Dark Souls - Aggressive Game Mod
If you are looking for an even bigger challenge from Dark Souls modder JITD has released a new mod for you. The new mod puts enemies on intense offense, and causes them to seek you out at all costs.
Hello there, this is a mod I made some time ago but just now it is becoming a little popular. It change the A.I from the monsters, and some npc's from the Dark Souls, and makes them walk into your direction from far away, making the game quite more hard.
A mod made for Dark Souls, it changes include:
- No more invisible barriers for enemies
- Enemies start walking towards you from far away
- Some npc's will follow you around. This is a collateral effect of the mod. It will make a little harder to keep some of them alive.
You will be amaze how much this little changes make the game so much different.
Information about
Dark SoulsSP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released