XenForo forums: Tips, Tricks & Questions



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Taluntain's post:

One of my gripes with XenForo (the forum software that we're using here) is that it doesn't come with a user manual. Unfortunately, the XF developers have no intention of providing one, despite new features constantly being added to the software. While the basic functionality is easy enough to grasp, there is plenty of more advanced or less obvious or less commonly used functionality that many users who aren't very familiar with XF never discover or notice on their own.

Providing a full manual would be too much work, but many users can contribute a tip or two and eventually this thread will host a plethora of useful information, especially for those not familiar with XenForo.

I'll start with a few features that many users are probably not aware of:

How to quickly quote one or more parts of somebody's post?

Simply select any part of the text that you want to quote in a post and click on the "Reply" link that appears in the tooltip. You'll immediately be whisked down to the editor and the selected text will already be conveniently quoted for you. Repeat as often as necessary.

More advanced users can also utilize the "+Quote" link in the tooltip to store several chunks of text to reply to. When ready, scroll down to the post editor and click on the "Insert quotes..." button below the text entry field.

How to change the font size to the smaller one the old RPGWatch forums used?

Scroll to the bottom left of any page and click on the style chooser link next to the paintbrush icon and select one of the small font (Legacy) styles.

What is the difference between the Fluid and Fixed Width styles available from the style chooser?

Fluid = Infinitely stretched content area, so the more horizontal space on your monitor, the longer every line of text will be to read. Generally, this is considered harder to read.

Fixed Width = The content area is limited to a fixed width. Especially on larger monitors and resolutions, this is easier to read as it is closer to the comfort of reading a newspaper/magazine column or a book.

How to quickly send someone a private message?

Find one of their forum posts, click on their username above their avatar and hit the "Start conversation" button.

How to set up automatic notifications about replies to threads you create, threads you've responded in, etc.?

Notifications are managed in your preferences, here: https://www.rpgwatch.com/forum/account/preferences

Specifically, under "Content options:" you need to enable these options:
  • Automatically watch content you create…
  • Automatically watch content you interact with…
If you don't tick the option to also receive email notifications, the new content alerts will only show in the Alerts on the forums.

Further down the preferences page, in "Receive a notification when someone…", you would usually also want to have all the available alert options enabled, so that you don't miss when someone @ mentions you, quotes you, reacts to your post and so on.

On the preferences page, you can also enable and configure push notifications, which can be sent to your smartphone and other devices where you've enabled it.

I'll be adding more entries here as they occur to me.
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Make sure to look at your profile and go through the options. See if everything has converted properly. If not ,you need to adapt it yourself, we are not going to correct it.
Also, add a banner if you like and enable 2FA if you want to have that level of security.
Aug 30, 2006
Just an observation. When in one of the forum topics (like this one) and wanting to return to the main page, I can not find a link to the main Rpgwatch page in the logo on the top left corner of the web page.
Feb 2, 2011
United Kingdom
Just an observation. When in one of the forum topics (like this one) and wanting to return to the main page, I can not find a link to the main Rpgwatch page in the logo on the top left corner of the web page.
You can click on the News menu itself (not its arrow), it directly brings back to the RPGWatch main page. But I agree it's less intuitive. :)
EDIT: on the other hand, it's always visible at the top of the view, no matter how down you have scrolled, so I actually like it better.
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Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Great work guys!

Quick query from me, there used to be a button against each thread taking you to the last unread comment. I cannot see that now, is it a preference?
Feb 18, 2015
How do I look at new posts in a thread ? In the old Watch, there was a little arrow on threads to auto-jump to latest post, but I can't see it here.
You can just click on the thread link itself, you can see that the URL ends with "/unread".

Related to that, I'm using that link to view the latest posts (including those I've already seen), it seems to give a good overview:
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
This doesn't bother me, but just interesting: the homepage has a white background with black text, and all individual threads have a black background with white text.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
This doesn't bother me, but just interesting: the homepage has a white background with black text, and all individual threads have a black background with white text.
There's a little icon on top right to change light/dark themes.


Also - Love the new feature of pasting images directly into the text box :)
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Something funny but I haven't tested. You can mark the whole forum as read, for example from here.

But if you check the URL, it looks like it's possible to set a date & time. For example right after the site was open again, for people who had the "new posts" a bit messed up.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Something funny but I haven't tested. You can mark the whole forum as read, for example from here.

But if you check the URL, it looks like it's possible to set a date & time. For example right after the site was open again, for people who had the "new posts" a bit messed up.
Too late for me but thanks :)
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Seems I cant get the quotes to align with the videos in my news thread. It always post a few spaces under the video. Is there a new way or some type of setting I have to edit?
Oct 1, 2010
Seems I cant get the quotes to align with the videos in my news thread. It always post a few spaces under the video. Is there a new way or some type of setting I have to edit?
It's a CSS issue. I'll put it on my ToDo list. Can't do anything right now since I apparently lost my style admin rights during the move.
Aug 30, 2006
It's a CSS issue. I'll put it on my ToDo list. Can't do anything right now since I apparently lost my style admin rights during the move.
Thanks I was going crazy with formatting and thought it was user error.
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Oct 1, 2010
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