Consortium - Post-Funding Updates #33 &34
Interdimensional Games has a few more short updates for Consortium with news about rewards, and shares a new gameplay trailer.
Full Gameplay Trailer...
We're just going to leave this right here...
THANK-YOU to those of you who posted comments on our Greenlight page. We're in the top 50's out of 1400 games. While that's not bad, lets shoot to get to the 20's by the end of this month!! To do this, we need a LOT more traffic....if you have a Steam account, please visit and drop a comment...
Please share this video with your friends, social networks, etc and help us spread the word!
Think of all the poor sci-fi RPG gamers who have still never heard of us... :-)
Back to the bug killin' and game polishin' grindstone for us!
Some of you may be wondering when the rewards will start being sent out. Well, the creative contribution rewards have all been fulfilled. Many of you fine folks have contributed your awesome ideas to our lore, and it has become much richer because of it. THANK-YOU! Those of you esteemed backers who contributed your photo to be included in the have something new to hunt for when playing, because you are in there now.
As for the non-game contribution rewards, it should be noted that we need to launch the game first before the team is able to start working in earnest on this stuff. That said, the ZENLIL poster / HD wallpaper is almost done. The digital soundtrack won't be released until after the game is publicly available. As for the physical rewards (posters, T-shirts, etc) they will also be given our full attention as soon as the game is released.
Cheers everybody, and on-wards to getting successfully greenlit on STEAM!
-The iDGi team
Information about
ConsortiumSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: Shooter-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released