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Tuesday - January 14, 2025

Within the Cosmos - Second Closed Beta

by Hiddenx, 18:54

A second closed beta for Within the Cosmos is coming:

Second Closed Beta Playtest Announcement

Hi again everyone!

It's been a little over a month since the first closed beta ended, and I want to say a heartfelt thank you to the beta testers. The feedback you all gave was truly invaluable. I've been able to polish the game in ways that would've taken me months to achieve on my own. Thank you so so much for everything! 

I’ve addressed all the bugs you reported and implemented most of the feedback I received. For those in the Within the Cosmos Discord server, you’ve probably seen my weekly changelogs/patch notes detailing the progress that I've been able to do. I'm really excited for you to test this more polished version, and see the improvements since the first beta.

The previous beta was a tremendous success, and I genuinely loved the experience, largely because of the amazing people who took part in it. Also, while I do as much testing as possible on my own, a larger group is essential to catch issues I might miss. These two reasons are why I've decided to run another closed beta, and I aim to double the amount of testers this time. Priority will go to those who are active in the community forums or social media and who have expressed a genuine interest in Within the Cosmos.

If you're a previous tester, I'd really love to have you participate in this beta as well.*

You can apply here via this Google form.
This survey will close on 19 January at 00:00 UTC.
The beta itself will run from 17 January at 00:00 UTC until 20 January at 00:00 UTC.

Over the next couple of days, I will reach out to those selected via email with an invitation to the beta Discord server, and instructions to download the beta.

Google Form: Apply Here

What to Expect:

  • Access to a portion of the game, including the starting area and the first city.
  • Most gameplay mechanics, and features are in place.
  • Your feedback will help refine the gameplay loop, improve performance, and identify bugs or areas needing polish.
  • If you have any suggestions for Quality of Life improvements or changes, please feel free to share them!

How to Join:

Fill out the Google form to apply.
I’ll review applications and select testers based on the information provided.

Thank you so much to everyone who applied last time, I hope you'll apply again! There were many of you that I wanted to invite previously, but due to my limited experience in running betas, I had to keep its scale manageable, but I’m excited to expand this time.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and see how you enjoy the improvements!

- debdev

* For previous beta testers: If you don't want to go through the effort of re-applying through Google forms, simply message me on Discord, and I'll send over the beta key when the beta begins :)

Thanks Henriquejr!

Monday - December 16, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Post-Beta Update

by Hiddenx, 21:43

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Within the Cosmos:

December 2024: Post-Beta Update

Hey everyone!

It’s hard to believe that the beta ended a week ago already! I want to thank everyone who applied, I wish I could've selected more of you, but I had to manage the scale of the beta to see how much I can handle, as I've never done something like that before. Also, a special thank you to those who participated in the beta. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I’ve spent the last week working hard to implement your suggestions and address the bugs that you reported.

A full list of changes based on your feedback has already been posted in the Discord server, and I'll also post it here at the end of this post. Many of the issues you found were things I hadn’t encountered myself. As the developer, I know how everything works, where everything is, and how it’s supposed to be used, so having fresh eyes on the game was incredibly important. Making an RPG is a huge undertaking, and having many people playtest the game really helps polish it. I’m truly truly grateful for your efforts!

Here are a couple of things I was able to address based on the feedback I received from the beta:

Weapon Wheel: A great QoL feature that was requested. It greatly enhances the experience for gamepad users. You can now access your weapons more easily with the weapon wheel, making switching between your weapons more intuitive.


Saturday - November 30, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Closed Beta Playtest

by Hiddenx, 17:48

Henriquejr spotted a closed beta playtest for the sci-fi RPG Within the Cosmos:

Closed Beta Playtest Announcement

Hi everyone!

Over the last 2 weeks or so, I’ve made steady progress on the game. I’ve had some close friends test it, and with their feedback, I’ve been able to fix bugs and implement some Quality of Life improvements. I've also added support for some crucial Steam features, like Steam Achievements & Steam Cloud.

Now, it's finally time to open the game up a bit to a few more players and let you experience what I’ve been working on! I’m running a small beta playtest for a few days. I will select a couple of beta testers. Those who are active in the games community forums or social media, and have expressed and shown a genuine interest in my project will be given priority.

Here is a Google form that I've created to help me manage this: you can apply here.
This survey will close on 6 December at 00:00 UTC.
The beta itself will run from 4 December at 00:00 UTC until 8 December at 00:00 UTC.

Over the next few days, I will reach out to those selected via email, with an invitation to a Discord server that I've created for beta testers, as well as the next steps required for you to download the beta.

Google Form: Apply Here

What to Expect:

  • You'll have access to a portion of the game, including the starting area and the first city.
  • This is a near-final version, with most gameplay, mechanics, and features in place.
  • Your feedback will be essential to ensure everything runs smoothly and to refine the overall experience.
  • The focus will be on improving and testing gameplay mechicans, the gameplay loop, test performance, and
  • any last-minute issues like bugs or polish.
  • If you have suggestions for Quality of Life improvements or changes, please feel free to share!

How to Join:

Fill out the Google form to apply.
I’ll review applications and select testers based on the information provided.

Thank you so much for sticking with me through this process. Your feedback will be incredibly valuable as I put the finishing touches on the game.

I can’t wait for you to try it and share your thoughts!

- debdev


Monday - November 18, 2024

Within the Cosmos - November Development Update

by Hiddenx, 18:42

Couchpotato spotted a development update for the scifi-RPG Within the Cosmos:

November 2024 Development Update

Hey everyone,

I want to start by addressing the recent silence since the game was supposed to launch a few weeks ago. I know many of you have been eagerly awaiting the release of Within the Cosmos, and I truly appreciate the support and patience you’ve shown over the years.

When I tried to launch the game on the 29th of October, I encountered unexpected issues with the final build. After several late nights, nights where I didn't sleep at all, and pushing myself hard to hit that release date, I was completely drained, mentally and physically. Encountering build issues when I was ready to launch just drained everything I had left in me. I tried to power through a bit more, but I simply couldn't. I'm sorry for that. I had to take a break. I made a quick announcement on Twitter, but I should have posted here too. That’s on me, and I’m truly sorry if that felt like I was ignoring this wonderful community. You all deserve better communication than what I provided.

The break was necessary for me to get back to a place where I can finish this game properly. I’ve used that time to regroup and get my mind in a better mental state. After taking a few weeks off, I finally feel refreshed, and I'm fully committed to getting this game across the finish line.

As for the games launch, rather than announcing a new release date and risking a delay for the millionth time, I’ve decided to keep things under wraps and just do a surprise launch very soon. My goal is to ensure that when it does go live, it’s as polished as it can be, so you can jump in and enjoy it without any issues.

I understand that your trust has been shaken by the previous delays and missed dates. That's totally my fault. I feel like things never went as planned during the development of my game. The journey to completing this game has been difficult with a VERY steep learning curve along the way. It has been a very long time since my initial Steam Greenlight submission until now, but I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who has stuck with me through all the ups and downs. Your support means more to me than I can ever possibly express.

Thank you for your patience. I’m excited for you to finally experience Within the Cosmos, and I’m going to do my absolute best to deliver something you’ll truly enjoy.

- debdev

Tuesday - October 29, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Release Day

by Hiddenx, 17:22

The sci-fi-RPG Within the Cosmos will be released today:

Within the Cosmos - Gameplay Trailer | Sci-Fi FPS RPG

Within the Cosmos is a sci-fi RPG. After awakening in a secluded star system, you soon discover a fractured human society grappling with an emerging android threat. Explore planets, uncover mysteries, and navigate differing philosophies. Your choices will shape how the story unfolds.


Sunday - October 27, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Release Date: October 29

by Hiddenx, 15:42

After a short delay Within the Cosmos will be released on October 29:

Within the Cosmos Officially Launching 29 October!

Hey everyone!

I’m very excited to announce that Within the Cosmos has officially passed Steam’s review and is ready to launch! Instead of delaying any further, I’ve set the release date to 29 October. Just 3 days away!

Having this extra month to polish the game and bring on a few more voice actors has made a huge difference to the experience. I've given this game my all, and I’m truly proud of how everything has come together. I can’t wait for you to experience it!

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to wishlist and follow Within the Cosmos to get a reminder when it goes live.

Thanks Couchpotato!

Sunday - October 06, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Delayed

by Hiddenx, 11:04

Within the Cosmos will be released later in October:

Within the Cosmos Release Date Delayed

Within the Cosmos has been delayed to later this month.

Hey everyone,

It pains me greatly to say that Within the Cosmos will no longer make its intended launch date. While I've been working hard and I've been pouring everything I have in the effort to hit the 4 October release date, I’ve realised that in order to deliver the quality and experience you deserve, I need just a little more time to finish up some key parts of the game.

I'm in contact with Steam in regards to setting a new release date for later this month, and once we can confirm that, I’ll make a follow-up post with the updated launch details. I sincerely apologise to those of you who were excited to play the game today, and I’m sorry for not meeting the goal I had set for myself.

To be completely transparent, the game just needs more polishing. Initially, I had planned to work up until the final moments before the game went live, then submitting an update to fix a couple of things, but really, the best thing for the game is to just give it the few weeks that it needs. I'd rather release the game in a complete and polished state than rush it out now and fix things with a patch.

Apart from the polish and bug fixing that I will do, I also intend to improve on some aspects that I feel need improving prior to release, like the character face models, and voice acting. I’ve contracted additional voice actors to give a more diverse range of voices to the characters, which I believe will greatly enhance the experience. The balance of the game also needs to be tweaked a little. I also want to use this time to let you all have another look at the game, especially since the second planet, Alios, hasn't been covered much yet.

I understand this delay might be disappointing to those of you who have been eagerly waiting, especially since the game has already been delayed (multiple times) before. However, I’m nearly there, and this extra time will allow me to add the final polish, complete some important voice acting, and ensure that Within the Cosmos is the best it can possibly be.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you so much for your continued support, understanding and your patience throughout this journey. This game wouldn’t be where it is without you. I can’t wait for you to experience Within the Cosmos in its best form!

- debdev

Thanks Couchpotato!

Monday - August 05, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Release Date: October 4

by Hiddenx, 17:37

The Sci-fi RPG Within the Cosmos will be released on October 4:

Within the Cosmos - Gameplay Trailer & Release Date Announcement

A new gameplay trailer and a release date announcement.

Hello everyone!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of the latest gameplay trailer for Within the Cosmos! In it, you'll get a new glimpse into some of the game’s key locations and activities. I hope you enjoy seeing the world that I’ve been crafting for all of you to experience.

Check it out here:

On top of showcasing some of the games locations, the trailer also gives you a small look at the various factions in the game. Each with their own ambitions, ideals, philosophies, and perspectives.

But that's not all. I'm also excited to announce that the game now has an official release date. After careful consideration and ensuring everything is on track, I'm thrilled to announce that Within the Cosmos will be released on 4 October 2024!

I hope you enjoy this new glimpse into the game, and I hope you'll stay tuned for more updates as the release date approaches. Your support and feedback have been extremely invaluable, and I can't wait for you to experience the full game.

Thank you all so much for being patient, understanding, and for your unending support throughout this journey. <3

- debdev

Thanks Couchpotato!

Friday - July 12, 2024

Within the Cosmos - July Development Update

by Hiddenx, 18:03

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Within the Cosmos:

July 2024: Development Update

Current development focus and a new trailer announcement.

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had the chance to check out the gameplay video I uploaded a few weeks ago. Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping the direction of the game, and I truly appreciate all of your insights and suggestions.

Here's the video, if you haven't seen it:

Development has been very productive lately. The game is in the best state it has ever been in, with a significant number of bugs resolved and the mechanics are significantly polished. I've been focusing heavily on polishing the writing, refining the UX, and fine-tuning various gameplay mechanics, as well as doing extensive playtesting. I've also been incorporating the feedback I received after posting the gameplay video a few weeks ago.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to announce that I'll be releasing another trailer towards the end of this month. In the previous gameplay video, I introduced you to the planet Berith II, a western-inspired world where the rebellious faction, the Enlightened, have established their stronghold in the city of Chronos.

In the upcoming trailer, I will showcase a glimpse of the planet Alios and its capital city, Pearl City. This region is mostly under the control of the authoritarian faction, UESA, known for their advanced technology and strict governance. This trailer will be shorter than the previous one (more like a proper trailer as opposed to a gameplay walkthrough-styled video), and will focus more on showcasing different aspects of the game and various locations.

Thank you all so much for all of your warm hearted messages and continuous support. Words can't express how much they mean to me, I feel like I keep saying that but it's completely true. I'm so happy to be back communicating with all of you, and I can't wait to unveil more of the game's world and gameplay features. Also, please don't hesitate to make suggestions or give feedback about the game. Your input is immensely valuable to me and really helps me make this game the best it can be.

I hope you'll look forward to the trailer!

- debdev

Wednesday - June 19, 2024

Within the Cosmos - Still in Development

by Hiddenx, 18:02

Couchpotato spotted a development update for Within the Cosmos:

June 2024: Development Update

The current state of the game, and information regarding my absence.

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. It's been quite some time since our last communication, and I want to start by expressing my sincerest apologies for the lack of updates on the progress of Within the Cosmos. Your support and enthusiasm for the game mean everything to me, and I understand the concerns that have arisen during this period of silence.

Since my last communication on September 2021, I had every intention of releasing a trailer and keeping you updated on the progress of the game. Unfortunately, unforeseen challenges arose, and I found myself in a position where I had to prioritise my financial stability. Like many indie developers, I poured my heart, soul, and savings into this project. I had quit my job and was focusing on the development of the game full time. However, I reached a point where I had to pause development to secure a stable income to support myself, and to support the games development. As a result of that, a couple of things had to go offline, like the games website, my contact email, etc. as I simply couldn't afford to keep them. It was a difficult decision, one that weighed extremely heavily on me, but it was necessary for my own stability, well-being, and for the well-being of the game itself.

Since then, I've been working diligently to strike a balance between my passion for this dream of mine and the necessity of financial stability. While it hasn't been easy, I've made significant progress and am now in a better position to continue the development of Within the Cosmos and share it with you.

Despite the setbacks, my passion for Within the Cosmos has never wavered. I've continued to work on it whenever I found the time, I've added, altered, and polished mechanics whenever I could. I am more determined than ever to see this project through to completion.

With all of this in mind, I am committed to keeping you all updated on the development of Within the Cosmos. While I cannot provide an exact timeline for release at this moment, please know that I am working diligently to finish the game that has been by my side throughout a significant portion of my life, I've planned my life around this game, this game is my life, and I will not stop working on it until it's completed.

In the meantime, I'm happy to announce that I'll be releasing a gameplay video on 20 June, showcasing the current state of the game. This video will offer a glimpse of the progress I've made and the direction the game is heading. It will showcase Berith II, and the city of Chronos, and a couple of new features that I've added to the game. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it, as I feel like the game has changed quite a bit since the previous gameplay video a couple of years ago.

Your concern for my well-being is extremely touching, I thank all of you deeply for that. Your support has been the driving force behind this project, and I'm endlessly grateful for each and every one of you. Your interest in this project is genuinely what has kept me going during a difficult period. Once again, I offer my deepest apologies for the lack of communication, and thank you all for keeping my project wishlisted, for your understanding, patience, and unwavering belief in Within the Cosmos.

- debdev

Monday - August 09, 2021

Within the Cosmos - Delayed to 2022

by Hiddenx, 19:57

Henriquejr spotted that Within the Cosmos will be released in 2022:

Hello again everyone!

Unfortunately, Within the Cosmos won't be released in 2021, the release window has now been set to Q1 2022.

I initially wanted to reveal the new release window during the upcoming gameplay video, but I felt like letting the release date be known as early as possible is for the best. Also, I wanted to avoid setting another release window that ends up getting pushed back. Within the Cosmos continues to be developed, of course. As many of you know by now, I don't intend to release the game until I'm completely satisfied with every aspect of it. It is almost there. I simply need more time to finish incorporating some new aspects of the game that I've added over the last few months. More testing is required, and more polish. These next couple of months will allow me to fully accomplish the goals I've set for this game. Ultimately, this will lead to a much better experience for you when you finally get to play the game.

Regarding the upcoming gameplay video, I intend to publish it in September. In the video, you'll see one of the early missions in the game, along with some dialogue, RPG aspects, hacking, and some combat. I can't wait for all of you to see how much the game has changed and improved since the last video. Once the gameplay video has been published, I will continue doing the monthly/bi-monthly blog style development updates. As Within the Cosmos gets closer to its targeted release window, I'll get a better idea of when the exact release date will be. I will share that with you as soon as I am able.

I appreciate all of you for being so understanding throughout the development process, and I cannot thank you enough for all of your support!

- debdev

Monday - June 14, 2021

Within the Cosmos - June Development Update

by Hiddenx, 20:58

Henriquejr spotted a development update for the scifi-RPG Within the Cosmos:

June 2021: Development Update

Weapons: Skills, Attachments, Customisation, Ammo Types. New GIFs and screenshots!

Hi everyone! For this development update I'll be talking about Weapons & Ammo Types. This isn't a complete list of every weapon that's in the game, but it's more of an overview of how the weapons and ammo types work together and how they tie into the RPG aspects of the game.

Initially, I had intended on going with a Mk. I, Mk. II path of progression for weapons (finding better versions of the same weapon as the game goes along), but eventually, after playing through the game a few times, it didn't feel right. I ended up with weapons that no longer served a purpose, as I was able to find better, upgraded versions of them. After this experience, I wanted to make every weapon viable from the beginning to the end of the game. I wanted to ensure that if the first weapon you find in the game is your favourite weapon throughout the journey, then you should be able to use that until the very end. As a result, there are no longer any Mk. I's and Mk. II's in the game. With the extra time I allotted for the games development, I was able to add new weapons to the game. I set out to make sure every weapon can stand on its own. However, there still needs to be some form of progression for weapons, and that progression comes in the way of Skills, and Weapon Attachments.

Weapon Skills
Since this is an RPG, how effective your weapons are in your hands will be largely influenced by your Skill in that particular weapons field. These are the major skills that will govern how your character handles each weapon. This also gives you an idea of the type of weapons in the game.

Automatic Weapons: Determines your proficiency at using Assault Rifles & Sub-machine Guns
Explosives: Determines your proficiency at using Explosive Weapons, like, Grenades, and Traps
Melee Weapons: Determines your proficiency at using Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons: Determines your proficiency at using Sniper Rifles & DMRs
Small Arms: Determines your proficiency at using Pistols & Shotguns

Improving the skill that you desire will reduce the recoil while firing the weapon, and increase the damage, as well as unlock some perks. Don't forget to add Skill points to them when you level up!


Thursday - April 08, 2021

Within the Cosmos - April Development Update

by Hiddenx, 17:26

Henriquejr spotted a development update for scifi-RPG Within the Cosmos:

April 2021: Development Update

Stealth, Non-Lethal, new GIFs and screenshots!
Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a lovely March. The game continues to be developed, and as more systems fall into place and come together, the closer it gets to being the game that I was dreaming of making. Today, I'll be covering an important aspect of this game, which is, Stealth. Stealth touches on so many different aspects of the game, ranging from skills, perks, AI, weapons, etc. I'll be showing some Stealth features which overlap with each of these topics, and I'll also showcase some of the non-lethal options you'll have at your disposal.

Let's get right to it!

Gameplay Features
The "abilities" in the game have been re-worked and they're now known as Software. There are some Software that you can install which will greatly benefit people who are attempting to play stealthily. One of the Software that you can get is the:

CLOAK Software
I believe I've shown this before. The CLOAK Software will render you nearly invisible for a couple of seconds (the duration can be improved based on how you upgrade your character), allowing you to evade any enemies that are in your way, or allowing you to move closer to an enemy to perform a sneak attack.

To be able to really use your Software to its fullest ability, you'll want to upgrade your Sneak skill! There's no point of being cloaked when the enemies can still hear you! Improving your Sneak skill will ensure that enemies take longer to detect you, and that your footsteps produce less noise, thereby allowing you to effectively sneak up on unsuspecting enemies.

If you want to maximise how effective you will be while sneaking, you'll also want to invest some of your Perk points into some of the Sneak perks, some will allow you to do more crit damage while sneaking, or increase your crouch movement speed, or increase the chances of a malfunction on a trap that you accidentally set off.

When you feel confident enough in your sneak skills to takedown an enemy, you'll be able to sneak up behind them and perform a non-lethal takedown.

If you take down an enemy in a location where you're afraid that enemies will spot the body, you can pick up and move the body to a location where they won't think of looking.

If your sneak skill is high enough, you'll be able to successfully pickpocket people without alerting them. If you're pick-pocketing with a low sneak skill, there's a chance you'll be caught immediately, and you'll have to pay a fine or you'll be outright attacked.

When playing a game stealthily, you need to be cautious about how you take out or evade enemies. Observing their patrol route to time your movements is crucial, but if there's no obvious way around the enemy, you'll have to get a little creative. One way of doing this, as shown in the previous dev update, is by hacking nearby objects that produce noise, which will distract enemies and lure them out of the way.

Enemies also display a detection meter, which will let you know just how close they are to detecting your presence. How fast it fills is determined by your Sneak skill, your distance, whether you're cloaked or not, and whether you are standing or crouching. It is also determined by the difficulty you're playing the game on. When an enemy enters the Alert state, they will alert nearby enemies to your presence, so make sure you're not detected so you can avoid any unnecessary confrontations!

Aside from all the Skills, Perks, and Software you can upgrade, you'll also have some choices when deciding what weapons you want to use to suit your play-style. One very important part of playing stealthily, is having the ability to equip silencers on your favourite weapons. You can equip them on nearly every weapon in the game. You'll see how the silencer will affect your weapons base stats when you equip it. Using a silencer will greatly reduce the sound your gun produces when fired.

If you want to be non-lethal, you have some weapons at your disposal. You will be able to use the Tranquiliser Pistol, which will put enemies to sleep immediately if you land a headshot. If not, it will take a couple of seconds for them to fall asleep.

If you're a person who likes to take people out from afar, you'll be able to make use of the Tranquiliser Rifle, which works like the Tranquiliser Pistol, but at a much greater distance. Headshots will put enemies to sleep immediately, body shots will take a few seconds before the effect kicks in.

If you see a group of enemies that are too close to each other, using a Tranq. Pistol or Tranq. Rifle probably isn't the best idea. If you want to tranquilise them without being spotted, you'll be able to use Gas Grenades. Throw it near their location and the Gas Grenade will put enemies to sleep after just a few seconds. If you're infiltrating a location, and want to plant traps to take people out non-lethally, you can plant Gas Mines, which will only activate once someone gets near it. These gasses will affect you too unless you have the appropriate Software installed.

Closing Statements
These are just some of the ways that you'll be able to approach situations in Within the Cosmos. There are some things I wanted to cover here that totally fit into these categories (like the Smart Tranq Pistol) but I'd rather leave some stuff strictly for the gameplay video that I'll be recording and releasing in the coming months. Please remember that the game is still in development so some things may change, and things are still being worked on, but I hope you like what you've seen so far!

I'm trying to post a development update (roughly) once a month now, and I hope you'll look forward to reading the next one next month! I will never tire of thanking all of you for your patience, understanding, and support throughout the development process. Thank you so much!

Sunday - February 28, 2021

Within the Cosmos - February Development Update

by Hiddenx, 16:30

Henriquejr spotted February development update for the Scifi-RPG Within the Cosmos:

February 2021: Development Update

Scanning, Hacking, Crime, new GIFs & screenshots!

Hi again everyone! Since the community update I posted in January, I've been really eager to post a more informative community update for all of you, getting more into specifics about the game, rather than just talking about the current state that it's in.

Today, I will be showcasing two important aspects of the game, which are, Scanning Mode & Crime. Each one presented unique challenges for me, but I finally feel like they're both in a place that I am happy with.

Let's start with...

Here's how it works:
Upon entering scanning mode, your weapons will be holstered, and you'll be able to see everything near you that can be hacked, as well as any related upgrades that you've made to your scanner. Hacking can only be done while in scanning mode, and will use up some of your suits energy. How much energy the hacking will use is displayed when you look at the item you want to hack.

Hacking was one aspect I was debating on how to handle while I was developing the game. I wondered if it would be best to have a mix of quickhacks & a hacking mini-game for certain things. I created a few different mini-games for the hacking aspect but none of them ever felt "right" to me. At the end, I decided that hacking should be determined strictly by your characters skill level (skill check), as opposed to it being determined by skill level and then also requiring you to complete a mini-game. So in turn, the only hacking in the game are quickhacks. Here are some of the quickhacks offered in the game:

Some places in the game are restricted, and as expected, these areas have some security measures in place to prevent and catch trespassers. Disabling security cameras in these locations will allow you to pass by the area that the camera is surveilling without being detected.



Information about

Within the Cosmos

Developer: debdev

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: RPG
Combat: Real-time
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· To be announced
· Publisher: debdev