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Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative - All News

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Saturday - April 05, 2008
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Saturday - April 05, 2008

Jumpgate: TRI - Making of @ RPS

by Asbjoern, 14:29

Rock, Paper, Shotgun has published an old "Making of" article of the original Jumpgate game by NetDevil called Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative. The article goes through the game's overall development history:

“Jumpgate really was Scott Brown’s idea along with Steve Williams, who doesn’t work with us anymore,” says Ryan when asked about the team’s history, “I’d worked with Scott at a different company as an internship way back in the day and he was talking about game ideas and stuff, which got me excited. Eventually, he went to work for himself for a year in a Garage-start-up. He worked on putting the engine together, and Steve helped out with some of the early physics stuff.”
The biggest initial problem was one of scale. NetDevil weren’t a hundred person mega team. “When I joined, I was the fourth person, and we shipped that game with five people,” Ryan explains, “It was such a small team trying to do such a big game on a relatively tight budget. For a five person team, there was so much to do. There were countless late nights.” Luckily, they had friends watching their back. “We had a really supportive little Beta test community at the time,” Ryan says, “They used to send us pizzas and stuff when we were working late, and be on chat with us. It was really cool. They’d send us messages in pepperoni on the pizzas sometimes.”

Information about

Jumpgate: The Reconstruction Initiative

Developer: NetDevil

SP/MP: Massive
Setting: Sci-Fi
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
North America
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2001-09-25
· Publisher: 3DO

· Platform: PC
· Released: 2001-07-01
· Publisher: Mightygames