Bloom - Update #6, Evolving Art
In the sixth update of the Bloom Kickstarter ($13.7K out of an asked $50K) Dani provides more information on how the art has evolved over time.
Hey everyone, Dani here again. For this update I’m going to take you back a bit and give everyone an idea of where Bloom came from artistically and how much it has evolved to what you see today (and is still evolving).
Bloom officially began years ago as two separate graphic novel attempts exploring different ideas and styles. The first was a very short color version (of only 5 pages), and the 2nd was a black and white version that went on to be over 30 pages.
Unofficially, Bloom actually began years before that with various personal projects I had done and I drew elements from them into the Bloom world). An example of this is the golem creature that I had created while working on a cartoon intended for Nickelodeon, and then as Bloom advanced I re-created him to fit into a darker world.
At the point of the graphic novels, the majority of the concept work was actually done while making each page. While this wasn't very effective in terms of design, it set the ground work from which I was able to build from (and many of the ideas you can still see today in one form or another).
After the graphic novels, I found myself with a great body of writing and story-lines along with the solid beginnings of a world. So, in my free time, I continued to refine the ideas and push things further.
Actually, that is a big part of Bloom, the way it changes. Unlike other projects, this one is being lead from the artistic side and the focus on experience and story. Since I am the one doing all of the concept design, writing, and modeling; the game evolves alongside me.
Even in the last week we took another step forward and explored some more styles. We intend to continue this type of exploration and growth as we move forward and in the end should have something truly unique for players to experience. Bloom has never tried to be just “another game”; it is our dedication to really push ourselves beyond the norm to make this something special.
Make sure to check out the update for more artwork.
Information about
BloomSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: Unknown
Release: In development