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Saturday - June 03, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Introduces Story Mode

by Silver, 22:43

@PCGamesN The Long Journey Home has introduced a story mode for those who just want to enjoy the journey.

Aimed "primarily at new astronauts", The Long Journey Home's Story Mode makes the galaxy a lot friendlier, where alien races are less hostile and resources are abundant. More planets feature "Earth-like conditions" and dangerous weather conditions have been toned down, so you shouldn't lose as many crewmates due to hostile environments. Your planetary Lander can now take a lot more punishment when exploring a new world, and it is easier to establish a stable orbit while flying the mothership.

Wednesday - May 31, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Review Roundup

by Myrthos, 11:57

Here are a couple of reviews for The Long Journey Home, with varying opinions. But before that, here is the release trailer of the game.


CGM, 8

It’s easy to dismiss The Long Journey Home as a subpar pretender, standing on the backs of a few indie games that came before it, as I almost did, but it ends up being more than that. This game is a love letter to the various titles it emulates and a solid game in its own right. Here you’re guaranteed a memorable experience as you meander from planet to planet, just be careful with that landing.

Controller Crusade, 4.5/5

The Long Journey Home is a unique entry into a thriving genre of punishing games. Its mix of gameplay and diplomacy, storytelling and exploration make it difficult to define or even describe without pointing at several disparate examples. The developers estimate five full playthroughs to see everything the game has to offer, but it remains to be seen how much replayability the relatively simple gameplay will retain after 40 hours. Don’t be surprised if you kill a few crews in your first few hours, the galaxy is uncaring and the journey home is long indeed.

Gamesoulz, No score

The Long Journey Home is certainly an interesting game, solely focusing on a great story experience, rather than a truly great gameplay. Without the interesting stories it has to tell, I wouldn´t have enjoyed nearly that much in the long run, the gameplay becomes too repetitive and the different runs too similar in structure. Yet, I found myself liking it because of all the cool ideas, as well as designs packed into it, which managed to often surprise me during my time.

Gamewatcher, 4/10

If you look at the bigger picture The Long Journey Home seems like it has a lot to offer, but it screws up the basic gameplay so badly you won't get to see any of it. Tough survival games are fine, but the one thing you shouldn't be fighting against are the basic controls. Just playing this game feels wrong. Next time Daedalic, start with how the game actually plays and making that fun, or at least not impossibly frustrating, and go from there. Everyone else: avoid The Long Journey Home.

GamingNexus, 8/10

The Long Journey Home isn’t always fun. I don’t think it’s meant to be. Its musical score soars with hope. Its crew keeps its chin up pretty well. And yet, getting better at this game isn’t always as rewarding as I’d like it to be. Reloading saves and generally gaining in knowledge and ability is comforting, but it’s getting harder and harder to put a smile on my face while making the trudge home. Yes, I’m better at landing, better at navigating, and better at fighting. But instead of insisting on finding my way back to Earth, I’m a lot like my ship, constantly running out of fuel.

Kotaku, No score

The way it moves between moments of wonder, humour and tragedy makes The Long Journey Home a rare pleasure among science fiction games. So many hone in on one idea, a single story. This has hundreds, most of which will take several playthroughs to experience. It captures the feel of a Saturday TV series, each episode tackling a new threat or entertaining a goofy premise. These unexpected turns made it a delight to return to, even in the face of repetitive sections.

n3dabl3, 7.3/10

It's a sense of discovery which drives The Long Journey Home along. The desire to meet new races, find new artefacts and get closer to Earth never eases up and always makes the time spent with the game well worthwhile. Repetitive missions and dull crew members can hinder the experience at times, but the promise of another planet to explore and the final goal of reaching Earth is always there to keep you invested. The Long Journey Home is a deep, dynamic and challenging adventure which is well worth embarking on.

PC Enthusiast, 5/10

In the end, despite the fact that I’m a sucker for the game’s premise, I found myself struggling to find the fun. It’s there, occasionally, in dribs and drabs, but the frustration and the tedium quickly end it, and it’s far too much work to find it in the first place. I might give the game a tentative recommendation for those who love Roguelikes and survival space adventures if it launched at a reasonable price, but at $39.99 USD, the value proposition is abominably poor. This is by no means a game on par with titles in that price range by any metric. In the current marketplace of great Roguelikes and a few good space-faring adventures, there are simply far better ways to spend your money and time.

Polygon, 5.5/10

The promise of a truly narrative-driven roguelike is tantalizing, but this isn’t that game. It's just as tied to your skill with the controller as any bullet hell — more so, really, because you carry the consequences of even the slightest mistake a long ways before finally seeing the game over screen. It promises to be a game about the wonder of unbound space; instead, it’s more about the infuriating heartbreak of high wind speeds in a low gravity environment.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun, No score

There’s not quite enough here to win me over completely, but there’s more than enough to make the numerous trips I’ve made worthwhile, and part of the charm is in never knowing if there’s anything left to discover. The stars are strange and home to many mysteries and it’s tempting to stick around until I’ve seen them all. But keep in mind that there’s lots of work to do along the way.

Voxel Voice, 6/10

The Long Journey Home tries to bring together a lot of mechanics from other, similar games. There’s some FLT here, some Rebel Galaxy, and a lot of Lunar Lander, but none of what made these games special. Each run takes too long to ramp up, so the sudden failures that can crop up are far more disappointing than say a bad run in FTL. Having to constantly fight with the controls makes even the moment to moment feel frustrating. The randomization is limited and transparent. There is a certain level of satisfaction from extracting much needed minerals from a treacherous planet, but all that fades away when you realize those minerals only fixed half of the damage you sustained performing the extraction. At a certain point you wonder if The Long Journey Home is even worth making.

Monday - May 29, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Review @PCGamesN

by Silver, 14:11

The Long Journey Home has been reviewed by PCGamesN.

I'm lost in space: totally stranded, low on resources, and on the lam from a gelatinous loan shark. Two of my four crew members are critically injured, meaning there are no spare hands to man my ship's weapons. Worse still, I've just used my last tank of Exotic Matter, the resource that powers the Daedalus-7's interstellar jumps, which means I have two options: scoop up enough EM for another jump by orbiting a star, or mine it from one of the many planets within range. The former will likely kill one of my weak crew members through radiation damage and all but obliterate my ship's hull.The latter will require me to meticulously probe each planet to find the one or two with the right resource and safe enough landing conditions.

I opt for the orbital scoop, but as I plunge into the star's gravitational pull I'm intercepted by a Raxact raider who offers me a different choice: blood or coin? I don't have the coin, and my ship is in a critical state of disrepair, so I flee in exchange for taking a few hits. I flee straight into the sun though, filling my view with injury updates and death notifications as the screen fades to black and sombre music swells.


Thursday - May 25, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Developer Interview

by Silver, 02:45

While at Rezzed the developers of The Long Journey Home chatted about the game with Unreal Engine. The Long Journey Home will be releasing May 30th.


Join Jess and Andreas as they chat about The Long Journey Home, which combines the endless freedom of space with a new open questing system that always leaves you in command.

Find out more about The Long Journey Home here and head to to download the engine and begin creating your own projects!

Sunday - May 14, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Launches May 30th

by Silver, 12:22

@PCGamesN The Long Journey Home will release May 30th.

An average journey home should take your average space captain about six to eight hours to complete, with one successful run showing you about 20% of the game's content according to Daedelic. With players gaining mastery of their ship's controls and learning how to schmooze aliens from here to Betelgeuse, each successive journey back to Earth should reveal new content for players to enjoy.

The Long Journey Home will launch May 30 on Steam, going for $39.99.

Thursday - May 11, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Preview @PCGamesN

by Silver, 13:22

The Long Journey Home is FTL meets No Mans Sky, with more personality according to PCGamesN.

The solar system in which I've found myself isn't a good place, and it's my own damn fault. The journalist on the computer next to me chose to play The Long Journey Home in ‘Explorer Mode', and has subsequently been blissfully floating around sensible solar systems with a healthy variety of planets and intriguing aliens to chat and trade with. I, in my hubris, went for the tougher ‘Rogue Mode', and have just survived a hellish planet only to get stuck in an asteroid belt, where I'm getting smashed around like a crumbling clay pinball.

My first experience of Daedalic's The Long Journey Home was a gruelling one, but since it's a procedurally-generated space odyssey game, your first time will inevitably be different, and hopefully less disastrous.

It's a fascinating game, ticking the boxes of What's Hot in Games Right Now (namely, space exploration, roguelikes, and procedurally generated planets) while offering its own mechanical and narrative idiosyncrasies. You begin by selecting your spaceship, lander, and a four-person crew whom you recruit from a colourful roster of characters - each with unique abilities, personalities and motives. There were a few negative Nancys in the roster who were apprehensive about meeting aliens or opposed to space exploration. To hell with such namby-pamby attitudes, I thought. I was looking for the space-age equivalent of Victorian writers and pith-helmeted explorers, eager to venture into the Heart of Cosmic Darkness, wrangle and barter with other life-forms, and do whatever extracting necessary to learn about the randomised cosmos that awaits.


Tuesday - April 04, 2017

The Long Journey Home - Gameplay Demo

by Silver, 01:05

GameReactor were guided through The Long Journey Home by developer Andreas Suika. Suika confirmed that you can expect the game late April or early May.


While we were at PAX East we took a closer look at the intriguing space adventure game, The Long Journey Home, with creative director Andreas Suika taking us on a quick tour.

Monday - June 20, 2016

The Long Journey Home - Gameplay Video

by Silver, 12:19

Gamespot show us some gameplay footage from The Long Journey Home presented at E3.


Also on the games blog site they have a ship room break-down for those that want to know what is what on their spaceship.

Monday - May 02, 2016

The Long Journey Home - Meet the Crew

by Silver, 23:37

On The Long Journey Home blog they introduce the crew you will be travelling with. Also the game has recently been demoed at PAX East by IGN.


Meet The Crew: Zoe Creed - The BloggerZoe

Australian student Zoe began writing about her love of space at the age of 16, and now her Zoetrope website and video series boasts one of the most enthusiastic young scientist communities on the internet. With the Daedalus mission being as much about reinvigorating the public's interest in space as testing the jump drive, IASA invited her to be the project's embedded reporter and an official observer on the test flight. After a life dreaming of seeing the stars, she's about to get her wish. Whether she likes it or not.


Meet The Crew: Malcolm Winters - The Pilot
Malcolm Winters

To be exact, a test-pilot, on loan to IASA from the US military. Winters' main responsibility was working with the Daedalus engineering team to help create a reliable, multi-terrain lander capable of surviving 87% of hostile planetary conditions, while still being easy enough for civilian operation. Secretly though, he fears the success of the Daedalus mission as much as its failure. In his eyes, humanity is not yet even half ready for whatever lies out there in the galaxy. Once Pandora's box is open, will we regret not leaving it closed?

Thursday - March 17, 2016

The Long Journey Home - Teaser Trailer

by Silver, 07:21

Daedalic West have released a teaser trailer for their upcoming game The Long Journey Home.


The Long Journey Home is a Space Exploration RPG that combines the best of classic space adventures like Starflight and Star Control II with the replayability of modern roguelikes, in a procedurally generated, endlessly surprising living universe inspired by beloved modern Science Fiction shows like Farscape and Firefly.

Your goal: to find the way back to Earth. An accident during humanity's first jump drive test has catapulted you and your crew to the other side of the galaxy, and the only way home is through. Lead your crew as you explore new worlds in search of allies and support. Face searing storms and deadly gravity as you plunder alien worlds for their secrets and technology. Befriend alien races and earn their trust. Keep your people alive.

Do whatever it takes to get home.

Find more information on the official website:

Information about

The Long Journey Home

Developer: Daedalic Entertainment

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: Roguelike
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2017-05-30
· Publisher: Daedalic Entertainment