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BioWare - Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk Interview @ Strategy Informer

by Aries100, 2009-10-21 10:37:46

Strategy Informer did an interview with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, the two co-founders of Bioware. This is the third part of their three part interview series. They talk about where they see the game industry going, how rpg gaming might evolve - and much more. Part of the interview is shown below:

Dakota Grabowski: Where you do see the future of video game technology, whether it be Project Natal, motion-controllers, digital distribution or any variety of other developments that are currently occurring?

Greg Zeschuk: I would agree. Digital is definitely the full future, but it's going to be awhile before we get there. I think it's very interesting as retail is still used as a mechanism to help promote the game and the concept of a launch. A lot of games enjoy a big launch and retail helps roll that out property.

   Thoughts about the future of rpg gaming:

Dakota Grabowski: Where do you see the future of the role-playing genre heading? Do you think Eastern developers will continue to cater to the Western audiences and keep targeting the demographics to sell better here in North America?

Ray Muzyka: I see it broadening. We see it definitely broadening with our games and continually diversify. So we are always trying to add different elements, features, content and continue to expand our definition of a RPG.  

Source: Strategy Informer

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