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Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory - All News

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Friday - January 19, 2018

Fallen Legion+ - Review @ Gamespace

by Hiddenx, 20:46

Gamespace has reviewed Fallen Legion:

Our Fallen Legion Review – A Slick Indie Action RPG   

Every once in a while I like to dive into games that are outside my typical genres of choice. It forces me to learn new mechanics, try out new ideas and concepts and more often not introduces me to a wonderful new genre that I would have otherwise never tried. So when Fallen Legion came across my desk last week it was the perfect opportunity to expand my gaming horizons once again. After a week of running my way through YummyYummyTummy’s(YYT) action RPG title, I’m left with an interesting mix of thoughts in regards to Fallen Legion. So grab that coffee kick back and check out our Fallen Legion review.

Fallen Legion includes both Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire as well as Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion with each campaign offering an opposing perspective on the political upheaval that is taking place in the fantasy world of Fenumia. On one side of the conflict, you can choose to play as Princess Cecille, the young princess on a journey of ascending to the throne. This story follows her journey to power in an attempt to bring peace to her empire.


Fallen Legion is a game that has worked hard to develop a unique story and interesting take on storytelling. I commend YYT for presenting a complex story that forces the player into the grey areas of storytelling by creating heroes on both sides of the story arc and allowing us the opportunity to see the world from different perspective. This, unfortunately, does get overshadowed at times by the awkward delivery of the story and sometimes offbeat pacing of both combat and storytelling. If you are someone who loves deep storytelling, wonderful world development and fresh perspectives in writing Fallen Legion is something that will most likely perk your interest. If, on the other hand, smooth gaming mechanics trump story for you then you will most likely become frustrated with some of the odd mechanical issues that legion has. At the end of the day, I did appreciate my time in Fallen Legion but being one that falls in the latter category found my frustrations getting the better of me.

Final Score: 7.3

Sunday - January 14, 2018

Fallen Legion+ - Released

by Hiddenx, 17:48

The anime action RPG Fallen Legion+ has been released on Steam:

Fallen Legion +

Will you restore glory to your homeland or overthrow the monarchy and claim the throne in your name? Fallen Legion+ doubles the intensity on Steam with Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire and Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion bundled together!

Embark on a personal journey with Princess Cecille and an enigmatic talking grimoire to restore glory to your crumbling home in Sins of an Empire. Or travel through a ravaged continent with Legatus Laendur in Flames of Rebellion and rally support to take back what the empire took from you.

Explore gorgeous, hand drawn lands inhabited by rival soldiers and ferocious dragons. Fight enemy hordes with a team of living weapons and master devastating combo attacks to defeat challenging bosses with Fallen Legion’s deep combat system. Rule your empire between fierce battles, make difficult decisions, and witness the consequences of your choices. Will you blackmail a prince to gain a strength buff or tax a starving village to revive one of your characters?

A War Told From Opposing Sides
Fallen Legion+ includes Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire and Fallen Legion: Flames of Rebellion. See the scars of war from two complementary perspectives that build the rich universe of Fenumia.

A Legion At Your command
Control up to four characters simultaneously, master devastating combos, and counter enemy attacks with a well-timed block in Fallen Legion’s unique battle system.

Every Choice Changes Your Empire
Players must make split-second decisions to rule their empire. These choices impact the game’s story.

Magnificent 2D Artwork
From the fangs on our menacing manticore to each sun-kissed brick in Fenumia’s castle, all of the artwork has been hand-drawn to create a stunning world.

Information about

Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory

Developer: YummyYummyTummy

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2018-01-05
· Publisher: YummyYummyTummy