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Consortium - Update #23 Kickstarter Funded

by Couchpotato, 2013-04-18 21:41:32

Consortium sends news on there kickstarter page that the project is now officially funded.  Congratulations to Interdimensional Games, and any of the Watchers that helped with pledges.

Greetings everyone!

So here we are....the final few hours....WE HAVE SUCCEEDED!!!   The whole team is feeling charged, inspired and more excited than ever to finish and deliver to you all an awesome experience!

We have a special video update for you today.  The following is a rough, visual history of the CONSORTIUM project, from pre-pre-production all the way to the present.  

Other than documentation and concept art, the first bit of work done for CONSORTIUM was an early prototype of Zenlil, which was initially built by Gregory as a rough "proof of concept".  Being a very old-school game designer, Gregory built the entire level with only brushes in the Source engine tool HAMMER.

In each of the three sections of the video, we are showing you various sections of Zenlil in 4 different stages of production:  early prototype v0.01, v0.3 first playable, v0.6 alpha, and the present build, v0.8 late alpha.  Enjoy!

Information about


SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Sci-Fi
Genre: Shooter-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
