Why I Am Quitting MMORPGs & Playing Single-Player Forever

Good luck, Ammon. If you fail at staying a pure single player gamer, I know where you can get a job selling gold for MMOs. ;)

Hope you enjoy Titan Quest. There's a fairly friendly, civilized community at Titanquest.net--check out the build guides--they're awesome. Make sure you get Immortal Throne so you can get the unlimited stash, the Dream tree, and the Eyeball pet. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I am probably not going to get Immortal Throne unfortunately because I like the original game too much and I will sail through it and finish; and I have to buy a new $30 joystick for X3 Reunion 2.0 this coming month, plus I gotta buy Knights of Old Republic 2: Sith Lords, Battle for Middle Earth 2 + Witch King, Act of War: Direct Action, Rome: Total War Gold, and Empire Earth 2 Platinum edition next month before Amazon stops selling them :D

I am buying up all the good old games before they are stopping sale. They are freaken cheap (15-30 bucks) but they are awesome games. I am getting a lot of bundled game deals. I am also gonna buy downloaded games at direct2drive.

I have played Gothic 1, it was very fun. So today I ordered Gothic Universe; it has Gothic 1, Gothic 2, and Gothic 3, it even has Night of the Raven in it !!!
Oct 18, 2006
Good choice. I haven't played a MMO in over 3 years apart from the occasional FPS round. Best decision I ever made.

The only way I would ever consider playing one again was if I could somehow muster a group of 6-8 real life friends to play with which is highly unlikely.
Oct 18, 2006
I must admit, it is highly likely I will change my mind again. Given time, sometimes I just wake up in the morning and my mentality is completely changed. I dont know if that part of being human or part of being schizoaffective... (im both)
Oct 18, 2006
Im playing MMOs again. That lasted, what... a day.

/uber embarrased :blush:

yes, but adventure is only part of the reason that you play games.
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Oct 18, 2006
because the reality is that he mostly plays them for the social component, and for achievement within that virtual society - no matter how much he despises it at times - it cannot be had in a singleplayer game.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
World of Warcraft and EVE Online.

Samhain is correct.

Also, I enjoy player versus player in the MMO context a LOT more than anything else.

Its hard for me to put my finger on it precisely, but the new Darkfall video is what helped cause me to change my opinion again. Also I tend to gravitate back to MMOs for some reason. The social component is a HUGE part of it. The gameplay is a huge part of it. The sheer size of the Darkfall world and its design is a huge part. The social dynamics within Darkfall and EVE Online make way for social political spectrum never found in a single-player game. Also the fact that MMOs have vastly more content than single-player games because they are mega-funded games (nowadays the big games cost 50-100 million dollars to build with teams of 100+ people), has a lot to do with it.
Oct 18, 2006
My suggestion - don't deny your gaming love!!

I love PC RPG's and FPS more than anything else, and do also love handhelds - but mainly also the same types of games. I reviewed more than 200 games in 2007, which aside from exhausting me provided focus that I really didn't want to waste hundreds of hours playing games I had no interest in playing.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, I don't think anything's much more painful than playing a game--supposed to entertainment, fun, etc--because you have to. I used to try to muddle through games that I thought I *should* like, but any more I tend to give up and just play what I find fun.

Reviewers don't have that option, or at least good ones. :)

Enjoy, Ammon. I'd really like to hear how Age of Conan does when it comes out, so hang on at least til then. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks, Ive heard some bad things from NDA-breakers that are in Age of Conan beta. But I think I'll reserve just judgement for when I am in AoC beta, myself, because people that break NDAs to spout hatred at a game that is still in a beta state, do get across that they are displeased with the game, but at the same time they are pretty much entirely untrustworthy sources due to being NDA-breakers in the first place, and second place, there are a ton of trolls on the internet for some fucked up reason. Trolls cannot be trusted.
Oct 18, 2006
Im back playing single-player games after the entire Darkfall community took a giant flamefest onto me for saying that i am schizophrenic. :(

Im never going back. This is the last straw! Darkfall community sucks in their forums and it will suck in the game because the forum community = in-game community.

Sad, really. For them.
Oct 18, 2006
I am incredibly disappointed. Except in FPS, other players RUIN GAMES.
Oct 18, 2006
All I can say is ...

Oct 18, 2006
Not cool Mike.
Ammon is hurt.
and that's my line. ;)

Ammon : I suggest that you avoid telling people of your mental difficulties.
People love to pick on weaker ones. I know, you know, we all know.
Here, there are more mature users but still, some people might say mean things to you. They cant help themselves. It's the dark side of humans....

Anyway, hope you are well, i read that you went to the hospital lately.
Take care and enjoy life for the positive pleasures it can give you and not for the bad things you think it will give you...

One of these pleasures is, I think, WOW.
I've been playing for something like 5 weeks now, as you know, and haven't been annoyed by flamers yet. I'm on Gilneas server. I play almost every day.

Take care dude! :manhug:
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
Not cool Mike.
Ammon is hurt.
and that's my line. ;)

hehe ... I couldn't resist.

And Ammon - you should know the difference! We kid because you are part of our 'family', and we are support of you no matter what. But guess what, conflict and bullying on the internet ... well, no surprise. I would agree with enodenroH on exposing yourself to such an audience, though.
Oct 18, 2006
Well, uhhhh... I changed my mind again, lol.

I have been *way* too liberal in my honesty. Apart from this place, I will NEVER reveal personal information about my life to anyone on the internet again. You used the word "exposer" yes thats what it is, is exposing myself. I should never do that. Especially over there. Problem is that my mind kinda changes or switches gears every so often and I find it hard to stay consistent WITHIN MYSELF. So sometimes it takes me AGES and ages for me to learn simple things of what to do and not to do.

Yeah i had a temporary moment of weakness... Sometimes DFO forums are a bit much. I dont advise anyone to go there unless you have a vested interest in Darkfall, cuz they are freaken BRUTAL to everyone. I am gonna lay low over there until beta, not talk much there now.

Fortunately from what I have researched, the Darkfall forums will comprise only approx 10% of the playerbase when it releases. 90% will be people who came from WoW and other games, people that dont even watch those forums or register there. Also I think a TON of people will come from FPS games like Counterstrike, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, and Battlefield games. Why is that? well Darkfall supposedly plays like the Battlefield games (says Tasos, a main dev), except in a massive RPG fantasy setting with strategy elements. Its going to attract a load of players from every part of the gamer web.

So I'm back playing World of Warcraft now, LOL.

edit -- Also I drive myself crazy by changing my goals and stuff all the time.
Oct 18, 2006
Also in WoW if they flame you bad, you can appeal to the mods for harassment and they get actually punished. In Darkfall forums, the mods will flame you as bad as the community. You can say just about anything there, thats why everyone revels in it and makes this "forumfall" game where the rudest people win. You gotta be the rudest you can possibly be over there to "fit" in. I believe that is a consequence of moderators allowing the whole forums to run wild. Its like the wild west of the internet. And it sucks. Im not gonna post there anymore, I will wait for beta to start and then hopefully things will get better. The community there sucks, but I am sure that the forums community will be entirely different than the in-game community, because the latter will be full of more different people than the forums are. Forums there suck. I am glad I have this place to take refuge every once in a while. :)
Oct 18, 2006
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