Wizardry 4

It was certainly easier getting a FN in Wiz 8!! Worth the time once you got the Cane though!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Well I finally give up on trying to run Wizards and Warriors on WindowsXP. I've wasted about 6 hours now trying to get it to work correctly to no avail, nothing I've read on the net seems to work for me.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It took me about 6 hours as well to realize the same thing. I was able to get to the main menu only.

It's very frustrating because some people have been able to run the game in XP while others can not. The issue I have is that I can't target anything once I leave town, moving the mouse cursor over a monster or item does nothing.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
how is that game? I tried it a long time ago, but I remmmeber it brought my system to knees, and I was unable to play it! Anyone know about gameplay
? is it like wiz? Zak's was mostly about graphics, and restarting.
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Oct 25, 2006
Well I finally give up on trying to run Wizards and Warriors on WindowsXP. I've wasted about 6 hours now trying to get it to work correctly to no avail, nothing I've read on the net seems to work for me.
It took me about 6 hours as well to realize the same thing. I was able to get to the main menu only.
That might be the reason why this game sells for $0.99 on ebay. And I'm not sure whether Dungeon Lords is a recommendation ;).
how is that game? I tried it a long time ago, but I remmmeber it brought my system to knees, and I was unable to play it!
I never played the game, but there is a current "Let's Play" thread on the Codex here. I found it quite informative, even if you don't go too far so you don't see too many spoilers.
Mar 28, 2008
It's very frustrating because some people have been able to run the game in XP while others can not. The issue I have is that I can't target anything once I leave town, moving the mouse cursor over a monster or item does nothing.

Are you using the graphics patch that lets you bump up the resolution to 1280? I used that along with an edit game file and the patch. After that I was finally able to play the game in XP.

Go here and download the graphics patch and game patch, if you haven't tried that already.

If that doesn't work try lowering your resolution to 640 or using software rendorer instead of the d3d. The graphics aren't nearly as good in with the software rendorer but at least the game will run.

This guy at Ironworks had the same problem as you and it looks like the only solution was software mode.

If it helps this guy helped me finally get it running by hacking a file within the game directory. It isn't the same problem as you but you never know. For example: I gave the graphics patch a shot after I was still having problems running the game with the edited file. Luckily the combination of the graphics patch and his hacked file worked. So you never know.

The file is gameopt.rar

I think I should of named this thread the "All Wizardry like games" ;) I don't really care that the thread has gone to wiz 7 and W&W because those were great games too. Plus I am getting frustrated with Wiz4, too hard. I'm not the hardcore RPG geek I always thought I was :-/. I think I'll try Wiz 5 to see what DW's first one was like.

Sorry I couldn't be more help JDR13. I see that your asking for help over at Ironworks too and if anyone can help get that game running, it's those guys.

Edit: I just read that Dark Savant already pointed you in the right direction with the graphics patch and game patch. They're exactly the same as the one I just wrote about so no need to download that again :)
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Feb 3, 2007
On Wizardry 7/Gold its important to remember that the most powerful weapon in the game can only be used by a Faeie Ninja, the most difficult class/race combination to roll. It became the most famous aspect of the game. Wiz 8 let's you import your Wiz 7 characters and gear so you can import it over.

You can import characters and gear from wiz6 all the way to wiz8?! Blasted, now I have no choice except to play them all starting from wiz6. Ill do everything to get that faeie ninja.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Are you using the graphics patch that lets you bump up the resolution to 1280? I used that along with an edit game file and the patch. After that I was finally able to play the game in XP.

If that doesn't work try lowering your resolution to 640 or using software rendorer instead of the d3d. The graphics aren't nearly as good in with the software rendorer but at least the game will run.

This guy at Ironworks had the same problem as you and it looks like the only solution was software mode.

The strange thing is that I can only run it in D3d mode, any attempt at starting in software mode just hangs at startup.

If it helps this guy helped me finally get it running by hacking a file within the game directory. It isn't the same problem as you but you never know. For example: I gave the graphics patch a shot after I was still having problems running the game with the edited file. Luckily the combination of the graphics patch and his hacked file worked. So you never know.

Thanks, I've already tried the gameopt.rar however, in fact it's the only way I can get W7W to start. So it did go a long way towards getting the game to run, unfortunately it doesn't help with my mouse problem.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Skav, what settings did you use to get it running in DOSBox? Which file did you use? I found a dsk image. Are you using the version in Wizardry Archives? I have that somewhere around here but I could never get it to work in XP - and I'm running Vista 64 now.

I'm just not familiar enough with DOSBox to get Wiz4 going. I downloaded D-Fend Reloaded to help me out but I can only get as far as installing the patch with it.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Has anyone played this playstation2 wizardry?

Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

This game raises the bar from the previous Wizardry games. If you enjoy adventuring and creating your own fighters, this is definatly the game.

There are those of us that can remember the old days, playing the first three Wizardry games on the PC. Wizardry: Forsaken Land reminded me of that old-school style. I actually have a hard time putting the game down.

Wizardry is a throwback to the day when one actually played an an RPG! As a fan of the series since its early days on the PC, I am happy to see a Wizardry title that has recaptured the spirit of its first incarnations. With large, puzzle-like dungeons filled with secrets, a score of diverse enemies to battle, and the near endless strategy that comes with one of the most extensive character management systems on a console, Wizardry is certainly a prize.

Even considering these minor shortcomings, Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land is easily one of the best PC-style role-playing games to ever grace a console. Sirtech and Atlus fans alike will definitely want to see this interesting take on the series, and those raised on console-style RPGs could find themselves enjoying a different style of gameplay if they give themselves the chance.

The gameplay, like so much else in this game, is solid old school. Fighting your way down a dungeon, and kicking the rear of a bunch of big baddies. All in all, it's a lousy console RPG, but a great computer RPG. If you want to see an updated version of Wizardry 1, this is about as close as you're going to get.

This leads to WIZARDRY's amazing combat system, which is perhaps that very best part of this game. Oh yes, it's turn-based, but turn-based revised. You are, with your potentially six-man team, capable of performing offensive and defensive "allied actions" that might remind one of a game of American football. For instance, there are techniques where you can wait for an opponent to strike one of your teammates, then jump behind his back and stab him from behind. Or moves where a member can distract a foe while the others get an easy shot. Or even, and this will certainly be a favorite, the ability to wait for an opponent to raise his hand, talon, or claw to strike and then have the members of the back row hit him with projectiles at that exact moment. He will then be stunned in mid-attack, ending his offensive. These are only a few of the "allied actions" that can be performed in this game, and doing them is a terribly pleasurable thing to do.

All of the above is wrapped together in a story line that, as stated in the beginning, is totally written down for you. If you meet people in these dungeons, there is a generic, immovable potrait of the gent, dame, or creature, and that's it(outside of battle, because those you meet in battle are quite animated). However, it must be said that the writing is profound, and does almost make up for the lack of special effects. This reviewer is a reader and writer of books, and it should be known that this game contains some of the best writing in any videogame.

"So? I don't buy a game to read a book!" you might say, and you certainly have the right to such an opinion. For others who complain about lack of a story, however, this game gives it to you in a major dose.

Som pictures:

Gamespot 85% User avg 82%

Im very much thinking of buying it.

EDIT: I just bought complete wiz archives. Cost as much as new console game at worst but I have never seen this one been sold any cheaper. I bought the ps2 forsaken wiz too.

Gonna be a lifelong project to finish this series.

P.S you can pick you new slim ps2 for ~100€
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Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Has anyone played this playstation2 wizardry?
EDIT: I just bought complete wiz archives. Cost as much as new console game at worst but I have never seen this one been sold any cheaper. I bought the ps2 forsaken wiz too.

I also just bought Tales of the Forasken Land.


I was sold on it after seeing gameplay footage on Youtube. Where did you get yours?

Gonna be a lifelong project to finish this series.

I wouldn't bother playing all of them, they're not all worth playing to be honest with you. I would start with Wiz 6-8, but that's just mho.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I also just bought Tales of the Forasken Land.


I was sold on it after seeing gameplay footage on Youtube. Where did you get yours?

Cost a bit more. I bought it used from play.com for 25€ (shipping included). It cost the same in amazon too.

I wouldn't bother playing all of them, they're not all worth playing to be honest with you. I would start with Wiz 6-8, but that's just mho.

6-8 are the prime games but Im planning to play snes version of 1,2,3 and 5. Wiz4 is the onlyone that has to be played in its original form. Also I will use walkthrough in case I get stuck so its not that hard to complete them.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Skav, what settings did you use to get it running in DOSBox? Which file did you use? I found a dsk image. Are you using the version in Wizardry Archives? I have that somewhere around here but I could never get it to work in XP - and I'm running Vista 64 now.

I'm just not familiar enough with DOSBox to get Wiz4 going. I downloaded D-Fend Reloaded to help me out but I can only get as far as installing the patch with it.

Sorry lucky that it took so long to reply and yes, I'm running the Wizardry Archives version. When I ran it, it just asked what games I wanted to install. Did that for all of the the games. Then you go to the folder "wizard15" It has WIzardry 1 - 5 in it. So I made sure that directory was in my C:. Then I used dosbox type cd wizard15 and do a dir list of the files. You'll find them all there under their exe. Type wiz4 and it ran with no problems. Well one problem I had to slow dosbox down as slow as it would go to 500 or some of the messages scrolled by too fast. Even at 500 it still is a little too fast in some places but nothing that can't be read if you are a fast reader. After that it if your into S&M this game is grea.

This game brought me to my knees with the amazing puzzles, different way to apprach leveling. You can't just stroll along boosting up your stats, you got to get out of every level as fast as you can and run like a bunny if you come across something that is ten times more powerful than you. I still love this game but for me right now its just too hard, I need to know more about Wizardry. So I'm trying 5 now. A little better and I'm getting a feel for how to effectively use spells and what not.

Anyways I'm using Windows XP SP2....I just install SP3 on my AMD and it has been crashing relentlessly ever since so I'm going to have to reformat everything and reinstall XPSP2. But with XP I had no problems playing the game.

What kinds of problems are you running into with the game? Will it not start at all or crash when you're within it?
Feb 3, 2007
I just install SP3 on my AMD and it has been crashing relentlessly ever since so I'm going to have to reformat everything and reinstall XPSP2.

This is a nown bug. I have read about it a few days ago.

Sad that MS didn't inform anyone, but usually they don't do.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I saw the thread about the SP3 over here AFTER I installed it :( Technically I didn't install it, the computer did. I will never have automatic updates set to yes ever again.

I didn't have the relentless rebooting problems that some AMD motherboards had. It would just crash to blue screen and freeze sometimes. The problems started right after the automatic updates installed everything and I rebooted. Oh well, I needed to reformat anyways, I do that about once a year to clean out the junk, just like a health exam :biggrin:
Feb 3, 2007
OK, its working now, thanks. I've used CTRL-F11 and F12 to adjust the speeds but it seems one is still a little too fast the other makes it deathly slow. I'll look to fine tune it a little better with the front end.

I'd actually recommend playing the first 3 before playing 5 because after that it stops being wizardry with all those spell changes etc.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Wow, it took me forever to get out of Level 1. I eventually remembered/realized the best method is to keep back tracking to get my spawns back. Especially since all the Dogooders get restocked when you quit the game.

The only danger then is running around an empty level and then the ghostly apparition comes for you.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
You have to love that ghost. As soon as you wipe out a level of the goody two shoes, here he comes to kill you. When it first happened I didn't know what was going on and then "BAM" I'm dead.

The right combo of monsters is essential as well as the numbers. On level 1 you always get 9 Creeping Coins. On level 2 I think it's No-See-Ums. I don't think level 3 has a group of monsters where you always spawn 9 of them, but that is where I quit. All I got to say is always grab some priests and get ready for some "explosive" fun on level 3.
Feb 3, 2007
That ghost is there to keep you from running around and doing nothing.. I don't know what's entirely wrong with that but heck, it serves you right..or something.

Coins are like 1hp IIRC. I took Gas Clouds for their Katino spell and paralysis if they score a hit and Level 1 priests. For Meat Shields I eventually decided on Orcs as Zombies would get turned and I wasn't sure to make of Garian Raiders. I did notice the Orcs had a tendency to run away though.

You are right about NOSEEUMs. I use a combination of L3 Priests and Witches with them.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
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