what was it worth...??????????

The restructure is something strange. There was a discussion that I tried to summarize to get the feedback that it should be based on games series and not organization, however that is what we have now, so as far as I see it now, I just shuffle some forums up and down and that is it.
Aug 30, 2006
What's a unique visitor?

If you visit multiple pages on RPGWatch you are counted as 1 visitor. If you come back later, you are still counted as that same visitor as long as your cookie is still valid.
If you visit from a different browser you are a new visitor. If you visit from a different device you are counted as a new visitor. If you visit much, much later again on the same device and same browser you are counted as a new visitor again.
So, in general, the unique visitor count, provides some indication of how many different persons visit daily. Statistics (on the internet) show that the unique visitor count is about 20-30% higher than the real unique persons that visit the site, because of the reasons mentioned above.
Aug 30, 2006
If you want back and forth you can go to the codex. I visited a few times when the ´watch was down a few days ago. While most of the posters there are ok, some post things I really don't care to read, whether its anti-semitic remarks, or just plain obnoxious ad-hominem attacks. Personally that's not for me. I prefer it here, even if its more tame.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Plenty of games being released…

And if you have the opinion that not much has been released recently then that likely shows a greater symptom with this community than any other point anyone cares to make.

It's been what, a couple of weeks since Deus Ex was released? Avadon 3 a couple of days ago? And already you're lamenting a 'quiet spell'? Like you need a triple A big-brand RPG to be released every month or you deteriorate into 'bored' forum nonsense? I know it's a well worn cliche that doesn't mean anything any more… but… are you… like… 10 years old?

First off thank you for your reply. I was talking in general terms that when a game no matter what company is behind it is released that most people here are talking about. Excitement, anger, helping each other. There just hasn't been one of those in awhile.

I am sure a 10 year could have figure that out, let me know when you reach that age of maturity. :)
Apr 2, 2011
A chart with the number of posts per week for this and the previous 3 years.
This year has a gap for the weeks we lost and the incomplete week before and after that.
View attachment 2833
Week 11 was the first week when the new TOS was in place.

I guess that settles it, the new TOS did not have much of an effect at all on the activity here, according to the chart.
Oct 25, 2006
I guess that settles it, the new TOS did not have much of an effect at all on the activity here, according to the chart.

If anything it probably boosted activity as it likely generated lots of controversy and made people more bloody-minded in whatever issues they consider important, particularly those on the side in favour to prove it wouldn't have an effect. A bit like any management takeover.

Kind-of like when EA took over Bioware, there's no real statistical determinant as to what changed and if you only went by number of games released and sales figures then you'd have to assume EA bioware is no worse and possibly better than original Bioware. But what does your gut feeling tell you?

I mean, the big everyday posters who appear to be immune to all forms of administration no matter their content haven't changed their habits, you know, the Pibburs, JDRs, Thrashers and Joxers etc, the Team has increased and most of the new thread content is started by Team, Maylander and forgottenlore still pumping out reviews etc etc.

AFAICT the only real change has been a shift in management bias resulting from the handful of Couchpotato's posse returning to the site, after their hiatus to a separate site failed, resulting in a handful of more traditionalist posters deciding to leave in the inevitable increased daily drama.

Do you prefer the couchpotato posse or the Delteirus posse? Either way, it doesn't translate much to actual content, just how you get treated in daily dramas…
Nov 1, 2014
I mean, the big everyday posters who appear to be immune to all forms of administration no matter their content haven't changed their habits, you know, the Pibburs, JDRs, Thrashers and Joxers etc, the Team has increased and most of the new thread content is started by Team, Maylander and forgottenlore still pumping out reviews etc etc.
Strip me out of it.
I remember at least one of my threads closed and at least one of my posts removed. But I never ever questioned moderator's decision for doing it. It's their job, and IMO they're good at it.
What you don't notice is certain "automoderation" where I delete my whole post afterwards for different reasons. Most often the reason is after rereading it, it feels too much Codexlike amateurish trolling and this site does not need such crap.
Delete, not edit, so it doesn't exist. Of course only if noone posted something after I did and referred/quoted some of my crap.

You've shared your thoughts, not everyone likes it and not everyone agrees, so what. Earth is still spinning, move onto next thread. Unless there is a topic derail post that needs some more "slating of intellectual lusts".
Apr 12, 2009
Strip me out of it.
I remember at least one of my threads closed and at least one of my posts removed.

Interesting, I don't think I've ever had one of my threads removed. AFAICT my thread quality has always been pretty sharp and above board. I have had a bazillion posts removed though, and pretty much all of them relate to people getting upset that I stated my opinion or asked someone to clarify theirs:

You've shared your thoughts, not everyone likes it and not everyone agrees, so what. Earth is still spinning, move onto next thread. Unless there is a topic derail post that needs some more "slating of intellectual lusts".

Would you like me to post this little nugget of wisdom after every single post you make?

Is Myrthos going to delete these two posts now because you've decided to turn it into some far-out crazy-talk over-drama? Because it's somehow my fault that I have to reply to whatever people choose to say to me?

It's great that you self-edit, but that isn't really the issue, I don't think I've ever felt any of my posts required editing (as in self-deletion)… ever. My only crime seems to be the occasional bout of either sarcasm or sardonics, which is a popular method of communication AFAIK, methods used by every single one of the people who appear to grudge me.
Nov 1, 2014
Interesting, I don't think I've ever had one of my threads removed. AFAICT my thread quality has always been pretty sharp and above board. I have had a bazillion posts removed though, and pretty much all of them relate to people getting upset that I stated my opinion or asked someone to clarify theirs:

Would you like me to post this little nugget of wisdom after every single post you make?

Is Myrthos going to delete these two posts now because you've decided to turn it into some far-out crazy-talk over-drama? Because it's somehow my fault that I have to reply to whatever people choose to say to me?

It's great that you self-edit, but that isn't really the issue, I don't think I've ever felt any of my posts required editing (as in self-deletion)… ever. My only crime seems to be the occasional bout of either sarcasm or sardonics, which is a popular method of communication AFAIK, methods used by every single one of the people who appear to grudge me.

It is quite strange, you are excellent with words, but so poor at written communication. You have to understand that your posts will be judged by how others intercept them, not by what you thought you tried to say, besides adding random snorky insults on occasion won't help.
Oct 25, 2006
It is quite strange, you are excellent with words, but so poor at written communication. You have to understand that your posts will be judged by how others intercept them, not by what you thought you tried to say, besides adding random snorky insults on occasion won't help.

The part about interpretation is precisely why I often find myself making posts asking people to clarify...

As for adding random snorky insults on occasion... are you really quite sure that that is a lackblogger exclusive trait or that lackblogger is even the primary depositor of such things, or that lackblogger is even in the top 10 of depositing such things ;)

Further, I am persistently bombarded with outright blatant insults from exactly the same people on a very regular basis, insults that are not even construable as humorous asides or problems of interpretation, and before Mythos jumps in and does the usual "you can take it PMs blah blah blah", I already tried that once, and Myrthos told me stop doing "it", and didn't give a crap that I don't actually do that and actually got pissed off that I was saying that I don't actually do that. And, as you can see from the latest 'drama', Myrthos himself is intentionally baiting me by 'cleaning up' a thread by leaving posts that contain nothing more than "Shut up lackblogger".

Will this post get deleted and it will be my fault?


Tune in later to see one side of the story I guess?
Nov 1, 2014
AFAICT my thread quality has always been pretty sharp and above board.
Your opinion. Doesn't have to be everyone's. Tastes matter plus the "philosophy" where one person's junk is another person's treasure.

Would you like me to post this little nugget of wisdom after every single post you make?
Feel free to comment anything you wish on my posts. Wisdom or not, let's leave it to beholder's eye judgment.

A few notes so you can't say later "didn't know".
If your reply is trolling master level, you get thumb up from me. It's not the only reason I put +1 on posts, but I bet you didn't notice these ones.
If you plan to call me stupid, moron, cretin, idiot, etc just because I can't stand your #1 game (actual example: Bioshock Infinite), you go on my ignorelist. Do ridicule me "being touched" when I deserve it, I won't mind, just not because you're blind on, to me, an obvious problem a product has.
Same ignorelist entry you'll deserve by constant calling me out over something that isn't true (actual example: accusing me of hating everything made in USA).
Apr 12, 2009
The part about interpretation is precisely why I often find myself making posts asking people to clarify…

As for adding random snorky insults on occasion… are you really quite sure that that is a lackblogger exclusive trait or that lackblogger is even the primary depositor of such things, or that lackblogger is even in the top 10 of depositing such things ;)

Further, I am persistently bombarded with outright blatant insults from exactly the same people on a very regular basis, insults that are not even construable as humorous asides or problems of interpretation, and before Mythos jumps in and does the usual "you can take it PMs blah blah blah", I already tried that once, and Myrthos told me stop doing "it", and didn't give a crap that I don't actually do that and actually got pissed off that I was saying that I don't actually do that. And, as you can see from the latest 'drama', Myrthos himself is intentionally baiting me by 'cleaning up' a thread by leaving posts that contain nothing more than "Shut up lackblogger".

Will this post get deleted and it will be my fault?

Tune in later to see one side of the story I guess?

I do not think this post of yours would be deleted, if it is, in my opinion that would be wrong, even if Myrthos of course can do what he likes on his site. In the other thread where your posts did get deleted it would be good to show some tact, it is not easy for a person being depressed to put up such a thread, and if you are indeed tired of such a people and such a thread, in that particular case it would be better to just ignore it. I am quite sure that is why Ripper replied to you in such a way in that thread.

You are far from the only one throwing insults around, but yours are sometimes the most random and uncalled for ones, some people do enjoy throwing light insults at each other as part of communication and I think that it allowed, but it cannot get out of hand and completely derail threads, than it makes sense to remove it. It would be a good idea to think of when it might be "fun" to add a light insult compared to when it would be better to leave it out of the post.

As for the other things you are talking about, I don't know what happened in those situations so I can't comment on that.
Oct 25, 2006
Your opinion. Doesn't have to be everyone's. Tastes matter plus the "philosophy" where one person's junk is another person's treasure.

No, I meant that no threads I've ever posted seem to wrangle people the same way these internal ones seem to do, suggesting it's not something about any particular views or angles about me, pre-se, but rather about me in other people's threads, which, I dunno, seems to suggest it's not just a me thing…? Possibly quite the opposite? Maybe not entirely the opposite, I admit, if I wasn't posting they wouldn't be reacting, but how am I to know which threads these grudge-bearers care for my 2 cents in? Guess work?

A few notes so you can't say later "didn't know".
If your reply is trolling master level, you get thumb up from me. It's not the only reason I put +1 on posts, but I bet you didn't notice these ones.
If you plan to call me stupid, moron, cretin, idiot, etc just because I can't stand your #1 game (actual example: Bioshock Infinite), you go on my ignorelist. Do ridicule me "being touched" when I deserve it, I won't mind, just not because you're blind on, to me, an obvious problem a product has.
Same ignorelist entry you'll deserve by constant calling me out over something that isn't true (actual example: accusing me to hate everything made in USA).

To be honest, the only +1s I notice are the persistent couchpotato ones that couchpotato wants me to notice, where +1s practicallyanyone who insults me. I could provide a full log, it's hilarious as he's been doing it for at least 6 months, like a robot punching out rivets in a factory production line, but with a massive chunk of the site's history lost there's less to laugh at, but you can check out my post history if you're that determined and find the chuckles for yourself. I guess it was his way of calling me an 'asshole' without typing it every day because I probably disagreed with him about something 2 years ago. I'm guessing he's hoping it'll make me 'blow-up' at some point or some such rubbish, but the only one that can do that is, obviously, Myrthos, so if someone wants to spin this as 'blowing up' or 'melting down' or any other nonsense then that trophy goes to Myrthos, obviously.

I've never played Bioshock Infinite and, TBH, I rarely share the same game taste as yourself. I must admit, I do chuckle when you moan and moan about bears and respawns and crappy AAA devs, then buy DA:I then play it all, then give it a neutral positive review, but then I thought you were kind-of used to all that sort of reaction.

I don't tend to make those big, overreaching ludicrous kind of generalisations about what I think other people hate or don't hate, but I know for a fact both Ripper, couchpotato and to a certain extent Myrthos hate me, and Caddy, Eye and a couple of others take great pleasure in rubbing it in whenever the opportunity arises. Normally a few days before Corwin tells me I'm about to be banned for daring to speak in their company.
Nov 1, 2014
I do not think this post of yours would be deleted, if it is, in my opinion that would be wrong, even if Myrthos of course can do what he likes on his site. In the other thread where your posts did get deleted it would be good to show some tact, it is not easy for a person being depressed to put up such a thread, and if you are indeed tired of such a people and such a thread, in that particular case it would be better to just ignore it. I am quite sure that is why Ripper replied to you in such a way in that thread.

You are far from the only one throwing insults around, but yours are sometimes the most random and uncalled for ones, some people do enjoy throwing light insults at each other as part of communication and I think that it allowed, but it cannot get out of hand and completely derail threads, than it makes sense to remove it. It would be a good idea to think of when it might be "fun" to add a light insult compared to when it would be better to leave it out of the post.

As for the other things you are talking about, I don't know what happened in those situations so I can't comment on that.

My first post to that thread was full of tact and carefully chosen words. I'm still waiting to hear one single person say why it was otherwise. The only person to even quote one part of it was joxer, who said the use of a number was insulting, which is pretty darn arbitrary and wasn't the intended reason the word's placement. All I got was insults, just flat-out insults. Yes, the poster appeared depressed, but the poster did not express any form of actual tragedy, and even admitted that they were likely looking for just a bit of attention, and in such circumstances, yes, one would expect a more light-hearted approach to the answer. The fact that all it takes is some to say they are 'a bit depressed' and everyone has to act like a good friend died is exactly the kind of crazy-man over-reactions that is more stifling than productive.

I felt my post contained sincerity, meaning, experience, knowledge and, yes, a touch of freakin' humour, the ripper comes in and "oh my god how can you say such a thing, you monster, just shut up and fuck off", you know, twisting the message out of all proportion before nyx can even get a chance to make an independent judgement. Oh yeah, but, of course, it's then my bad that everyone else starts kicking the crap out of me for trying to help. You say use more tact? What does that even mean, for me and my world and the people I know, just spewing generic "Awww, let mummy kiss it better, mwa mwa mwa" saccharine slop is like saying "I don't really give a shit, but, here, have a copy paste response off the front of a get well card". Like you say, interpretation.

I'm sorry, but you can't get much more random that "Shut up and fuck off lackblogger" after you've just composed a particularly great post, you cannot get any more random or uncalled for than that. Well, maybe when couchpotato just calls you an asshole I guess. As someone who likes facts over hyperbole, I'd like you to provide an example of when I've suddenly jumped at someone's throwt in an unprovoked and non-conversational and purely insultary way, just so I can know what it is you're referring to here.
Nov 1, 2014
My first post to that thread was full of tact and carefully chosen words. I'm still waiting to hear one single person say why it was otherwise. The only person to even quote one part of it was joxer, who said the use of a number was insulting, which is pretty darn arbitrary and wasn't the intended reason the word's placement. All I got was insults, just flat-out insults. Yes, the poster appeared depressed, but the poster did not express any form of actual tragedy, and even admitted that they were likely looking for just a bit of attention, and in such circumstances, yes, one would expect a more light-hearted approach to the answer. The fact that all it takes is some to say they are 'a bit depressed' and everyone has to act like a good friend died is exactly the kind of crazy-man over-reactions that is more stifling than productive.

I felt my post contained sincerity, meaning, experience, knowledge and, yes, a touch of freakin' humour, the ripper comes in and "oh my god how can you say such a thing, you monster, just shut up and fuck off", you know, twisting the message out of all proportion before nyx can even get a chance to make an independent judgement. Oh yeah, but, of course, it's then my bad that everyone else starts kicking the crap out of me for trying to help. You say use more tact? What does that even mean, for me and my world and the people I know, just spewing generic "Awww, let mummy kiss it better, mwa mwa mwa" saccharine slop is like saying "I don't really give a shit, but, here, have a copy paste response off the front of a get well card". Like you say, interpretation.

I'm sorry, but you can't get much more random that "Shut up and fuck off lackblogger" after you've just composed a particularly great post, you cannot get any more random or uncalled for than that. Well, maybe when couchpotato just calls you an asshole I guess. As someone who likes facts over hyperbole, I'd like you to provide an example of when I've suddenly jumped at someone's throwt in an unprovoked and non-conversational and purely insultary way, just so I can know what it is you're referring to here.

I think we should move this discussion about that particular thread to the thread you made about that instead. See my response there.
Oct 25, 2006
Talk to me wherever you like, this whole "where you talk about stuff" is all just another invention of spin anyway. If it wasn't, half the threads on this site would be split into micro-threads..
Nov 1, 2014
I don't tend to make those big, overreaching ludicrous kind of generalisations about what I think other people hate or don't hate, but I know for a fact both Ripper, couchpotato and to a certain extent Myrthos hate me, and Caddy, Eye and a couple of others take great pleasure in rubbing it in whenever the opportunity arises. Normally a few days before Corwin tells me I'm about to be banned for daring to speak in their company.

I think this may be one of your main issues.
You seem to think to know things for a fact about people you have no clue about.

I don't think people hate you, nor the majority of what you post, but it seems to me that you believe they do and you have created and posted a lot about how other people's feelings are not worth as much as yours. You believe you are always right and cannot fathom that you may be wrong, it seems.

I suggest you take some time to reflect on this.

As GG said, you are very articulate, but you cannot see the impact your words have on other people, which is odd as it seems you are one of the native English speakers here.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I doubt anyone here hates you. That's a very strong word.

And yes, your choice of words, and their impacts on others at times could do with a little fine tuning. Unless you want to upset others, which was my first impression. But i don't think that's the case anymore. :)
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
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