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Lord of the Rings Online - Dev Diary @ Official Site

by Inauro, 2007-01-02 21:17:59

A new developer diary from Cardell "Annuvin" Kerr, Design Director for Lord of the Rings Online, is available at the official site.

After working in the salt mines of Bio-tech, and deciding I wanted to do more with my life than "cure cancer" or some such, I came to work at Turbine. I worked on AC1 as a Content Designer, with some work on the side for AC1: Dark Majesty, and then moved on to work as Systems Lead on AC2 and DDO, and now, Design Director for LOTRO.

Source: Turbine Entertainment

Information about

Lord of the Rings Online

SP/MP: Massive
Setting: Fantasy
Platform: PC
Release: Released
