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Skullforge: The Hunt - All News

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Box Art

Monday - May 12, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Funding Unsuccessful

by Couchpotato, 05:05

Skullforge: The Hunt is another kickstarter this month that was unsuccessful. The developer OMC Games posted a new update in the comment section.

OMC Games 

Thanks to everyone who supported us here. It didn't work out quite the way I wanted it to, but I'm happy to have had the opportunity to meet you guys. I hope that you'll be able to enjoy the game when it's released, even if it may not be as pretty as I'd like for it to be. You guys are great.

We have a plan. May take a couple of months after the Kickstarter ends to get the details worked out, but I'm hoping we'll have something. Ultimately, the goal is to release the game no matter what. It'll take longer to get it done without proper funding, but I'm confident the game will be released.

At the end of the day, I think the game is going to be fun.

Monday - May 05, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Tiers & Beta Testing

by Couchpotato, 06:23

OMC Games has posted a new short update for Skullforge: The Hunt with news about a new pledge tier, and mentions if the game will have a beta.

Quick Update about Tiers and beta testing.

I wanted to let everyone know that everyone who pledges $10 or more will end up in the credits.  It'll be broken down into two groups: Backer and Premium Backer.  Any tier less than $100 will be in the Backer group, and anything above that will be in the Premium Backer group.  I decided to keep it simple.

Also, someone asked about a beta.  To be honest, I hadn't even thought about it.  The main reason being that we're a small group and taking the time to put together various builds that could be consumed by the public would take a bit of time.  However, upon reflection, I think we will allow some sort of beta test to take place.  I'm still working out the details, but the goal is for everyone who pledged from $10 on up to have a chance to test the game and give some feedback.

I'm not sure what builds will be available for testing, but as we get closer to that point, I'll let everyone know.  Hopefully we'll have our own forums at that point.

Thursday - May 01, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - New Game Trailer

by Couchpotato, 03:45

OMC Games posted a new update that shares a new trailer for their kickstarter RPG game Skullforge: The Hunt. The game is need of funds and is worth a look.

New Skullforge: The Hunt Trailer

Over the course of this whole campaign, I've been working on the game behind the scenes, and I figured it would be cool to put together another trailer using some of the old footage mixed in with some new footage.  I talked about adding skills (magic and weapon skills) in my first real update and I've gotten them working now.  With the framework I had, it was pretty easy to get them in.  I'm happy how they turned out.  Of course, this is all work in progress as numbers and animation needs to be fine tuned.  Ultimately, I think it all turned out pretty well.

Sunday - April 27, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Skullcast Episode #2

by Couchpotato, 06:34

OMC Games has a new podcast as the next update for Skullforge: The Hunt.

Skullcast Episode 2

Hello everyone.  We have the next podcast ready.  This time we talk about the story and how quests will work in the game.  It turned out a little longer than I expected, but overall it should be pretty informative. Let us know if you have any questions.  Take it easy.

Friday - April 25, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Current Happenings

by Couchpotato, 04:16

OMC Games has posted a new update for Skullforge: The Hunt where they share some new information on the kickstarters progress, and future updates.

Current happenings.

Good afternoon, everyone.  Or morning, depending on where you're at.

Thanks everyone for your support.  We still have a ways to go, but we still have a lot of time to help make the game a reality.  Up until this point, I've listened to many ideas about how to proceed, but I'm starting to think that different ideas work for different games.  Everyone gets something different out of every bit of information that goes out which makes it hard to find a real consensus.  The best part of all of this is that we've gotten lots of great feedback and most of it has been good.  Our Greenlight campaign has been going well also.  Regardless of how this all turns out, I feel proud about what I've been able to accomplish, and that's what's really most important.

As for the near future, we have our next podcast coming which will cover the story and the quest system.  I feel it would be nice to jump into what the story is about and who is Desi at her core.  This should go live tomorrow.

We're talking to a couple of musicians as well.  I hope to have an announcement in the next couple of days.  It's pretty exciting for me.

Also, I have been working on the game and we'll be showing a new video with some new footage from the game.  It'll be a relatively short video to help people take it all in quickly.  Maybe a minute or so in length.  Gotta admit...I really like doing these videos.

Tuesday - April 22, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - On Steam Greenlight

by Couchpotato, 05:05

OMC Games has posted a short update with news their ARPG Skullforge: The Hunt is now on Steam Greenlight. So don't forget to vote if you're interested.

We're on Steam Greenlight.

Good afternoon!  Today I wanted to make an announcement that we are now on Steam Greenlight.  Took me a while to get it all setup, but I think it turned out pretty well. Vote for us at the link below.

Monday - April 21, 2014

RPGWatch - Skullforge: The Hunt Q&A

by Couchpotato, 06:00

Skullforge: The Hunt is a new kickstarter from OMC Games. The game is asking for a modest fee of $20,000, but funding has been slow.

Here is a brief description for readers who missed the previous news-bits.

Skullforge: The Hunt is a single player action RPG set in a medieval fantasy world.  The combat will be fast, interesting, and most of all fun.  Players will take the role of Desinarious "Desi" Cornerstone as she tracks down one of her enslavers.  This game is made for those who like action RPGs with a good mix of fun storytelling, action, exploration, and the ability to make interesting choices along the way.

This game is what you get when you take the action of great games like Secret of Evermore, Secret of Mana, Soul Blazer and even modern RPGs like Kingdoms of Amalur and Darksiders with the survival aspects of the cult classic Alternate Reality.  These games were our inspiration when laying down what Skullforge is and we know everyone who likes RPGs will be happy with the result.

In an effort to spread the word about the game I reached out to OMC Games James Garvin. Hopefully the following Q&A helps the game get more pledges.

Saturday - April 19, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Kickstarter Updates# 5 & 6

by Couchpotato, 06:00

OMC Games has released two more updates for Skullforge: The Hunt. The game has only managed to get $930 of the $20,000 goal. If you're interested please think about backing, or help spread the word.

Update #5 - Skullforge: The Hunt is Coming to Linux!

Good morning everyone.  I hope you've had a good day.  Looks like recent changes have been positively received and that's encouraging.

Originally, I was worried that converting over to Linux systems would be a bit more trouble, but after some investigation it seems that it won't be so hard to get it done.  In light of that, we'll be adding a Linux version to the funding goal.  That's right, no stretch goal required.

Ultimately, the goal is to get the game on as many systems as possible.  We just have to be careful as our manpower is limited.  I don't want to promise something we can't deliver.

Update #6 Podcast #1 Exploring the Island of Sorova

Welcome to the first Skullforge: The Hunt podcast.  In this episode, Heather and I will be talking about exploring the world and what you can expect in your journey through the island.  We hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday - April 16, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Update# 3. Quick Update

by Couchpotato, 06:40

OMC Games has a new short update about a new kickstarter video, and new update on the way about the game world of Skullforge.

Quick update!

I have a couple of things that will hopefully go live tonight:

1. A new Kickstarter video that will hopefully be more helpful than the current one.  I admit that perhaps the approach I made originally wasn't as effective, but I'm man enough to accept that. So this new video will be more like the previous one, but with more info and more talking.  Heh, heh.

2. I have an update talking about the world and what it's about.  It's taken a bit of time to get it together because my real job has been a little hectic the last couple of days.  Everything seems to be calming down, so I can get back to spending more time on this.

I hope you guys like it.


Sunday - April 13, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - Update# 2, Combat

by Couchpotato, 05:41

OMC Games has posted the second update for their ARPG Skullforge: The Hunt that talks about the games combat system. Here is a small sample of the update.

Let's talk about combat!

One of the questions someone asked me is, "What is the combat going to be like?"  Honestly, it's a little hard to describe, but I want to stress that it won't be like Diablo.  The game will be more in line with Kingdoms of Amalur or Soul Blazer.  There aren't a ton of enemies on the screen, but each enemy should be a bit dangerous.  This means that perhaps a player can handle a few enemies at once, but a whole horde of them will be tough.  I really don't want to make a dungeon crawler, there are plenty of them out there already.

The approach I'm making towards combat is that Desi is powerful and that will be easily shown in the power of each attack, the varied number of skills, and the amount of damage she can take.  Each attack should feel strong, and there should be plenty of moves to add a bit of depth. At the same time, the game isn't about slaughtering tons of enemies.  Combat is important, but ultimately it's just a piece of a whole.  

In the trailer, Desi only has one real attack move.  This is because I haven't fleshed out the combo system, but eventually certain attacks can be strung together to form more powerful attacks.  For example:

Basic attack -> Second attack -> Wind spell -> Wind Rush Skill

Combining these attacks would lead to a nice combo that does good damage. Of course, timing is important and that's where skill comes in. Learning what and how moves can be combined is one of the important aspects of the combat system. With time, I'm sure most players will figure out what works for them.  The system is built to be flexible, so I encourage everyone to try things out and share what you've learned once the game is released.

Saturday - April 12, 2014

Skullforge: The Hunt - A New Fantasy ARPG

by Couchpotato, 05:08

Skullforge: The Hunt is the latest game on kickstarter asking for $20,000. The game is being developed by a small studio called OMC Games. As usual I have the pitch video, and a short game description.

Skullforge: The Hunt

Skullforge: The Hunt is an action RPG set in a medieval fantasy world.  The combat will be fast, interesting, and most of all fun.  Players will take the role of Desinarious "Desi" Cornerstone as she tracks down one of her enslavers.  This game is made for those who like action RPGs with a good mix of fun storytelling, action, exploration, and the ability to make interesting choices along the way.

What motivated me to begin production on Skullforge: The Hunt was the desire to make a top down RPG that wasn't a dungeon crawler.  I'm a huge RPG player from classic Atari 8-bit RPGs to the modern games of late, and there just aren't many games like this one these days.  It's been a dream of mine to take various aspects of different RPGs and merge them together into one complete package and now is my chance to get it done.

They already have a new update about the first day on Kickstarter.

Just getting started!

Thanks to everyone who pledged today.  Not off to the best start, but all things have to start somewhere.  My goal at this point is to get the word out, but most of all answer any questions anyone may have.  We have put a lot of time and effort into this game and though it may not be the best looking game out there, you can bet that we will do our best to provide everyone with a great game in the genre.  All we ask for is a chance to show what we can do.

The game is just getting started...let's do this!

Information about

Skullforge: The Hunt

Developer: OMC Games

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: 20-40 hours
Voice-acting: Partially voiced

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Cancelled
· Publisher: Unknown