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Monday - January 16, 2023

Crisis Core –FF VII– Reunion - Review

by Hiddenx, 16:06

Glitched checked out Crisis Core –FF VII– Reunion:

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Review

Back in 2007, the gaming industry was very different from what it is today. This was especially thanks to how popular Sony’s PSP was. Not only did the company have a superb handheld under its belt but its relationship with Square Enix, which is still present today, spawned multiple exclusives on the hardware too. One of which was Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7. Given Square Enix’s focus on remaking the Final Fantasy VII story, it only made sense that the developer revive this classic portable RPG for modern hardware. Over ten years later, it still holds up as an impressive game that even puts some modern RPGs to shame.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is the definitive way to experience the prequel to Final Fantasy VII. Sure, there’s a lot of mystery surrounding the protagonist Zack Fair’s future in the upcoming second chapter of the remake but for now, we’ll just have to hope Square Enix knows what it is doing. The remake of the 2007 PSP game holds up well considering it isn’t technically a “remake” so to say. Instead, Square Enix has ported the PSP over to modern hardware and revamped almost every aspect of the game.


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion has also brought back some nasty grinding issues from the original game too. For example, there are so many random battles. Too many. I often could not take more than ten steps without a battle starting. There are also a lot of mindless side missions which get in the way of the experience. Often there would be an hour or two of side missions padded into the main story and I would start watching stuff on Netflix on my iPad to keep myself occupied. They aren’t fun at all.

I can’t fault Square Enix for bringing over these strange features and mechanics. I would not be true to the original if they weren’t there. I just think there should have been ways to help improve the general flow of the game here. Perhaps add a disable encounters toggle?

Apart from those issues, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion is still very fun and definitely something you shouldn’t overlook if you’re dedicated to the ongoing remake story. It might be a chore to get through at times but the game’s revamped visuals and voice work alone make this a story you don’t want to miss.

Score: 8/10

Thursday - January 05, 2023

Crisis Core –FF VII– Reunion - Review

by Hiddenx, 11:47

Way too many games reviewed Crisis Core –FF VII– Reunion:


I can vividly recall my initial experience with Crisis Core when it was released back on the PSP. It was during the time I was undergoing radiation treatment – with my cancerous tumor moving behind my brain stem; it was inoperable. This game was the only thing keeping me sane while I spent weeks in the hospital. From what I remember, it also did splendidly well. So, imagine my glee once I saw the unveiling of an enhanced remaster for it. It honestly felt like visiting an old friend, someone that provided entertainment at such a pivotal point in my life. It’s rather poetic, too, because as I’m writing, that same tumor is currently shrinking, albeit still in a precarious position. Think about that, though; both playing instances were at either end of the spectrum. It’s undoubtedly personally significant, but how’s the quality?


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is, without a doubt, a beautiful journey of heartbreak. The score is composed of old and new, profiting from having headphones firmly in your ear holes. Given how there are prominent figures of FF7 that take part in the plot line, the subtext of this title’s name couldn’t be more apt than it is, despite the prequel moniker. I enjoy the look into the first meeting of several iconic characters with one another. Cissnei is such a sweetheart, and if it’s not apparent, yeah, I’m an Aerith fan. If I had to settle on a single qualm, it’s that I wasn’t able to cover the game on Nintendo Switch. Take that as a hell of an endorsement since, despite a loss of 60fps, I reckon it’s carried by mouth-watering gameplay. Honestly, words can’t even begin to describe the glee I feel.

Score: 9.5

Saturday - December 31, 2022

Crisis Core –FF VII– Reunion - Review

by Hiddenx, 08:58

RPG Site checked out Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion:

Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion Review

It’s wild to me the original Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII is nearly 15 years old. In all that time, it’s been locked away, only being available on Sony’s maligned UMD format experiment. Luckily with the upcoming release of Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion, the jail cell has finally been broken, and a whole new generation of players and returning Zack stans can once again enjoy this prequel adventure. After playing through the game, I can confidently say that this still very much feels like Crisis Core for PSP, for better and worse.

To begin, I think it’s important for prospective players to know what they are and aren’t getting with Reunion. What you are not getting is the Crisis Core story retold in the Final Fantasy VII Remake engine or with its mechanics. What you are getting, though, is a refined version with updated visuals, some quality-of-life improvements, and some new features, all while retaining the same structure and vibe of a late 2000s portable experience. Crisis Core comes complete with the same over-the-top dialog that fans of the original remember, albeit with a re-recorded cast.


Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion is one of Square Enix’s better remaster offerings and is generally a pleasure to play. The responsiveness and tight controls, along with the new quality-of-life additions, make combat a thrill to take part in. The visuals breathe extra life into an already interesting world, and I never got sick of watching the redone summon attacks. The story of Zack, while tragic, is still filled with moments of some brevity and intrigue, thanks in new small part to Zack simply being a wonderful character. My gripes aside, I am thrilled that whole new generations of players can once again enjoy this prequel and see Zack’s story again after such a long time. Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Reunion is a must-play for anyone that loves Final Fantasy VII.

Score: 8/10

Information about


Developer: Square Enix

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: J-RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2022-12-13
· Publisher: Square Enix