The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes - All News

Tuesday - June 30, 2020
Book of Heroes - Review @ Gamespace
Gamespace reviewed The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes:
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes Review
Book of Heroes is the latest game in The Dark Eye fantasy universe created by Ulrich Kiesow and launched by Schmidt Spiel & Freizeit GmbH and Droemer Knaur Verlag in 1984. Incredibly popular in Germany, the setting received a number of video game adaptations such as Drakensang (2008), Blackguards (2014) and many others. Developed by Random Potion Oy and published by Wild River Games, The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes invites players to Aventuria to your party and venture forth to raid dungeons, scour forests, fight bandits and more.
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes is a fantasy RPG available on Steam for $30. At this point, I can not recommend the game due to its outdated graphics, clunky mechanics, boring combat and other problems.Score: 4/10
Wednesday - June 17, 2020
Book of Heroes - Review @ Screenrant
Screenrant has reviewed The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes:
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes Review - Not An Epic Tale
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes treads the well-worn path of the isometric RPG, but doesn't manage the excitement or storytelling to make it work.
Dungeons and Dragons has consistently held the top spot when it comes to video game adaptations of tabletop games. Its various settings have been ported to the video game world dating back to the 1980s, while acclaimed games like Baldur's Gate sit as classics of the RPG genre. That's not to say that Dungeons and Dragons is the only tabletop game to make it into video games, with The Dark Eye another example.
The Dark Eye is a tabletop game most popular in Germany, and the setting of Aventuria is one that will feel familiar to fantasy fans. It's full of goblins, elves, and dwarves, with forests to explore and treasures to plunder. However, The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes won't do much to excite RPG players.
In short it’s hard to recommend The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes, as it can't quite justify its place in the market when compared to other RPGs. Although there are nuggets of fun to be found here and there in its dungeon crawling, its lack of complex gameplay and step back from storytelling stops it from being a required purchase, particularly when there are cheaper, older games that provide a more impressive overall package.
Score: 2/5
Wednesday - June 10, 2020
Book of Heroes - Review
Upside Down Shark checked out the The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes:
Should You Play The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes?
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes Review
Tuesday - June 09, 2020
Book of Heroes - Release Day
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes releases today.
loading...Based on THE DARK EYE license, Book of Heroes puts you right into the fantasy world of Aventuria where you can raid dungeons and experience adventures, together with friends or alone, that you can only overcome with combined skills and forces.
• Play with up to 4 players where you combine the specialities of the different species and professions to overcome enemies, puzzles and challenges in the myriad of procedurally generated maps.
• Choose from 12 different professions such as Assassin, Mercenary, Blessed one of Rondra, Knight or Black Magician and one of the four playable species: elves, half-elves, dwarves and humans and individualize the appearance of your character as you see fit.
• Enjoy extensive character development opportunities and item crafting in addition to common, improved and legendary items lootable throughout the game.
• Play with friends or alone in single-player mode with eight individual storylines. Hire a few companions at the Inn of the Black Boar for your adventures.
• Based on the popular THE DARK EYE (TDE) License and rules (5th Edition), the game is developed in close cooperation with the rights owner Ulisses Spiele. TDE is a role-playing system plunging groups of players into the fantasy world Aventuria. TDE has a long tradition, with the first Edition appearing in 1984.
Friday - June 05, 2020
Book of Heroes - Comic Book
Thursday - May 28, 2020
Book of Heroes - What to do at the Black Boar!
The Black Boar tavern is used as a base in The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes:
Welcome to the Black Boar tavern
Clashing swords, sparkling magic, enchanted places and gruelling adventures are truly not for the faint of heart – no wonder you need a place to relax and hang back.
Welcome to the Black Boar. The most famous inn in all of Aventuria.
This is the place you hire your henchmen, forge new weapons and armor, brew potions, store your valuables and most importantly find new quests to embark upon.
Have a look inside the Black Boar in this new gameplay trailer.
Tuesday - May 19, 2020
Book of Heroes - The Making Of
The second installment of the making of the Book of Heroes game is now available.
And if you missed it, here is part 1:
Thursday - May 14, 2020
Book of Heroes - Character Creation
In a new video for The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes the character creation is shown.
Tuesday - April 28, 2020
Book of Heroes - Launches June 9th
The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes launches on the 9th of June on Steam. Theres is also a Collectors Edition, which is only available at Amazon (Germany), where it is already available on the 8th.
We have a press release in German only, so if you do not master the language, you can always try a translator...
Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes erscheint Anfang Juni mit jeder Menge Abenteuer und einer limitierten Collector's Edition
München, 28. April 2020 | Die Zeit für atemberaubende Abenteuer in den düstersten aventurischen Dungeons ist nah: Das fantastische Koop-Multiplayer-Rollenspiel Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes von Random Potion und Wild River Games erscheint am Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020 für PC zum Preis von 29,99 EUR auf Steam. Zur Feier des Launches bietet Wild River Games zeitlich begrenzt eine limitierte Sonderauflage, die Collector's Edition, exklusiv bei Amazon an. Darin enthalten sind zwei Steam-Keys, ein Case mit Wendecover, ein 16-seitiges Druckexemplar des Book of Heroes-Comic, ein digitales Artbook sowie der Book of Heroes-Soundtrack als Audio-CD. Die Collector's Edition kann ab 1. Mai zum Preis von 69,99 EUR auf Amazon vorbestellt werden.
In Das Schwarze: Book of Heroes entwickeln die Spieler*innen eigene Held*innen mit individueller Hintergrundstory und erleben zahlreiche Abenteuer in Gruppen bis zu vier Spielern auf der Suche nach ihrem Glück. Das Gameplay ist konsequent auf dem Regelwerk des größten deutschen Rollenspiels Das Schwarze Auge aufgebaut und wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ulisses-Verlag entwickelt. Die Spieler*innen erleben ein fesselndes Abenteuer, das echte Pen&Paper-Atmosphäre aufkommen lässt; und das in dem fantastischen Universum eines der bekanntesten und traditionsreichsten Rollenspiele aller Zeiten.
„Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes hat alles, was ein gutes Rollenspiel ausmacht und es macht einfach Spaß; darauf sind wir sehr stolz", so Marc Wardenga, Geschäftsführer der Wild River Games GmbH, einer 100-prozentigen Tochter des Telepool-Konzerns. „Durch die intensive Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ulisses-Verlag konnten wir zudem sicherstellen, dass wir der großen Tradition des Schwarzen Auges gerecht werden. Wir sind sicher, dass die Fans das Spiel lieben werden."„Uns war vor allem wichtig, ein überzeugendes Multiplayer-Spielerlebnis zu schaffen, das sich wie echtes Pen&Paper anfühlt. Die Welt von Aventurien ist dafür das perfekte Setting, weil sie so reichhaltig ist und uns über alle Maßen inspiriert hat. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis sehr zufrieden", so Arto Koistinen, Creative Director beim Entwicklerstudio Random Potion.
Das Schwarze: Book of Heroes | Key-Features
Spannender Multiplayer-Koop-Modus mit bis zu vier Spielern
Singleplayer-Modus mit 8 individuellen Storylines und persönlichen Quests
Authentisches Rollenspielerlebnis durch konsequente Adaption von Pen&Paper-Regeln
Zufällig generierte Abenteuer und Maps; dadurch hoher Wiederspielwert
4 spielbare Spezies: Elfen, Halb-Elfen, Zwerge und Menschen
12 spielbare Professionen, z.B. Meuchelmörder, Söldner, Rondrageweihter, Ritter oder Schwarzmagier
Kampfsystem im Pen&Paper-Stil
Umfangreiche Charakter-Entwicklung mit handgemalten Inrah-Karten
Crafting von Waffen und Ausrüstung
Legendäre und seltene Items
Persönliche Schatzkiste für eigene Gegenstände
Basierend auf dem populären DSA Regelwerk (5. Edition)
Orginalgetreue Weltkarte im aventurischen Mittelreich, ca. 1040 BF
Detailreiches Tutorial für NeueinsteigerMehr Informationen zu Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes gibt es auf der Webseite von Wild River Games, auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram. Hier klicken, um Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes für die Wishlist in Steam vorzumerken.
Über Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes
Das Schwarze Auge: Book of Heroes ist ein kooperatives Multiplayer-Rollenspiel für bis zu vier Personen. Das Gameplay und die Erzählung basieren auf dem bekannten Rollenspiel-Klassiker Das Schwarze Auge. Die Spielerinnen und Spieler verabreden sich zu Abenteuern auf zufallsgenerierten Dungeon-Maps, die für schnelle Sessions geeignet sind. Dabei tauchen sie erzählerisch in das beeindruckende Universum eines der bekanntesten und traditionsreichsten Rollenspiele der Welt ein.
Sunday - March 22, 2020
Book of Heroes - Gameplay Trailer #5
Here is another gameplay trailer for The Dark Eye: Book of heroes.
Wednesday - February 19, 2020
Book of Heroes - Gameplay Trailer
Last week a new gameplay trailer for The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes was released. Unlike most of the other information about the game, the in-game scenes are in English.
Tuesday - February 04, 2020
Book of Heroes - Part Four of the Comic
The fourth part of the comic for The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes is available. There are 10 parts planned, after which the game is to be released, which appears to be in Q2.
Monday - December 02, 2019
Book of Heroes - New Trailer & Comic
There is a gameplay trailer out for The Dark Eye: Book of Heroes
And part 3 of the comic that is made about the game is available for download.
Page 2 and page 1 are also still available.
Monday - October 14, 2019
Book of Heroes - Steam Page & Comic
Thursday - August 15, 2019
Book of Heroes - New The Dark Eye Game
A new game set in the The Dark Eye universe is in development and is supposed to be available in the second quarter of next year. The game is named Book of Heroes and looks to be made for the German market. Even the English version of the games' webpage is in German.
Here is what I translated from the German text on that page.
The Dark Eye is an RPG system that enables groups of players to adventure in its fantasy world. TDE has a long tradition; the first version appeared already in 1984. Book of Heroes is developed in cooperation with its license owner Ulisses Spiele, who's cooperation ensures that the game will meet the requirements of RPG fans.
Book of Heroes is a classic RPG using a top-down view and fast, intensive dungeon crawls with co-op (up to 4 players) using procedural generated maps. Playing solo with 3 additional AI controlled characters is also possible. The universe of The Dark Eye will provide the ideal setting for many familiar characters, places and events.
Here is a trailer with almost no information:
Gamers Global has a bit more information, mentioning it is a tactical RPG and that Winifried Philips, who also worked on Assassin's Creed 3 and God of War, is repsonsible for the soundtrack.
The site of the game also features these screenshots:
Thanks Moorkh, for providing this information.
Information about
The Dark Eye: Book of HeroesDeveloper: Wild River
SP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Tactical RPG
Combat: Pausable Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown
Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2020-06-09
· Publisher: Wild River