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Seven Dragon Saga - Specialties Update

by Couchpotato, 2015-03-20 04:20:14

It has now been two weeks since the Seven Dragon Saga kickstarter has launched, and the game has barely made $98,329 of the games $450,000 goal.

Anyway here is the next update from Lead Designer David Shelley.

Welcome to week two of the campaign. We’re taking all your comments seriously, and looking at ways to improve the campaign, based on your feedback. We really appreciate your dedication!

Where Race give shape to the character, innate toughness, mobility, senses, and link to the mystical; and Class defined the character’s core features; Specialty gives it a final direction. Experimenting with the three pieces is quick and fun, and generates interesting synergies. Here is an overview of the Specialties.

Information about

Seven Dragon Saga

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development
