’s playing the sims 4, I’m going to try a way out with my son, I’ll get battlefield V and anthem on release and I still want to play tyranny, wasteland 2, the surge, dead space games and tinker with some of the racing games.

I’ll have to re-up in a year but the new madden will be out then so it’d only cost an additional $40 and who knows what will be in the library by then.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Has anyone played the Necromancer class in Diablo-3? It's $15 and I'm wondering if it's worth it.

Please note, I only play single-player/campaign mode as I'm not a social animal at all. I'm not sure about the season stuff, whether you can play that purely SP or not. I kinda don't get playing games without at least a story framework. So I never raid or zone or play above character level 70, etc. Anyone have SP experience with the necro?
Oct 18, 2006
Just remember; public corps aren't about making money. They are about making more than the previous year. sooner or later these terms will have to change… whether it is a steady increase in fees or some other mouse trap. That's the real problem with large companies like EA. If they were private perhaps things would be different.

Yeah, I get that. I don’t have a problem with it going up really. It’s less than $10/ mo. Right now and if it gets to a price I find unacceptable I simply won’t renew. No biggie.
still playing Phantom Doctrine. It actually is pretty good. The missions are really slow and some of it is still a bit confusing with regards to advancing the story. I can see some complaints on the missions being too tedious but i like them.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Since I finished my 3rd playthrough of Expeditions Viking I've been alternating between Heroine's Quest and Quest for Infamy.
Apr 9, 2013
I'm waiting for Phantom Doctrine to be balanced and fully patched before lauching it. Currently playing Dark souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. It seems I'm unable to beat The Fume Knight. He's my new nemesis.
Jul 27, 2018
re: fast travel. Funny this topic came up in the discussion. Yea, I have been playing Deus Ex Human revolution, and that bothers me, the lack of fast travel in the game. And it is worse because they make the city layout very confusing with a bunch of weird routes and back alleyways that you have to go to get to the other parts of the city. This is in the initial city, hopefully the other city hubs later in the game are not quite as bad.

That complaint aside, it's a gem of a game, and a lot better than I thought it would be. So good, in fact, that I feel kind of foolish. Because I'm now thinking that I had totally misjudged this game, before, based on wrong impressions from general info and gameplay clips.
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Playing The Red Solstice as I needed a break before starting another long rpg. Decent enough shoot everything that moves gameplay and atmosphere...but they missed some opportunities when it comes to the “story”.
Mar 17, 2017
I'm playing run from the exploding Elder Dragon.

Killed him first try. Gonna take more particle effects than that to stop this hunter!
(full disclosure; I did use a tonne of consumables and 2/3 lives. :p)
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2007
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