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Lord of the Rings Online - Preview @ CVG

by Dhruin, 2007-02-16 23:44:22

CVG serves up the latest preview of Lord of the Rings Online and here's a taste:

 There's a real sense of wonderment to some of the environments you see. The Iron Hills (the starting area for dwarves and elves) are a bit like Dun Morogh, gigantic rolling hills of snow and ice but with a very stone-borne feel to them. Unlike WOW, Turbine have gone for a somewhat realistic feeling (as realistic as you can get with dwarves and elves), thus everything has a very immediate 'Wow!' factor to it - and not the Blizzard-made one, either.

Information about

Lord of the Rings Online

SP/MP: Massive
Setting: Fantasy
Platform: PC
Release: Released
