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Nomads of the Fallen Star - All News

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Thursday - January 31, 2019
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Thursday - January 31, 2019

Nomads of the Fallen Star - Released

by Silver, 10:56

Nomads of the Fallen Star has released on Steam with a 10% launch discount.


Release day! A foreword from the solo-developer.

G'day to my fellow gamers,

Like many of you, I have probably spent way too much time gaming when I was younger instead of focusing on my study. Fortunately, I somehow managed to graduate university, and got a career as a research scientist[].

However, years later, I kept on hearing that voice in my mind, a reminder of missed opportunities to chase my younger self's dream of being a game developer. I didn't want to reach middle-age as a miserable old man...

So I did it, I didn't know anything about coding, but I quit my career in research to chase that elusive dream. I started with tiny games to learn to code and progressed further as I learnt more.

A few years later and a few games wiser, today, my biggest project which has occupied nearly the last 3 years of my life is releasing on Steam.

If I could describe what Nomads of the Fallen Star is briefly, it is an intelligent economic simulation that creates emergent gameplay opportunities for the player.

Your decisions matter. It will affect the gameworld, as factions wage war to conquer territory, as the colonists and merchants roam & work the wasteland to survive... you will be there among them, how central a role you want to play is up to you.

The story (main and side) is personal. It's themes are duty and personal responsibility and I hope many of you manage to reach the end. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback, as well as any bug reports (hopefully not too many!) you may find in your play.

I hope the game will be well received, if it manages to sell I can continue this gamedev journey towards greater games in the future. If it bombs, let it be an example, for anything worthwhile in life is hard.



ps. If you're a content creator or curator on Steam and interested in reviewing this title, feel free to contact me on twitter (@AH_Phan) or email.

Sunday - January 27, 2019

Nomads of the Fallen Star - Available January 30

by Hiddenx, 08:27

The strategy RPG Nomads of the Fallen Star will be available on Steam on January 30:

Nomads of the Fallen Star

Set on a distant uncharted & hostile planet, where descendants of a colony fleet that struck disaster have clung on to survive until the eventual rescue. However, decades later, without signs of contact from the fleet, the growing colonies have begun skirmishes over the limited resources.

A full blown war of conquest looms on the horizon that could risk humanity's fragile existence on this harsh new world.

As the chaos approaches, you take the role as the leader of a rag-tag bunch of scavengers / mercenaries. Your goal is to scavenge, trade, sabotage, hunt, fight and help conquer your way to fame and glory.

Along the journey, you will meet allies that will join in the struggle to survive the wasteland, and perhaps together, you can unravel the mystery on the origins of the colony and change the fate of all those who call this barren world home.


Key Features:

  • A deep economic simulation lay beneath, where each colonists at outposts consume resources and contribute to production or gathering. Merchant caravans traverse the wasteland, hauling goods to where they are needed. Disruption in the flow of resources leads to dire consequences while offering others opportunities to be exploited.
  • A competitive design where other groups of free scavengers roam the world seeking the same opportunities to exploit as the player. Want the precious advanced alloys from the recent fallen space debris? Or that lucrative trade request? So do others, and they will not appreciate your rag-tag gang interfering.
  • Factions will raise militia armies to defend or raid and conquer their enemies. Each recruit needs to be equipped and supplied, including basics such as munitions, without which, their guns will fall silent in battle.
  • Mercenary contracts that carry consequences. Be it clearing raiders for a faction to help their economy grow, or sabotage their enemy's outposts to cripple their war capability.
  • Equip your squad with many different weapons, each providing a unique balance and tactical options. Train their combat skills as they gain levels, and specialize them further with a selection of many perks.
  • Hunt the xenobeasts on this hostile world and use their skin, carapace, and organs in crafting useful items and armor.
  • An epic sci-fi story awaits, along with side-quests and random encounters.

Information about

Nomads of the Fallen Star

Developer: Huy Phan

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Post-Apoc
Genre: Strategy-RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2019-01-31
· Publisher: Huy Phan