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BioWare - Interview @ CrispyGamer

by Dhruin, 2009-04-22 23:00:08

Is it just me or have their been lots of non-game-specific interviews with the Biodocs, lately?  CrispyGamer has a conversation from GDC with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk discussing "big picture and the little details in BioWare's games":

Narcisse: At a panel I went to at DICE, a THQ exec said that working on better story could be an easier way to earn better Metacritic scores because it gives writers something else to write about. His basic point was that it's cheaper than spending money on the other elements of developing a game. 

Muzyka: That sounds like a comment from someone who hasn't actually done it, because story isn't cheaper. Story's actually more expensive, because it's not superficial. Every aspect of a game has to flow into creating emotional engagement. You have to invest in the world, in the history of the world that a player ever gets to see. It's like an iceberg; it's there and has weight, yet all the players see is this top part. But the top part feels real because of the other stuff under the water. You have to invest in a whole bunch of stuff to make that happen. You have to make sure the characters comment on the world, the exploration, the combat and interactions amongst themselves. You actually multiply the possibility space of what you have to manage and test exponentially, when you add a dimension like deeper story.

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