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Krater - DevBlog #1 - The Beasts

by Dhruin, 2012-03-13 23:06:14

The first DevBlog for Krater looks at "the beasts":

Hello there, fellow freediggers and Krater-dwellers.

Finally! The long expected character devblog is ALIVE! I’m Maddy, one of the three-animator-team here at Fatshark and the main animator for Krater. This is the first of a series of posts featuring a specific character or character group from a development perspective. We’ll show you enemies, player characters and NPC’s, a bit of all. No, no. Of course we wont tell you TOO much, I promise we’ll leave out stuff for you to discover on your own.

Me and the character team will show you bits and pieces of our work process, from concept to models, rigs and animation. We’ll share our thoughts and trials and errors, hopefully you’ll find it interesting and who knows, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two? If not then maybe you’ll laugh, point fingers and tell us how to do it better! We want to get you involved in our wonderful world and the making of it. Give us your thoughts and comments, we’re all ears!

This first post will be about the enemy group we like to call The Beasts. Ok, I know what you’re thinking, perhaps somewhat generic. But all games need that first level enemies, right? Doesn’t mean they can’t be awesome ^__^ And yes, they are awesome.

Information about


SP/MP: Unknown
Setting: Post-Apoc
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: Unknown
Release: Released
