Dungeon Guardians - Version 1.0b Released
The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians got its 1.0b release on the 11th.
Thanks, Couch.
I finally found the time & energy to implement the Treasure Hunt within the game !
This is a chained series of riddles, more or less easy, designed mostly to test your memory and your observation skill.
This hunt will bring you a new extra non-combat item, as well as alternate weapons (eg: 2H tank weapon).
Its starting point is in the High Security zone of the prison at the beginning of the game.
Note: it's possible to do it after have reached the last level of the game, but it might be delicate to remember everything needed to solve all the riddles.
There are also other little new GUI features, and small changes & bug fixes.
You can read the details of all updates here : http://steamcommunity.com/app/409450/discussions/0/490123727974362306/ .
Information about
Dungeon GuardiansSP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Dungeon Crawler
Platform: PC
Release: Released