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The Way of Wrath

The Way of Wrath is a story-driven, turn-based, tactical RPG. Take charge of a ragged group of soldiers and hold a rundown fort against a merciless onslaught of an overwhelming enemy force. You will need to be ruthless, fearless, and cunning to survive what is to come.


Become a leader who can guide your people through hell. Rekindle the fighting spirit of your warriors and turn the old, ruined fort into a formidable bastion against a merciless onslaught of the overpowering enemy.


Immerse yourself in a world of mystery, superstitions, and dark rituals. Brave the cold, unforgiving no man’s land between your fort and enemy encampment. Hunt for food. Harvest materials to rebuild your fort. Recruit allies, and battle vicious enemies in brutal combat encounters.


Tests your tactical skills against battle-hardened veterans of a decade long brutal war in a fast-paced, lethal turn-based combat. Fight in handcrafted combat encounters against unique characters equipped with their own favored AI tactics, gear, and skills.


Experience a dynamic, non-linear story. Each character, friend or foe, pursues their own agendas and reacts to actions of others. Alliances will be forged and Broken. Survivors will grieve the death of their kin and settle scores with their enemies.

  • Create your own character. Customize appearance, origin, and reputation. Freely choose among dozens of skills and perks in an unrestrictive, classless system. Pick your party from a colorful cast of characters, or build your companions from scratch.
  • Explore open world map to hunt, fish, harvest valuable materials, perform mystical rituals. Survive the cold, harsh landscape and its many environmental hazards.
  • Repair defenses. Build traps and siege equipment. Craft weapons, armor, and tools of war. Cook food, brew alcohol and prepare the medicine.
  • Your every action will be judged, and the consequences of your choices will be felt constantly as the story is reshaped to a new reality. Will you end up a respected leader, a feared tyrant, or a hated despot swinging on a rope from the tower of your own fort?
  • Lead your people and maintain morale. Deal with their disagreements, superstitions, and self-destructive habits. Ignore them at your peril. Desperate people will be tempted by their worst instincts. Eager to escape hopeless reality in alcohol, drugs, petty squabbles, and comforting promises of the mystical rituals.
  • Experience a new kind of interactive story. Each in-game day the map will update with new encounters, and character story-lines will move forward.
Box Art

Information about

The Way of Wrath

Developer: ANIMMAL

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Strategy-RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: 20-40 hours
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· Expected: 2024-11-01
· Publisher: ANIMMAL