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Scars of War - Planar Geography

by Dhruin, 2008-10-14 23:47:29

A new update on the Scars of War blog, with an in-character lore post:

An Introduction to the Fundamental Nature of Existence and Magic (part 1)

by Professor Murandus, head of the Department of Metaplanar Studies, Torvaire University.

At the heart of all things, at the root of matter, energy, life, death and everything in-between, is Quan. The primordial essence, Quan is the foundation of everything that is, was, or will be.

Yet Quan, being the foundation of everything, is also, itself, nothing. Quan is the fundamental potential, the primal becoming, the foundation of being. The entirety of existence is built upon Quan, yet you could not see Quan, nor taste it, nor hear its sublime song, not with any mortal perception. Only those born with the gift can sense Quan, those we call magi, sorcerers, witches and wizards. And for them it is a double-edged sword.

The existence that mortal men know as “reality”, the solidity of stone underfoot, the wisp of breath in one’s lungs, the sweat on one’s brow in the hot midday sun, all these things that men hold as substantial, tangible, reliable in their natures and properties, all these things are merely some form worn by the Quan like a garment, some shape it has been bent into, a single possibility out of the infinite shapes that Quan can take.

Information about

Scars of War

SP/MP: Unknown
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Cancelled
