Dishonored - Preview, Drunken Whaler and More
An IGN editor writes Why Dishonored is my Most Anticipated Game This Year:
If you’ve been following Dishonored on IGN, you probably read Charles’ “Death at a Dinner Party” adventures earlier this year, in which he crashed a masked ball and caused total chaos, attracting the whole city’s attention by murdering guests and throwing canisters of explosive whale oil at guards. I sat down with the exact same mission recently, and was a bit concerned that I’d have nothing new to write about. How wrong I was.
Everything was different. For me and Charles, literally not one single thing, apart from the mission itself, was the same. This has instantly made Dishonored my most-anticipated game of this year. This is the first game I’ve played since Dark Souls last year that hasn’t patronised or restricted me for one second, instead just pushing a set of tools and powers into my hands with an avuncular wink and leaving me to do what I want with them. It gives you freedom, it gives you options, and it lets you work things out for yourself.
Over at the Bethblog, they've released a full .mp3 The Drunken Whaler, the creepy version of the traditional song and launched a remix competition for the budding music producers out there.
Finally, Dishonored will be a the Eurogamer Expo, so expect more previews at the end of the month.
Information about
DishonoredSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Technofantasy
Genre: Shooter-RPG
Platform: PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Release: Released