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Dark Souls - Nightfall Demo 1.2 Released

by Redglyph, 2022-01-25 12:01:26

Wccf Tech announced that a playable demo of fan-made sequel Dark Souls Nightfall had been released.

Playable Demo V 1.2 for Fan-Made Dark Souls Sequel

The team behind the fan-made Dark Souls sequel, Dark Souls Nightfall, has released a playable demo for it - the Dark Souls Nightfall Demo V 1.2.

We’ve covered this rather amazing project on various occasions over the past few years, and although the release of the final version of this mod has been delayed several times, we’re happy to share that a playable demo has been made available for those interested. Nightfall is a direct fan-made sequel to the first Dark Souls and offers a new story, new characters, and new bosses, alongside a new world map. In addition, combat in Nightfall is faster-paced, against a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar foes, with new side-quests and newly voiced NPCs.

“We were originally targeting a release date of December 21, 2021, and then January 21, 2022, but after events at the end of last year, we decided to instead focus on releasing a demo on January 21 and delaying the full release until after Elden Ring”, the team behind the project writes.


The Dark Souls Nightfall demo (version 1.2) can be downloaded through here. Be sure to follow the installation instructions (which are quite easy to follow):

Unzip the downloaded file, run the. EXE file, point to your game executable, and press 1 to install. As you might have guessed, you’ll need to original Dark Souls game in order to play this demo, and this only works with the PC version.

Information about

Dark Souls

SP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
