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Lord of the Rings Online - Bandits & Brigands @ Official Site

by Inauro, 2007-08-28 23:23:38

The official Lord of the Rings Online site has been updated with a new Creatures of Middle Earth article featuring bandits and brigands.

The wild lands of Eriador are home to men of questionable character, who dwell within the many caves and darkened glens throughout the forests and hills. Lawless rogues all, they roam in search of treasure among the ruins of Arnor, and occasionally waylay wanderers on the roads. While such attacks have been rare in years past, and usually only involved the stealing of a bite of food or a fat coin-purse, recently brigand raids on unwary travellers have dramatically increased.

Source: Turbine Entertainment

Information about

Lord of the Rings Online

SP/MP: Massive
Setting: Fantasy
Platform: PC
Release: Released
