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Child Of Light - Editorial @ Game Skinny

by Couchpotato, 2014-04-09 05:11:56

Game Skinny's Fathoms_4209 has written a new article for Ubisoft's JRPG Child Of Light were he writes it's, "One of the Most Important Games of 2014."

There are a hundred different ways to kill things in video games these days. And thanks to better technology, the rampant death is more visceral and more realistic with every passing year.

This is why Ubisoft's Child of Light is so critical.

Amid the coarseness, the violence, the questionable content, and the unmitigated, over-the-top brutality, we occasionally get titles that remind us of a different sort of fantasy. These are games that titillate the imagination rather than the senses. They absorb in a way that goes well beyond simple immersion; they tap into different parts of our minds and soul.

To balance out the nastiness that exists in gaming today, I would recommend trying Child of Light when it launches later this month.

Information about

Child Of Light

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Metroidvania RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
