Dishonored - 6 Ways It Will Save Gaming
The Official Playstation Magazine UK has some hyperbole titled Dishonored: 6 ways it will save gaming, but the pictorial article does highlight some of the strengths of Arkane's game:
It’s a new IP
These are risk-averse times. Triple-A titles are huge investments from a publisher perspective, which is why even relatively unknown franchises like Sniper Elite are more likely to get a sequel than a brand new game is to see the light of day – at least with the former you have some idea of how a game might sell based on previous figures. Blame it on software piracy, sub-prime mortages, etc. And yet, Dishonored exists. It’s been likened to plenty of games, and the big names on the development side have very impressive portfolios, but there’s no number, roman numeral or even pithy subtitle attached to it. And if we all buy it, publishers will see how originality can be a real unit-shifter.
Information about
DishonoredSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Technofantasy
Genre: Shooter-RPG
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Release: Released